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Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 2022 Stimulation Microseismic Report
This is a Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32 stimulation microseismic detection and event location report from Silixa LLC. The report covers the digital acoustic sensing (DAS) data acquisition and analysis used to study microseismic events during the April, 2022 stimulations at well 16A(7...
LLC, S. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Sep 26, 2022
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Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Public Lands in geothermal potential area
The dataset is a GIS layer displaying BLM public lands that lie within an area that has geothermal potential. The GIS layer contains .SBX, .XML, .SHX, .DBF (.XLS), .PRJ, .SBN, and .SHP data.
### License Info
Open information
Hill, G. and (BLM), U. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 29, 2014
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National Forest System Lands in geothermal potential area
A GIS layer from the BLM nationwide PEIS of lands within the U.S. National Forest system that contain geothermal potential. The GIS layer contains .SBX, .XML, .SHX, .DBF (.XLS), .PRJ, .SBN, and .SHP data.
### License Info
Made open by BLM.
Hill, G. and (BLM), U. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 29, 2014
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Electrification Futures Study Load Profiles
This data set includes hourly load profiles developed for the Electrification Futures Study (EFS). The load profiles represent projected end-use electricity demand for various scenarios of electrification (Reference, Medium, High) and technology advancement (Slow, Moderate, Rapid)...
Mai. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jan 14, 2020
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9 Resources
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September 2014 Dixie Valley DOE Production Data
Binary Engineering production data. Used to demonstrate the techno-economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant.
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Sep 30, 2014
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NREL U.S. Solar Photovoltaic System Cost Benchmark Q1 2016 Report
Excel data file for the U.S. Solar Photovoltaic System Cost Benchmark Q1 2016 Report
Fu. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 16, 2016
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1 Resources
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Microearthquake Studies at the Salton Sea Geothermal Field
The objective of this project is to detect and locate microearthquakes to aid in the characterization of reservoir fracture networks. Accurate identification and mapping of the large numbers of microearthquakes induced in EGS is one technique that provides diagnostic information w...
Templeton, D. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Oct 01, 2013
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1 Resources
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Geochemistry and paleo-geothermal features Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis in the Great Basin Region, Nevada
This submission contains the geochemistry dataset and paleo-geothermal features (sinter, travertine, tufa) (shapefiles and symbology) used in the Nevada Geothermal Machine Learning project.
A submission linking the full GitHub repository for our machine learning Jupyter Notebooks...
Faulds, J. and Ayling, B. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Nov 01, 2020
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2 Resources
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Petroleum Systems of the San Joaquin Basin Province: Geochemical Characteristics of Gas Types
This dataset supplements Chapter 10 of the USGS paper, _Petroleum Systems of the San Joaquin Basin Province, California_. The dataset contains sample information for natural gases from the San Joaquin Basin, California; there are 81 samples in the dataset. The information was orig...
Hallett, K. and USGS, . National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 30, 2008
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Caldwell Ranch Exploration and Confirmation Project, Northwest Geysers, CA: 2011 Geothermal Technologies Peer Review Project Summary
Caldwell Ranch Exploration and Confirmation Project, Northwest Geysers, CA: 2011 Geothermal Technologies Peer Review Project Summary
The Caldwell Ranch Exploration and Confirmation Project was to drill, test, and confirm the present economic viability of the undeveloped geothermal...
Walters, M. Geysers Power Company, LLC
Jan 01, 2011
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1 Resources
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ALFA Field Testing of a Dual Sonar System for Detecting Woody Debris
Field testing of a dual sonar system for detecting woody debris in natural settings was conducted at the Tanana River Test Site (TRTS) in Nenana, AK between 8/26 and 9/23, 2015. The TRTS is approximately 65 miles south of Fairbanks and is well suited for testing hydrokinetic energ...
Kasper, J. University of Alaska Fairbanks
Apr 11, 2022
16 Resources
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16 Resources
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Eastern Great Basin Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis Report
This is the final report for the second phase of geological, geophysical, and geochemical data collection and processing for the Eastern Great Basin Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis project.
Wannamaker, P. et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jun 01, 2017
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1 Resources
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Lithium Uptake Data of Lithium Imprinted Polymers
Batch tests of lithium imprinted polymers of variable composition to assess their ability to extract lithium from synthetic brines at T = 45 degC. Initial selectivity data are included
Ventura, S. SRI International
Dec 04, 2015
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Radar Recording from PMEC-SETS TRIAXYS Experiment, Offshore of Newport, OR
This is radar data recorded by Oregon State University's Nearshore Remote Sensing Group near the TRIAXYS buoy at PMEC-SETS off the coast of Newport, OR on December 15, 2015.
Pittman, R. Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Dec 15, 2015
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Closed BLM Public Lands: Geothermal Leases Not Permitted
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released a series of GIS layers of public lands closed to geothermal leases (obtaining leases is not permitted in these regions). The various types of closed areas included here are: National Monuments, National Recreation Areas, National C...
Hill, G. and (BLM), U. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 30, 2010
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Contribution of Renewables to World Energy Supply (1971 2008)
OECD Factbook 2010: Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics ISBN 92-64-08356-1 © OECD 2010. [Available directly from the OECD Statistics website (beta version)](,3746,en_2649_201185_46462759_1_1_1_1,00.html "Statistics from A to Z")
Presents ...
Hallett, K. and (OECD), O. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 31, 2009
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Geothermal Life Cycle Calculator
This calculator is a handy tool for interested parties to estimate two key life cycle metrics, fossil energy consumption (Etot) and greenhouse gas emission (ghgtot) ratios, for geothermal electric power production. It is based solely on data developed by Argonne National Laborator...
Sullivan, J. Argonne National Laboratory
Mar 11, 2014
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Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32: Summary of Drilling Activities
This is a 74 page detailed summary of the drilling activities of Utah FORGE 16A(78)-32, a highly deviated well completed on February 2nd, 2021, as part of the Utah FORGE project. This well was deviated at 65 degrees from vertical after reaching 6000 feet in depth had a total measu...
Winkler, D. et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Mar 20, 2021
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Value of Information References
This file contains a list of relevant references on value of information (VOI) in RIS format. VOI provides a quantitative analysis to evaluate the outcome of the combined technologies (seismology, hydrology, geodesy) used to monitor Brady's Geothermal Field.
Morency, C. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Dec 12, 2014
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Community Geothermal: Connecticut Workforce Needs Assessment Report and Data
Included here is a geothermal industry workforce needs assessment report for Connecticut. As part of the DOE-funded Community Geothermal Heating and Cooling Design and Deployment grant, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership (NEEP) conducted several online surveys to gain a bett...
Macpherson, C. et al Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP)
Jan 22, 2024
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Alternative Geothermal Power Production Scenarios
The information given in this file pertains to Argonne life-cycle analyses (LCAs) of the plant cycle stage for a set of ten new geothermal scenario pairs, each comprised of a reference and improved case. These analyses were conducted to compare environmental performances among the...
Sullivan, J. Argonne National Laboratory
Mar 14, 2014
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1 Resources
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Fallon FORGE: Fluid Geochemistry
Fluid geochemistry analysis for wells supporting the Fallon FORGE project. Samples were collected from geothermal wells using standard geothermal water sampling techniques, including filtration and acidification of the cation sample to pH < 2 prior to geochemical analysis. Analyse...
Blankenship, D. and Ayling, B. Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 13, 2018
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GeoVision Barriers Taskforce
This submission includes papers, presentations, and data developed during the multi-year GeoVision Barriers Taskforce effort.
Developers have identified many non-technical barriers to geothermal power development, including land access, permitting, and market barriers. Included i...
Young, K. and Levine, A. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2015
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5 Resources
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SiC Diode Test Data
Fabricated SiC diodes are tested in the temperature range of 300 degrees C to 600 degrees C.
Gilbert, G. Sandia National Laboratories
Aug 01, 2014
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Land use requirements for ground-mounted solar power facilities.
This dataset is part of a larger internal dataset at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) that explores various characteristics of large solar electric (both PV and CSP) facilities around the United States. This dataset focuses on the land use characteristics for solar ...
Ong, S. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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