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Radar Recording from PMEC-SETS TRIAXYS Experiment, Offshore of Newport, OR

Publicly accessible License 

This is radar data recorded by Oregon State University's Nearshore Remote Sensing Group near the TRIAXYS buoy at PMEC-SETS off the coast of Newport, OR on December 15, 2015.

Citation Formats

Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center. (2015). Radar Recording from PMEC-SETS TRIAXYS Experiment, Offshore of Newport, OR [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1460372.
Export Citation to RIS
Pittman, Randall, and . Radar Recording from PMEC-SETS TRIAXYS Experiment, Offshore of Newport, OR. United States: N.p., 15 Dec, 2015. Web. doi: 10.15473/1460372.
Pittman, Randall, & . Radar Recording from PMEC-SETS TRIAXYS Experiment, Offshore of Newport, OR. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1460372
Pittman, Randall, and . 2015. "Radar Recording from PMEC-SETS TRIAXYS Experiment, Offshore of Newport, OR". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1460372. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/138.
@div{oedi_7827, title = {Radar Recording from PMEC-SETS TRIAXYS Experiment, Offshore of Newport, OR}, author = {Pittman, Randall, and .}, abstractNote = {This is radar data recorded by Oregon State University's Nearshore Remote Sensing Group near the TRIAXYS buoy at PMEC-SETS off the coast of Newport, OR on December 15, 2015.}, doi = {10.15473/1460372}, url = {https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/138}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2015}, month = {12}}


Data from Dec 15, 2015

Last updated Jul 20, 2020

Submitted Aug 2, 2016


Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center


Randall Pittman



Randall Pittman

Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center

DOE Project Details

Project Name Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center

Project Lead Tim Ramsey

Project Number GO18179


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