Triggered MEQ Events on LBNL Permanent Seismic Array, Brady's EGS, March 2016
List of triggered events recorded on LBNL's permanent EGS seismic array at Brady's geothermal field. This submission also includes links to the NCEDC EGS Earthquake Catalog Search page and to the metadata for the seismic array installed at Brady's Geothermal Field.
Citation Formats
University of Wisconsin. (2016). Triggered MEQ Events on LBNL Permanent Seismic Array, Brady's EGS, March 2016 [data set]. Retrieved from
Robertson, Michelle, and . Triggered MEQ Events on LBNL Permanent Seismic Array, Brady's EGS, March 2016. United States: N.p., 01 Jun, 2016. Web. doi: 10.15121/1368358.
Robertson, Michelle, & . Triggered MEQ Events on LBNL Permanent Seismic Array, Brady's EGS, March 2016. United States.
Robertson, Michelle, and . 2016. "Triggered MEQ Events on LBNL Permanent Seismic Array, Brady's EGS, March 2016". United States.
@div{oedi_7052, title = {Triggered MEQ Events on LBNL Permanent Seismic Array, Brady's EGS, March 2016}, author = {Robertson, Michelle, and .}, abstractNote = {List of triggered events recorded on LBNL's permanent EGS seismic array at Brady's geothermal field. This submission also includes links to the NCEDC EGS Earthquake Catalog Search page and to the metadata for the seismic array installed at Brady's Geothermal Field.}, doi = {10.15121/1368358}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {06}}
Data from Jun 1, 2016
Last updated May 20, 2024
Submitted Oct 14, 2016
University of Wisconsin
Michelle Robertson
Original Source Areas
geothermal, PoroTomo, EGS, seismic monitoring, seismic network, seismicity, microseismicity, induced seismicity, MEQ, Brady, Bradys geothermal field, Bradys Hot Springs, earthquake catalog, earthquake, stimulation, geophysics, geophysical, seismicDOE Project Details
Project Name PoroTomo Project
Project Lead Elisabet Metcalfe
Project Number EE0006760