Direct-Drive Electrical Generator and PTO System for Flap-type Wave Energy Converters
Project and generator specifications and initial prototype test data for flap-type wave energy converters (WEC)
Citation Formats
ABB Inc.. (2015). Direct-Drive Electrical Generator and PTO System for Flap-type Wave Energy Converters [data set]. Retrieved from
Englebretson, Steven, and . Direct-Drive Electrical Generator and PTO System for Flap-type Wave Energy Converters. United States: N.p., 20 Mar, 2015. Web.
Englebretson, Steven, & . Direct-Drive Electrical Generator and PTO System for Flap-type Wave Energy Converters. United States.
Englebretson, Steven, and . 2015. "Direct-Drive Electrical Generator and PTO System for Flap-type Wave Energy Converters". United States.
@div{oedi_7758, title = {Direct-Drive Electrical Generator and PTO System for Flap-type Wave Energy Converters}, author = {Englebretson, Steven, and .}, abstractNote = {Project and generator specifications and initial prototype test data for flap-type wave energy converters (WEC)}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2015}, month = {03}}
Data from Mar 20, 2015
Last updated Jul 1, 2020
Submitted Jul 29, 2015
ABB Inc.
Steven Englebretson
Original Source Areas
MHK, Marine, Hydrokinetic, energy, power, direct drive, generator, surge, WEC, Flap, flap-type, wave energy converters, wave, direct-drive, oscillating, converter, specs, specifications, prototype, test, performance evaluation, lab test, steady state lumped parameter analysis, tooth wound, stator, 300 rpm, technology, surge converter, ABB, stator generator, pole modulated, back EMF, accelerometer, ANSYS, load, steady state, lumped parameter, Simulink, Matlab, resistive load, torque, efficiency, torque volume density, torque weight density, shear stress, PTO, CAD, flap angle, flap power, calculations, modeling, testingDOE Project Details
Project Name Advanced Direct-Drive Generator for Improved Availability of Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Power Generation Systems
Project Lead Alison LaBonte
Project Number EE0006400