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Excavationless Exterior Foundation Insulation Field Study Minnesota
The NorthernSTAR Building America Partnership team implemented an innovative, minimally invasive foundation insulation upgrade technique on an existing home. The approach consisted of using hydrovac excavation technology combined with a liquid insulating foam. Two houses were orig...
Jacobson, R. et al University of Minnesota NorthernSTAR Building America Partnership
Apr 27, 2016
11 Resources
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11 Resources
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NorthernSTAR 1.5-Story Demonstration House of Cold Climate Solutions for Affordable Housing
This is a NorthernSTAR renovation project for Urban Homeworks incorporating installation of a combination space and water heater, Overcoat insulation retrofit on the roof, and Excavationless foundation insulation retrofit.
STRUCTURE 1401 North 16th Ave Minneapolis, MN 55411
Jacobson, R. et al University of Minnesota NorthernSTAR Building America Partnership
Apr 27, 2016
12 Resources
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12 Resources
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NorthernSTAR Project Overcoat: Exterior Insulation Strategies for 1.5-Story Roof Applications in Cold Climates
This is a repository for all NorthernSTAR Overcoat insulation retrofit projects. Both houses received Overcoat insulation retrofit on roof only, performed by Cocoon Insulation.
1 St. Louis Park house St. Louis Park, MN
2 Edina house Edina, MN
In this second study, the team wishe...
Jacobson, R. et al University of Minnesota NorthernSTAR Building America Partnership
Apr 27, 2016
10 Resources
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10 Resources
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New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Exterior Building Solutions To Insulation
TO4 8.2.2: Space Cond. for Deep Energy Retrofits
The purpose of this project for the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is to find new or improved strategies for exterior building solutions in regard to insulation that will provide extensive energy...
Beach, R. et al Ibacos Innovation
Apr 27, 2016
14 Resources
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14 Resources
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Field Testing of an Unvented Roof with Fibrous Insulation, Tiles, and Vapor Diffusion Venting
BSC TO5 Task 2.5 Field Testing of an Un-vented Roof with Fibrous Insulation and Tiles Winter Park, FL 32789
Field test data available for wood moisture contents, temperature, and relative humidity.
Un-vented roofs (aka cathedral-ized attics) are an established presence in Florida...
Ueno, K. and Lstiburek, J. Building Science Corporation
Apr 27, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Measure Guideline: Deep Energy Enclosure Retrofit for Interior Insulation of Masonry Walls and Flat Roofs
Measure Guideline: Deep Energy Enclosure Retrofit for Zero Energy Ready House Flat Roofs
BSC TO5 Task 7.4 Deep Energy Enclosure Retrofit (DEER) for Interior Insulation of Masonry Walls
Lawrence, MA 01840
This Measure Guideline describes a deep energy enclosure retrofit solution ...
Musunuru, S. et al Building Science Corporation
Apr 27, 2016
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Monitoring of Double-Stud Wall Moisture Conditions in the Northeast
BSC TO5 Task 2.2 Monitoring of Double Stud Wall Moisture Conditions in the Northeast
Field test data available for wood moisture contents, temperature, and relative humidity.
STRUCTURE House Devens, MA 01432
Three double-stud assemblies were compared: 12-in. ocSPF, 12-in. cellulo...
Ueno, K. Building Science Corporation
Apr 27, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Field Testing Unvented Roofs with Asphalt Shingles in Cold and Hot-humid Climates
BSC TO5 Task 7.1 Field Testing Unvented Roofs with Asphalt Shingles in Cold Climates Bolingbrook, IL 60440
BSC TO5 Task 7.1 Field Testing Unvented Roofs with Asphalt Shingles in Hot-Humid Climates Friendswood, TX 77546
To understand the long-term moisture performance of unvented ...
Ueno, K. and Lstiburek, J. Building Science Corporation
Apr 27, 2016
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Analysis of Joist Masonry Moisture Content Monitoring
BSC TO5 Task 7.2 Analysis of Joist Masonry Moisture Content Monitoring
House Lawrence, MA 01840
This work involved the field monitoring of embedded wood joist ends in a solid brick building in zone 5A that was retrofitted with interior insulation. Eleven joists throughout the bui...
Ueno, K. Building Science Corporation
Apr 27, 2016
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Hourly Dynamic Line Ratings for Existing Transmission Across the Contiguous United States (Preliminary)
This dataset provides estimated hourly dynamic line ratings for ~84,000 transmission lines across the contiguous United States from 2007-2013. The calculation methods are described in the presentation linked below, and the associated open-source Python code repository is linked in...
Obika, K. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 25, 2024
16 Resources
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16 Resources
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The Performance House: A Cold Climate Challenge Home Old Greenwich
Working with builder partners on test homes allows for vetting of whole-house building strategies to eliminate any potential unintended consequences prior to implementing these solution packages on a production scale. To support this research, the Consortium for Advanced Residenti...
Williamson, J. et al Steven Winter Associates of the Consortium for Advanced Residential Buildings
Apr 27, 2016
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Public Housing: A Tailored Approach to Energy Retrofits Raleigh
More than 1 million U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-supported public housing units provide rental housing for eligible low-income families across the country. These units range from scattered single-family houses to high-rise apartments. In this project, the Advan...
Dentz, J. et al The Levy Partnership, Inc Systems Building Research Alliance
Apr 27, 2016
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Retrofitting a 1960s Split-Level Cold-Climate Home
The U.S. Department of Energy Building America research team Consortium for Advanced Residential Buildings (CARB) partnered with Preferred Builders, a previous CARB partner and builder of the Performance House (DOE 2013) and the owners of a 1960s split-level home in Westport, Conn...
Puttagunta, S. Steven Winter Associates of the Consortium for Advanced Residential Buildings
Apr 27, 2016
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Impact of uncoordinated plug-in electric vehicle charging on residential power demand supplementary data
This data set is provided in support of a forthcoming paper: "Impact of uncoordinated plug-in electric vehicle charging on residential power demand," [1].
These files include electricity demand profiles for 200 households randomly selected among the ones available in the 2009 R...
MuratoriNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 13, 2017
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Performance and Costs of Ductless Heat Pumps in Marine-Climate High-Performance Homes Habitat for Humanity The Woods
The Washington State University (WSU) Energy Program's Building America (BA) team conducted a case study of a high-performance affordable housing community: The Woods (Figure 1). This BA effort is part of a larger-scale study of 30 homes funded from 2013-2016 by Tacoma Public Util...
Lubliner, M. et al Washington State University
Apr 27, 2016
8 Resources
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8 Resources
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Community-Scale Attic Retrofit and Home Energy Upgrade Data Mining Hot Dry Climate
Retrofitting is an essential element of any comprehensive strategy for improving residential energy efficiency. The residential retrofit market is still developing, and program managers must develop innovative strategies to increase uptake and promote economies of scale. Residenti...
Jackson, J. et al Davis Energy
Apr 27, 2016
46 Resources
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46 Resources
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Mini-Split Heat Pump Evaluation and Zero Energy Ready Home Support
This project was created from a partnership between the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Building America research team, IBACOS, Inc., and a production builder of high-performance homes called Imagine Homes, which is located in San Antonio, Texas-a hot-humid climate. The primar...
Rapport, A. and Herk, A. Ibacos Innovation
Apr 27, 2016
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Modular Zero Energy Ready Homes: Bright Built Maine
Kaplan Thompson Architects (KTA) has specialized in sustainable, energy-efficient buildings, and they have designed several custom, zero-energy homes in New England. These zero-energy projects have generally been high-end, custom homes with budgets that could accommodate advanced ...
Aldrich, R. and Butterfield, K. Steven Winter Associates of the Consortium for Advanced Residential Buildings
Apr 27, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Sacramento Deep Energy Retrofit (DER) Home Study
This project was part of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Deep Energy Retrofit (DER) Project which included several other homes in addition to the the subject of this study. Some of the reports and presentations included in this dataset cover the whole DER project....
Keesee, M. Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Aug 10, 2016
8 Resources
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8 Resources
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Greenbuilt Construction Energy Efficiency Retrofit House Demonstration Sacramento
One of the homes that was part of Sacramento Municipal Utility District's (SMUD) Energy Efficiency Retrofit Demonstration (EERD) project was a 1980's era home in Fair Oaks, California, referred to as the Greenbuilt house, as Greenbuilt Construction completed the retrofit of the h...
Sparn, B. et al Mountain Energy Partnership
Aug 27, 2018
8 Resources
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8 Resources
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NorthernStar Zero Energy Ready Homes
This is a repository for all NorthernSTAR Zero Energy Ready certified homes.
Amaris Homes Model Home St. Paul, MN 55110
Description: Model home completed September 2013
The DOE Zero Energy Ready Home Case Study looks to study and eventually design zero net energy homes in cold we...
Huelman, P. University of Minnesota NorthernSTAR Building America Partnership
Apr 27, 2016
20 Resources
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20 Resources
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