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Mini-Split Heat Pump Evaluation and Zero Energy Ready Home Support

Publicly accessible License 

This project was created from a partnership between the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Building America research team, IBACOS, Inc., and a production builder of high-performance homes called Imagine Homes, which is located in San Antonio, Texas-a hot-humid climate. The primary purpose of this project was to evaluate the performance of a multihead mini-split heat pump (MSHP) space-conditioning system in maintaining uniform comfort in an occupied test house.

My Design - PV: Test house design characteristics, with installed PV system
DESIGN - Occupied Test House with PV: Design used for one occupied test house including PV
STRUCTURE - Platinum Court San Antonio, TX: Occupied test house in 2013

Citation Formats

Ibacos Innovation. (2016). Mini-Split Heat Pump Evaluation and Zero Energy Ready Home Support [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.25984/2204237.
Export Citation to RIS
Rapport, Ari, and Herk, Anastasia. Mini-Split Heat Pump Evaluation and Zero Energy Ready Home Support. United States: N.p., 27 Apr, 2016. Web. doi: 10.25984/2204237.
Rapport, Ari, & Herk, Anastasia. Mini-Split Heat Pump Evaluation and Zero Energy Ready Home Support. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.25984/2204237
Rapport, Ari, and Herk, Anastasia. 2016. "Mini-Split Heat Pump Evaluation and Zero Energy Ready Home Support". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.25984/2204237. https://data.openei.org/submissions/5270.
@div{oedi_5270, title = {Mini-Split Heat Pump Evaluation and Zero Energy Ready Home Support}, author = {Rapport, Ari, and Herk, Anastasia.}, abstractNote = {This project was created from a partnership between the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Building America research team, IBACOS, Inc., and a production builder of high-performance homes called Imagine Homes, which is located in San Antonio, Texas-a hot-humid climate. The primary purpose of this project was to evaluate the performance of a multihead mini-split heat pump (MSHP) space-conditioning system in maintaining uniform comfort in an occupied test house.

My Design - PV: Test house design characteristics, with installed PV system
DESIGN - Occupied Test House with PV: Design used for one occupied test house including PV
STRUCTURE - Platinum Court San Antonio, TX: Occupied test house in 2013}, doi = {10.25984/2204237}, url = {https://data.openei.org/submissions/5270}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {04}}


Data from Apr 27, 2016

Last updated Nov 1, 2023

Submitted Apr 27, 2016


Ibacos Innovation


Ari Rapport


Ari Rapport

Ibacos Innovation

Anastasia Herk

Ibacos Innovation

DOE Project Details

Project Name Building America

Project Number FY16 AOP


Submission Downloads