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UAE6 Wind Tunnel Tests Data UAE6 Sequence K Raw Data
Sequence K: Step AOA, Probes (P)
This sequence was designed to quantify the 3-D blade static angle-of-attack response in the
presence of rotational influences by varying the blade pitch angle. Sequence K used an upwind,
rigid turbine with a 0° cone angle. The wind ...
Fingersh, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Nov 27, 2018
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UAE6 Wind Tunnel Tests Data UAE6 Sequence L Raw Data
Sequence L: Step AOA, Parked (P)
This sequence was designed to quantify the 3-D blade static angle-of-attack response in the
absence of rotational influences by varying the blade pitch angle. This test sequence used an
upwind, rigid turbine with a 0° cone angle. Wi...
Fingersh, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Nov 28, 2018
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Wind Turbine / Reviewed Data
The SUMR-D CART2 turbine data are recorded by the CART2 wind turbine's supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system for the Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy (ARPA-E) SUMR-D project located at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Flatir...
Scholbrock, A. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Oct 04, 2019
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UAE6 Wind Tunnel Tests Data UAE6 Sequence E Raw Data
Sequence E: Yaw Releases (P)
This test sequence used a downwind, rigid turbine with a 3.4° cone angle. The wind speeds
ranged from 7 m/s to 17 m/s. Initial yaw angles of ±90° were achieved. The blade tip pitch was
3°. The rotor rotated at 72 RPM. Blade and probe...
Fingersh, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Nov 27, 2018
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UAE6 Wind Tunnel Tests Data UAE6 Sequence R Raw Data
Sequence R: Step AOA, No Probes (P)
This sequence was designed to quantify the effect of the five-hole probes on the 3-D blade static
angle-of-attack response in the presence of rotational influences by repeating Sequence K without
five-hole probes. This test sequen...
Fingersh, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Nov 28, 2018
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Develop and verify soil/structure interaction for pile/foundation interaction
Phase II of the Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration, Continued, with Correlation and unCertainty (OC6) project was used to verify the implementation of a new soil-structure interaction (SSI) model for use within offshore wind turbine modeling software. The REDWIN...
Robertson, A. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jun 02, 2022
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Buoy California Wind Sentinel (130), Morro Bay Processed Data
The purpose of the dataset is to provide preliminary filtered, averaged buoy data and standardize the data format of various data streams from the buoy into NetCDF. The attached Lidar Buoy Data Dictionary provides further details on the various instruments mounted o...
Krishnamurthy, R. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jan 04, 1980
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Lidar California Leosphere Windcube 866 (130), Morro Bay Processed Data
The purpose of this dataset is to provide preliminary filtered, averaged lidar data and standardize the data format of various data streams from the buoy into NetCDF. The attached Lidar Buoy Data Dictionary provides further details on the various instruments mounted...
Krishnamurthy, R. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Sep 28, 2020
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Buoy California Wind Sentinel (120), Humboldt Processed Data
The purpose of the dataset is to provide preliminary filtered, averaged lidar data and standardize the data format of various datastreams from the buoy into NetCDF. The attached Lidar Buoy Data Dictionary provides further details on the various instruments mounted on...
Krishnamurthy, R. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jan 04, 1980
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Lidar California Leosphere Windcube 866 (120), Humboldt Processed Data
The purpose of this dataset is to provide preliminary filtered, averaged lidar data and standardize the data format of various datastreams from the buoy into NetCDF.
**Data Quality**
Standard filtering thresholds on the averaged data were applied and several data f...
Krishnamurthy, R. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Oct 07, 2020
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Sodar ND Scintec MFAS Wind Profiler with RASS, Rufus Raw Data
The data provide vertical mean profiles of wind and temperature.
**Data Details**
* Data averaged over an interval of 30 minutes.
* Time stamp is included in each data file.
* Location: John Day/Rufus Water Treatment Plant (45.690842,-120.745751).
* Site Elevat...
Fernando, J. et al Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Dec 01, 2015
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Surface Meteorological Station PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-10 Reviewed Data
This dataset provides fast response wind and virtual sonic temperature data.
**Data Details**
Each meteorological (met) station has one sonic anemometer (Gill R3-50, omnidirectional) mounted on top of a 10-m tower. Sensor verticality (within a degree) has been veri...
Pekour, M. and Berg, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 31, 2016
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Surface Meteorological Station PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-10 Raw Data
This dataset provides fast response wind and virtual sonic temperature data.
**Data Details**
Each meteorological (met) station has one sonic anemometer (Gill R3-50, omnidirectional) mounted on top of a 10-m tower. Sensor verticality (within a degree) has been veri...
Pekour, M. and Berg, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 31, 2016
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Surface Meteorological Station PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-4 Raw Data
This dataset provides fast response wind and virtual sonic temperature data.
**Data Details**
Each meteorological (met) station has one sonic anemometer (Gill R3-50, omnidirectional) mounted on top of a 10-m tower. Sensor verticality (within a degree) has been veri...
Pekour, M. and Berg, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 31, 2016
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-4 Reviewed Data
This dataset provides fast response wind and virtual sonic temperature data.
**Data Details**
Each meteorological (met) station has one sonic anemometer (Gill R3-50, omnidirectional) mounted on top of a 10-m tower. Sensor verticality (within a degree) has been veri...
Pekour, M. and Berg, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 31, 2016
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Surface Meteorological Station PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-5 Raw Data
This dataset provides fast response wind and virtual sonic temperature data.
**Data Details**
Each meteorological (met) station has one sonic anemometer (Gill R3-50, omnidirectional) mounted on top of a 10-m tower. Sensor verticality (within a degree) has been veri...
Pekour, M. and Berg, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 31, 2016
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Surface Meteorological Station PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-5 Reviewed Data
This dataset provides fast response wind and virtual sonic temperature data.
**Data Details**
Each meteorological (met) station has one sonic anemometer (Gill R3-50, omnidirectional) mounted on top of a 10-m tower. Sensor verticality (within a degree) has been veri...
Pekour, M. and Berg, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 31, 2016
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Lidar LLNL WindCube V2, Vansycle Ridge BPA Tower Reviewed Data
Data submission for WFIP2 at Vansycle Ridge (Oregon).
Vertical-profiling lidar data from a Wind Cube v2, included 10-minute averages of wind speed and wind direction up to 200 m. Data collected during WFIP2.
**Data Details**
Z-wind has the following notation:
Wharton, S. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 08, 2016
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NWTC Ceilometer (1) Pre-campaign / Raw Data
This instrument will be testing the data transfer process pre-before deploying the campaign. The netCDF L1 data file contains level 1 (L1) data from the ceilometer.
**Data Quality**
Raw data from ceilometer
Hamilton, N. and Zalkind, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Sep 20, 2018
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NWTC Ceilometer (1) Pre-campaign / Derived Data
This instrument will be testing the data transfer process before deploying the campaign.
The netCDF L3 data file has level 3 (L3) data that have gone through the calculation service and contains all the data from the algorithms, including mixing layer height values ...
Hamilton, N. and Zalkind, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Sep 20, 2018
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Lidar LLNL ZephIR Profiler, Arlington Airport Reviewed Data
These are 10-min averaged data from a vertical-profiling ZephIR 300 lidar.
Data collected at the Arlington airport for the WFIP2 project.
March 10, 2016 April 1, 2017
**Data Details**
1 Hz data are available from:
**Data Quality**
Instrument ...
Wharton, S. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 09, 2016
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Surface Meteorological Station PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-5 Derived Data
This set provides estimation of the turbulent fluxes obtained with EddyPro v6.2.0 software (15-min averaging).
**Data Details**
Each meteorological station had one sonic anemometer (Gill R3-50, omnidirectional) mounted on top of a 10-m tower. Sensor verticality (w...
Pekour, M. and Berg, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Apr 01, 2016
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Surface Meteorological Station PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-4 Derived Data
This set provides estimation of the turbulent fluxes obtained with EddyPro v6.2.0 software (15-min averaging).
**Data Details**
Each meteorological station had one sonic anemometer (Gill R3-50, omnidirectional) mounted on top of a 10-m tower. Sensor verticality (w...
Pekour, M. and Berg, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 31, 2016
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-10 Derived Data
This set provides estimation of the turbulent fluxes obtained with EddyPro v6.2.0 software (15-min averaging).
**Data Details**
Each meteorological station had one sonic anemometer (Gill R3-50, omnidirectional) mounted on top of a 10-m tower. Sensor verticality (w...
Pekour, M. and Berg, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 31, 2016
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Lidar California Leosphere Windcube 866 (120), Humboldt Raw Data
Deployment off the coast of Humboldt, California
**Data Details**
Windcube Data Files:
Gorton, A. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Oct 01, 2020
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