Surface Meteorological Station - PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-4 - Raw Data
This dataset provides fast response wind and virtual sonic temperature data.
**Data Details**
Each meteorological (met) station has one sonic anemometer (Gill R3-50, omnidirectional) mounted on top of a 10-m tower. Sensor verticality (within a degree) has been verified by the analog inclinometer mounted on the base plate alongside the sonic anemometer. The sonic anemometer has been oriented to magnetic North.
The serial data stream is transmitted via radio link (9XTend RF modem by MaxStream) to the data acquisition computer housed in a temperature-controlled enclosure at the base of the 80-m tower.
The original data were stored in flat ASCII files in 30-min pieces (".00." level). The current version of the data is ".a0." level. All evidently erroneous and/or broken lines were marked as bad and/or replaced with a "baddata" place holder, the housekeeping data were stripped off, and the data were split into 5-min portions with no internal time stamp. The data have been prepared for processing with EddyPro and stored in ASCII comma delimited files formatted as follows:
* "u, v, w" are the three wind components (m/s)
* "T" is the sonic virtual temperature (C)
* "qc" is basic quality control code: 0 - OK, 1 - sonic bad data code, 2 - broken data line, and 3 - missed line.
Baddata place holder is 99.99
**NOTE**: No attempt has been made to fill gaps in the data.
**Data Quality**
* Includes raw data with basic quality control (QC) applied.
* All housekeeping fields removed.
Citation Formats
Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO). (2016). Surface Meteorological Station - PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-4 - Raw Data [data set]. Retrieved from
Pekour, Mikhail, and Berg, Larry. Surface Meteorological Station - PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-4 - Raw Data. United States: N.p., 01 Apr, 2016. Web. doi: 10.21947/1329254.
Pekour, Mikhail, & Berg, Larry. Surface Meteorological Station - PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-4 - Raw Data. United States.
Pekour, Mikhail, and Berg, Larry. 2016. "Surface Meteorological Station - PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-4 - Raw Data". United States.
@div{oedi_4401, title = {Surface Meteorological Station - PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-4 - Raw Data}, author = {Pekour, Mikhail, and Berg, Larry.}, abstractNote = {**Overview**
This dataset provides fast response wind and virtual sonic temperature data.
**Data Details**
Each meteorological (met) station has one sonic anemometer (Gill R3-50, omnidirectional) mounted on top of a 10-m tower. Sensor verticality (within a degree) has been verified by the analog inclinometer mounted on the base plate alongside the sonic anemometer. The sonic anemometer has been oriented to magnetic North.
The serial data stream is transmitted via radio link (9XTend RF modem by MaxStream) to the data acquisition computer housed in a temperature-controlled enclosure at the base of the 80-m tower.
The original data were stored in flat ASCII files in 30-min pieces (".00." level). The current version of the data is ".a0." level. All evidently erroneous and/or broken lines were marked as bad and/or replaced with a "baddata" place holder, the housekeeping data were stripped off, and the data were split into 5-min portions with no internal time stamp. The data have been prepared for processing with EddyPro and stored in ASCII comma delimited files formatted as follows:
* "u, v, w" are the three wind components (m/s)
* "T" is the sonic virtual temperature (C)
* "qc" is basic quality control code: 0 - OK, 1 - sonic bad data code, 2 - broken data line, and 3 - missed line.
Baddata place holder is 99.99
**NOTE**: No attempt has been made to fill gaps in the data.
**Data Quality**
* Includes raw data with basic quality control (QC) applied.
* All housekeeping fields removed.}, doi = {10.21947/1329254}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {04}}
Data from Apr 1, 2016
Last updated Mar 27, 2020
Submitted Oct 15, 2016
Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mikhail Pekour
Original Source Areas
a2e, atmosphere to electrons, wind, weto, eere, wfip2, Wind Forecast Improvement Project 2, Surface Meteorological Station, PNNL 10m Sonic, Physics site-4, Raw Data, met, z09, 00DOE Project Details
Project Name Wind Data Hub
Project Number 67025