Lidar - California - Leosphere Windcube 866 (120), Humboldt - Processed Data
The purpose of this dataset is to provide preliminary filtered, averaged lidar data and standardize the data format of various datastreams from the buoy into NetCDF.
**Data Quality**
Standard filtering thresholds on the averaged data were applied and several data format issues of the raw data were streamlined to create a standardized NetCDF format data.
The uncertainty of lidar data has not been analyzed, but they are not expected to deviate from instrument technical specifications.
Citation Formats
Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO). (2020). Lidar - California - Leosphere Windcube 866 (120), Humboldt - Processed Data [data set]. Retrieved from
Krishnamurthy, Raghavendra, and . Lidar - California - Leosphere Windcube 866 (120), Humboldt - Processed Data. United States: N.p., 08 Oct, 2020. Web. doi: 10.21947/1783809.
Krishnamurthy, Raghavendra, & . Lidar - California - Leosphere Windcube 866 (120), Humboldt - Processed Data. United States.
Krishnamurthy, Raghavendra, and . 2020. "Lidar - California - Leosphere Windcube 866 (120), Humboldt - Processed Data". United States.
@div{oedi_4151, title = {Lidar - California - Leosphere Windcube 866 (120), Humboldt - Processed Data}, author = {Krishnamurthy, Raghavendra, and .}, abstractNote = {**Overview**
The purpose of this dataset is to provide preliminary filtered, averaged lidar data and standardize the data format of various datastreams from the buoy into NetCDF.
**Data Quality**
Standard filtering thresholds on the averaged data were applied and several data format issues of the raw data were streamlined to create a standardized NetCDF format data.
The uncertainty of lidar data has not been analyzed, but they are not expected to deviate from instrument technical specifications.}, doi = {10.21947/1783809}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2020}, month = {10}}
Data from Oct 8, 2020
Last updated Jul 25, 2022
Submitted May 19, 2021
Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Raghavendra Krishnamurthy
Original Source Areas
a2e, atmosphere to electrons, wind, weto, eere, buoy, Offshore Wind Energy - Buoy Lidar Project, Lidar, California, Leosphere Windcube 866 (120), Humboldt, Processed Data, z05, lidar, a0DOE Project Details
Project Name Wind Data Hub
Project Number 67025