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March 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Monthly Production Data for the Bottoming Cycle Binary System
Generation Data for March, 2014. Used to demonstrate the techno-economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant. Data includes Brine Flow, Brine Return Temperature, Brine Supply Temperature, Generation Out...
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Mar 31, 2014
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April 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Production Data
Generation data associated with binary unit. Used to demonstrate the techno-economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant.
*Note This data is incomplete. See link "Monthly Production Data September 2014...
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Apr 30, 2014
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2 Resources
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February 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Production Data
Dixie Valley Binary Plant data points for January March 6 2014. Used to demonstrate the techno-economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant. Data includes Brine Flow, Brine Return Temperature, Brine Sup...
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Mar 10, 2014
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2 Resources
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Transported Geothermal Energy Technoeconomic Screening Tool Calculation Engine
This calculation engine estimates technoeconomic feasibility for transported geothermal energy projects.
The TGE screening tool (geotool.exe) takes input from input file (input.txt), and list results into output file (output.txt). Both the input and ouput files are in the same f...
Liu, X. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Sep 21, 2016
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Sedimentary Geothermal Feasibility in Nevada, Western Utah, Colorado, and the Gulf Coast Region of Texas Final Report
The objectives of this project were to (1) perform a literature review of sedimentary geothermal resources, (2) identify data sources and develop data-collection methodologies that characterize selected resources, (3) screen sedimentary basins and formations for sedimentary geothe...
Johnston, H. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 01, 2020
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Appalachian Basin Temperature-Depth Maps and Structured Data in support of Feasibility Study of Direct District Heating for the Cornell Campus Utilizing Deep Geothermal Energy
This dataset contains shapefiles and rasters that summarize the results of a stochastic analysis of temperatures at depth in the Appalachian Basin states of New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. This analysis provides an update to the temperature-at-depth maps provided in the...
Smith, J. Cornell University
Oct 29, 2019
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6 Resources
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Ormat Maui Project 2011 Peer Review Presentation: Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic Environments
Geothermal Technologies Program Peer Review Presentation on Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic Environments. Includes plans and statuses for multi-phase geophysical and geochemical surveys in overt and subtle volcanic systems in Hawaii and Maui.
Martini, B. Ormat Nevada Inc
Jun 07, 2011
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A Hydrogeochemical Analysis of Geothermal Resources in the State of Hawaii
The University of Hawaii at Manoa conducted a Play Fairway Analysis of the state of geothermal potential for the islands. Phase I included the aggregation of all existing geologic, geophysical and geochemical data available. A probability model incorporating heat, fluid, and perme...
Tachera, D. University of Hawaii
May 01, 2018
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Hawthorne Nevada Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study 3D Seismic
The objective of this project is to use a multi-disciplinary, three-tiered approach to assess the geothermal resource and determine the feasibility of implementing a large-scale, direct-use facility for the Hawthorne Army Depot (HAD) and the various town and county facilities in H...
Lowry, T. et al Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Mar 29, 2018
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6 Resources
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United States Renewable Energy Technical Potential
Renewable energy technical potential as defined in this report represents the achievable energy generation of a particular technology given system performance, topographic limitations, environmental, and land-use constraints.
The primary benefit of assessing technical potential...
Lopez, A. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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In curation
4 Resources
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In curation
Alaska's RE Grant Recommendation Program (2008): Location and General Information
In 2008, the Alaska legislature established the Renewable Energy (RE) Grant Recommendation Program. The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) solicited for competitive applications between September and November 2008 from qualified applicants for the purpose of recommending grants for RE ...
Hallett, K. and (AEDI), A. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 30, 2009
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In curation
Utah FORGE: Final Topical Report 2018
This is the final topical report for the Phase 2B Utah FORGE project, which is located near Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah. This PDF format report details results associated with the conceptual geologic model, deep well 58-32, rock geomechanics, reservoir temperatures, seismic survey...
Moore, J. et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Apr 07, 2018
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2 Resources
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Sustainable Self-Propping Shear Zones in EGS: Chlorite, Illite, and Biotite Rates and Report
Spreadsheet containing chlorite, illite, and biotite rate data and rate equations that can be used in reactive transport simulations. Submission includes a report on the development of the rate laws.
Carroll, S. and Smith, M. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Nov 06, 2015
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2 Resources
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Peer Review Presentation: Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic Environments
Geothermal Technologies Program Peer Review Presentation on Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic Environments. Includes plans and statuses for multi-phase geophysical and geochemical surveys in overt and subtle volcanic systems in Hawaii and Maui.
Martini, B. Ormat Nevada Inc
May 19, 2010
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Newberry Combined Gravity 2016
Newberry combined gravity from Zonge Int'l, processed for the EGS stimulation project at well 55-29. Includes data from both Davenport 2006 collection and for OSU/4D EGS monitoring 2012 collection.
Locations are NAD83, UTM Zone 10 North, meters. Elevation is NAVD88.
Gravity in ...
Rose, K. National Energy Technology Laboratory
Jan 22, 2016
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Utah FORGE: Seismic and Other Shapefiles from the Roosevelt Hot Springs Area
Three shapefiles in this submission show the position of proposed seismic line surveys. The mid-crustal velocity anomaly file shows the extent of an anomalously low P-wave velocity zone in the subsurface. Two other files show the extent of known hydrothermal systems in the Rooseve...
Moore, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Mar 22, 2016
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7 Resources
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Geothermal Exploration Cost and Time
This paper describes the methodology used to define the baseline exploration suite of techniques (baseline), as well as the approach that was used to create the cost and time data set that populates the baseline. The resulting product, an online tool for measuring impact, and the ...
Jenne, S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Feb 13, 2013
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Extraction/Injection Well Design for Deep Direct Use at University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign
The large scale Deep Direct Use (DDU) geothermal project in the low temperature environment of the Illinois Basin requires drilling and completing two wells. One well would be the extraction (producing) well and would be built to deliver a flow rate of approximately 6000 barrels ...
Kirksey, J. and Lu, Y. University of Illinois
Mar 31, 2019
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Colorado Potential Geothermal Pathways
This layer contains the weakened basement rocks. Isostatic gravity was utilized to identify structural basin areas, characterized by gravity low values reflecting weakened basement rocks. Together interpreted regional fault zones and basin outlines define geothermal "exploration f...
E., R. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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Utah FORGE: Seismic Event Catalogue from the April, 2022 Stimulation of Well 16A(78)-32
This dataset includes earthquake catalogues for the three stages of the 2022 well 16A(78)-32 stimulation provided by Geo Energie Suisse. Events in these catalogues have been visually inspected. There are additional events of lower signal to noise that were automatically detected. ...
Dyer, B. et al University of Utah Seismograph Stations
Jul 30, 2022
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Improved Microseismicity Detection During Newberry EGS Stimulations
Effective enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) require optimal fracture networks for efficient heat transfer between hot rock and fluid. Microseismic mapping is a key tool used to infer the subsurface fracture geometry. Traditional earthquake detection and location techniques are oft...
Templeton, D. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Oct 01, 2013
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Alternative Geothermal Power Production Scenarios
The information given in this file pertains to Argonne life-cycle analyses (LCAs) of the plant cycle stage for a set of ten new geothermal scenario pairs, each comprised of a reference and improved case. These analyses were conducted to compare environmental performances among the...
Sullivan, J. Argonne National Laboratory
Mar 14, 2014
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ASTER Thermal Anomalies in Western Colorado
This layer contains the areas identified as areas of anomalous surface temperature from ASTER satellite imagery. The temperature is calculated using the Emissivity Normalization Algorithm that separate temperature from emissivity. Areas that had temperature greater than 2o, and ar...
E., R. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Jan 01, 2013
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Geothermal Target Areas in Colorado as Identified by Remote Sensing Techniques
This layer contains the areas identified as targets of potential geothermal activity. The Criteria used to identify the target areas include: hot/warm surface exposures modeled from ASTER/Landsat satellite imagery and geological characteristics, alteration mineral commonly associa...
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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1 Resources
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Structural Orientations Adjacent to Some Colorado Geothermal Systems
Structural orientations (fractures, joints, faults, lineaments, bedding orientations, etc.) were collected with a standard Brunton compass during routine field examinations of geothermal phenomena in Colorado. Often multiple orientations were taken from one outcrop. Care was taken...
, R. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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1 Resources
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