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High-Pressure and High-Temperature (HPHT) Lost Circulation Material (LCM) Testing
High-pressure and high-temperature (HPHT) lost circulation material (LCM) rheology test results, LCM particle size distributions (PSD) analysis, and HPHT LCM fluid loss test results. Three academic papers / reports derived from this research are also presented.
Salehi, S. and Vivas, C. University of Oklahoma
Nov 30, 2021
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6 Resources
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Mass Customization of Prefabricated Panel Blocks for Deep Wall Insulation Retrofits
The project this data comes from looks to make building wall retrofits less expensive and easier to install by using exterior insulating panels. This is done to make buildings more energy efficient without expensive wall retrofits or reconstruction. The "Measurement and Verificati...
Sharon, A. et al Fraunhofer Center for Manufacturing Innovation CMI
Dec 14, 2021
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2 Resources
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Advanced Sorbent Structure Recovery of Rare Earths, Precious Metals and Other Critical Materials from Geothermal Waters and Its Associated Technoeconomics
The work evaluates, develops and demonstrates flexible, scalable mineral extraction technology for geothermal brines based upon solid phase sorbent materials with a specific focus upon rare earth elements (REEs). The selected organic and inorganic sorbent materials (silica and MOF...
Addleman, R. et al Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sep 21, 2016
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1 Resources
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Centipod WEC, Advanced Controls, Resultant LCOE
Project resultant levelized cost of energy (LCOE) model after implementation of model predictive control (MPC) controller. Contains annual energy production (AEP) data, cost breakdown structure (CBS), model documentation, and the LCOE content model. This is meant for comparison wi...
McCall, A. Dehlsen Associates, LLC
Feb 15, 2016
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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NorthernSTAR 1.5-Story Demonstration House of Cold Climate Solutions for Affordable Housing
This is a NorthernSTAR renovation project for Urban Homeworks incorporating installation of a combination space and water heater, Overcoat insulation retrofit on the roof, and Excavationless foundation insulation retrofit.
STRUCTURE 1401 North 16th Ave Minneapolis, MN 55411
Jacobson, R. et al University of Minnesota NorthernSTAR Building America Partnership
Apr 27, 2016
12 Resources
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12 Resources
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Greenbuilt Construction Energy Efficiency Retrofit House Demonstration Sacramento
One of the homes that was part of Sacramento Municipal Utility District's (SMUD) Energy Efficiency Retrofit Demonstration (EERD) project was a 1980's era home in Fair Oaks, California, referred to as the Greenbuilt house, as Greenbuilt Construction completed the retrofit of the h...
Sparn, B. et al Mountain Energy Partnership
Aug 27, 2018
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8 Resources
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Drilling Monitoring Program: Computer Program on Heat Transfer Temperature Distribution Hydraulic Calculations for Abrasive Jet Drilling
A program was created to evaluate the downhole conditions occurring in a FLASH ASJ drilling system. the program is meant to aid the operator of a coiled tubing rig in maintaining optimum drilling conditions.
Ozbayoglu, E. Impact Technologies LLC
Jan 01, 2011
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1 Resources
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Snake River Plain FORGE: Site Characterization Data
The site characterization data used to develop the conceptual geologic model for the Snake River Plain site in Idaho, as part of phase 1 of the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) initiative. This collection includes data on seismic events, groundwater,...
Moos, D. and Barton, C. Idaho National Laboratory
Apr 18, 2016
49 Resources
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49 Resources
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Microhole Tubing Bending Report
A downhole tubing bending study was made and is reported herein. It contains a report and 2 excel spreadsheets to calculate tubing bending and to estimate contact points of the tubing to the drilled hole wall (creating a new support point).
Ruan, C. Impact Technologies LLC
Jan 01, 2012
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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ALFA Biological Monitoring Density Values South Energy Test Site, Newport, Oregon
Density values from active acoustic measurements at South Energy Test Site. This data correspond to a bottom mounted upward-looking WBAT, deployed from April 19th to September 30th. Samples (175 pings) were collected hourly at 1Hz.
Horne, J. Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Apr 11, 2017
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Coordinated Control of Tidal Cross-flow Turbines
Initial laboratory experiments with coordinated phase control of cross-flow turbines in a dense array.
Polagye, B. University of Washington
Dec 06, 2016
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Hydraulic Studies of Drilling Microbores with Supercritical Steam, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide
Hydraulic studies of drilling micropores at various depths and with various hole sizes, tubing, fluids and rates to show theoretical feasibility.
WELLFLO Simulations Report separated into three parts:
Step 4: Drilling 10,000 ft Wells with Supercritical Steam, Nitrogen, and Carbon...
Karaaslan, M. Impact Technologies LLC
Jan 01, 2010
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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DAISY Acoustic Measurements in Agate Pass, WA
Acoustic data and metadata from Drifting Acoustic Instrumentation SYstem (DAISY) testing in Agate Pass (separating the north end of Bainbridge Island and the Kitsap Peninsula in Puget Sound), WA in April 2022. The goal was to characterize radiated noise from a cross-flow turbine d...
Polagye, B. et al University of Washington
Apr 20, 2022
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3 Resources
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Triton-C Point Absorber Preliminary System Design Package
Preliminary System Design Package for the Triton-C WEC, including a report and CAD drawings pertaining to the overall preliminary design, system arrangement, surface float hull, and surface float arrangement.
Mundon, T. Oscilla Power, Inc.
Dec 01, 2017
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4 Resources
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ORNL NILMS Project Yarnell Station Research House
DOE funded research for NILMS and fault detection for small and medium commercial buildings. This contains notes, documentation, and data from testing at the Yarnell Station research house. The data can be used to study non-intrusive load monitoring approaches.
Fugate, D. and Laboratory, O. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mar 22, 2017
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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CIRES Approach Overview to Using Thermal Infrared Imagery to Find Geothermal Systems in Colorado
Subsurface geothermal activity has a thermal expression that can be observed at the surface. Such spatial temperature gradients are within the radiometric resolution that is characteristic of a wide range of satellites that carry thermal sensors. For this effort, CIRES (part of ...
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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1 Resources
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RivGen Deployment Control System Specifications and Models, Igiugig, AK
Control System simulation models, case studies, and processing codes for analyzing field data. Raw data files included from VFD and SCADA.
MatLab and Simulink are required to open some data files and all model files.
Forbush, D. et al Ocean Renewable Power Company
Mar 21, 2016
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2 Resources
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Direct-Drive Electrical Generator and PTO System for Flap-type Wave Energy Converters
Project and generator specifications and initial prototype test data for flap-type wave energy converters (WEC)
Englebretson, S. ABB Inc.
Mar 20, 2015
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Hathaway Solar Patriot house
This Dataset contains field research raw data, analysis spreadsheet, photos, and final report from the Hathaway Solar Patriot House Building America Case Study project.
Norton, P. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 09, 2016
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Well 16B(78)-32 Drilling Data
This drilling data for Utah FORGE well 16B(78)-32 include a well survey, core summary, mud and mud temperature logs, daily reports of the drilling process, and additional data from the Pason oil and gas company. Well 16B(78)-32 serves as the production well for reservoir creation...
McLennan, J. et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jul 03, 2023
9 Resources
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9 Resources
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U.S. Indirect and Direct Potable Water Reuse Systems (2020)
Collection of proposed, operating, demonstration, and pilot study potable reuse systems across the U.S. as of 2020. Information includes project name, location, augmentation type, capacity, year operational, treatment train, and source water type. References are included in this s...
Sim, A. and Mauter, M. NAWI
Jul 01, 2020
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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ALFA Shared Autonomy Manipulation Data with a Seabotix vLBV300
This report outlines marine field demonstrations for manipulation tasks with a semi-Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (sAUV). The vehicle is built off a Seabotix vLBV300 platform with custom software interfacing it with the Robot Operating System (ROS). The vehicle utilizes an inertia...
Hollinger, G. and Lawrance, N. Oregon State University
Jun 19, 2017
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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EPRI Report: Enhancing Geothermal Representation in EPRI's US-REGEN Model
This report examines improvements to the representation of geothermal resources and technologies, including hydrothermal, near-field, and deep enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), in EPRI's US-REGEN capacity expansion model. Using updated datasets from the National Renewable Energy ...
Molar-Cruz, A. and Johnson, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 13, 2024
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1 Resources
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SGW paper Rheological Properties of Drilling Fluids Containing Special Additives for Geothermal Drilling Applications
The paper was presented at the 46th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 15-17, 2021. In this study, the effectiveness of different additives was evaluated in maintaining drilling fluid rheology at HPHT(high pressure and...
Mohamed, A. et al University of Oklahoma
Jan 04, 2023
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1 Resources
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Tidal Current Cross-flow Turbine Wake ADV and PIV Data
Measurements in the wake of a high-solidity cross-flow turbine in a laboratory flume obtained using Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry and Particle Image Velocimetry for the purposes of characterizing the turbine wake and comparing the methods.
Polagye, B. University of Washington
Dec 06, 2016
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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