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U.S. Indirect and Direct Potable Water Reuse Systems (2020)

Publicly accessible License 

Collection of proposed, operating, demonstration, and pilot study potable reuse systems across the U.S. as of 2020. Information includes project name, location, augmentation type, capacity, year operational, treatment train, and source water type. References are included in this submission. As potable reuse facilities undergo expansions or upgrades, treatment trains and capacities are subject to change. Operational status may also change. Treatment trains listed are reported to the detail that the source provides. Type and doses of chemical post-treatment or chlorination is often not specified. Please see README section in spreadsheet for definitions of acronyms used.

Citation Formats

NAWI. (2020). U.S. Indirect and Direct Potable Water Reuse Systems (2020) [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.7481/1787485.
Export Citation to RIS
Sim, Alison, and Mauter, Meagan. U.S. Indirect and Direct Potable Water Reuse Systems (2020). United States: N.p., 01 Jul, 2020. Web. doi: 10.7481/1787485.
Sim, Alison, & Mauter, Meagan. U.S. Indirect and Direct Potable Water Reuse Systems (2020). United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.7481/1787485
Sim, Alison, and Mauter, Meagan. 2020. "U.S. Indirect and Direct Potable Water Reuse Systems (2020)". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.7481/1787485. https://waterdams.nawihub.org/submissions/6.
@div{oedi_6464, title = {U.S. Indirect and Direct Potable Water Reuse Systems (2020)}, author = {Sim, Alison, and Mauter, Meagan.}, abstractNote = {Collection of proposed, operating, demonstration, and pilot study potable reuse systems across the U.S. as of 2020. Information includes project name, location, augmentation type, capacity, year operational, treatment train, and source water type. References are included in this submission. As potable reuse facilities undergo expansions or upgrades, treatment trains and capacities are subject to change. Operational status may also change. Treatment trains listed are reported to the detail that the source provides. Type and doses of chemical post-treatment or chlorination is often not specified. Please see README section in spreadsheet for definitions of acronyms used.}, doi = {10.7481/1787485}, url = {https://waterdams.nawihub.org/submissions/6}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2020}, month = {07}}


Data from Jul 1, 2020

Last updated Feb 7, 2022

Submitted Oct 23, 2020




Alison Sim



Alison Sim

Stanford University

Meagan Mauter


DOE Project Details

Project Name NAWI Integrated Data and Analysis

Project Lead Melissa Klembara

Project Number 36496


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