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DOE Financial and Activity Report 12/10/2010
The Weekly Financial and Activity report section includes the Department of Energy's weekly report on spending
and major actions related to the Recovery Act. The "Weekly Update" tab
includes listing of total appropriations, total obligations, and total
disbursements for each T...
Hill, G. and (DOE), U. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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DOE Financial and Activity Report 11/26/2010
The Weekly Financial and Activity report section includes the Department of Energy's weekly report on spending
and major actions related to the Recovery Act. The "Weekly Update" tab
includes listing of total appropriations, total obligations, and total
disbursements for each T...
Hill, G. and (DOE), U. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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Land use requirements for ground-mounted solar power facilities.
This dataset is part of a larger internal dataset at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) that explores various characteristics of large solar electric (both PV and CSP) facilities around the United States. This dataset focuses on the land use characteristics for solar ...
Ong, S. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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DOE Financial and Activity Report 12/3/2010
The Weekly Financial and Activity report section includes the Department of Energy's weekly report on spending
and major actions related to the Recovery Act. The "Weekly Update" tab
includes listing of total appropriations, total obligations, and total
disbursements for each T...
Hill, G. and (DOE), U. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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Images of Fracture Sustainability Test on Stripa Granite
Images of the Stripa Granite core before and after the fracture sustainability test. Photos of fracture faces of Stripa Granite core.
Kneafsey, T. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
May 11, 2014
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2 Resources
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Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: Hawaii Water Well Temperature and Hydraulic Head
.csv file consisting of the water well temperature and water table elevation for wells in the State of Hawaii. Data source, Hawaii Commission of Water Resources Management.
Lautze, N. University of Hawaii
Dec 01, 2014
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1 Resources
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Conducting a 3D Converted Shear Wave Project to reduce exploration risk at Wister, CA: Geothermal Technologies Program 2011 Peer Review
2011 Peer Review of the 'Conducting a 3D Converted Shear Wave' Project to reduce exploration risk at Wister, CA.
Matlick, S. Ormat Nevada Inc
Jun 01, 2011
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1 Resources
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Karaha Fluid Inclusion Gas Analysis
Fluid inclusion gas analysis for wells in Karaha Telga Bodegas geothermal reservoir, Indonesia. Analyses used in developing fluid inclusion stratigraphy for wells and defining fluids across the geothermal fields. Each sample has mass spectrum counts for 180 chemical species.
Dilley, L. Hattenburg Dilley and Linnell
Jan 01, 2013
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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NREL GIS Data: Alaska Low Resolution Photovoltaic Solar Resource
_Abstract:_ Monthly and annual average solar resource potential for Alaska.
_Purpose:_ Provide information on the solar resource potential for Alaska. The insolation values represent the average solar energy available to a flat plate collector, such as a photovoltaic panel, o...
Wood, J. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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NREL GIS Data: Continental United States Photovoltaic Low Resolution
_Abstract:_ Monthly and annual average solar resource potential for the lower 48 states of the United States of America.
_Purpose:_ Provide information on the solar resource potential for the United States of America lower 48 states. The insolation values represent the averag...
Wood, J. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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Solar-to-Grid Public Data File for Utility-scale (UPV) and Distributed Photovoltaics (DPV) Generation, Capacity Credit, and Value for 2012-2020
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) estimates hourly project-level generation data for utility-scale solar projects and hourly county-level generation data for residential and non-residential distributed photovoltaic (PV) systems in the seven organized wholesale m...
Seel, J. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Oct 01, 2021
4 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
4 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
NREL GIS Data: Hawaii Low Resolution Photovoltaic Solar Resource
_Abstract:_ Monthly and annual average solar resource potential for Hawaii.
_Purpose:_ Provide information on the solar resource potential for Hawaii. The insolation values represent the average solar energy available to a flat plate collector, such as a photovoltaic panel, o...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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Wister, CA Downhole and Seismic Data
This submission contains Downhole geophysical logs associated with Wister, CA Wells 12-27 and 85-20. The logs include Spontaneous Potential (SP), HILT Caliper (HCAL), Gamma Ray (GR), Array Induction (AIT), and Neutron Porosity (NPOR) data. Also included are a well log, Injection T...
Akerley, J. Ormat Nevada Inc
Dec 18, 2010
16 Resources
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16 Resources
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Renewable Energy Consumption by Energy Use Sector and Energy Source, 2004 2008
Provides annual consumption (in quadrillion Btu) of renewable energy by energy use sector (residential, commercial, industrial, transportation and electricity) and by energy source (e.g. solar, biofuel) for 2004 through 2008. Original sources for data are cited on spreadsheet. Als...
Hallett, K. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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NREL Power Technologies Energy Data Book (2006) : U.S. Electricity Generation
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) publishes a wide selection of data and statistics on energy power technologies from a variety of sources (e.g. EIA, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, EPRI and AWEA). In 2006, NREL published the 4th edition, p...
Hallett, K. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies for Newberry Volcano: GRC Paper on Geothermal Exploration at Newberry
Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies for Newberry Volcano: 2012 GRC Paper Geothermal Exploration at Newberry
Waibel, A. et al Davenport Newberry Holdings, LLC
May 31, 2012
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1 Resources
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Colorado Electrical Transmission Grid
This layer contains transmission network of Colorado as released by Xcel Energy.
E., R. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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1 Resources
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Colorado Regional Faults
This layer contains the regional faults of Colorado. The geodatabase includes show faults throughout Colorado and can be accessed with a GIS software.
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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1 Resources
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Stability of Elastomers Subjected to Geothermal Well-Like Conditions
The aim of this study is to understand how commercially available elastomers perform under geothermal well-like conditions and make recommendations to the community based on these results. This poster highlights the mechanical performance of several elastomers (including EPDM, Vit...
Redline, E. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Aug 10, 2014
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1 Resources
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Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies for Newberry Volcano: Raw Gravity Data
Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies for Newberry Volcano: Raw data used to prepare the Gravity Report by Zonge 2012
Jaffe, T. Davenport Newberry Holdings, LLC
Oct 11, 2010
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2 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Discrete Fracture Network and Fracture Propagation Modelling
Design and Implementation of Innovative Stimulation Treatments to Maximize Energy Recovery Efficiency at the Utah Forge Site
Sharma, M. and Cao, M. University of Texas
Feb 07, 2023
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1 Resources
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U.S. Voluntary Green Power Market Data 2018
This data book provides certain data behind figures and tables found in the NREL presentation Status and Trends in the U.S. Voluntary Green Power Market 2018 Data. These data reflect estimates based on the best available data.
Heeter and O'ShaughnessyNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Oct 03, 2019
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1 Resources
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Argonne Geothermal Geochemical Database v2.0
A database of geochemical data from potential geothermal sources aggregated from multiple sources as of March 2010. The database contains fields for the location, depth, temperature, pH, total dissolved solids concentration, chemical composition, and date of sampling. A separate...
Harto, C. Argonne National Laboratory
May 22, 2013
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1 Resources
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SunShot Catalyst Datasets and Resources
SunShot Catalyst program centers on reducing the time-to-market of compelling solar market solutions. Given that the U.S. market economy is highly competitive, one of the best proven strategies for sustainable success against competition is faster and better innovation. This progr...
So, B. and (EERE), O. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Apr 23, 2015
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Utility-Scale Solar, 2022 Edition: Analysis of Empirical Plant-level Data from U.S. Ground-mounted PV, PV+battery, and CSP Plants (exceeding 5 MWAC)
Berkeley Labs "Utility-Scale Solar", 2022 Edition presents analysis of empirical plant-level data from the U.S. fleet of ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV), PV+battery, and concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) plants with capacities exceeding 5 MWAC. While focused on key developm...
Seel, J. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Sep 20, 2022
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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