Wister, CA Downhole and Seismic Data
This submission contains Downhole geophysical logs associated with Wister, CA Wells 12-27 and 85-20. The logs include Spontaneous Potential (SP), HILT Caliper (HCAL), Gamma Ray (GR), Array Induction (AIT), and Neutron Porosity (NPOR) data. Also included are a well log, Injection Test, Pressure Temperature Spinner log, shut in temperature survey, a final well schematic, and files about the well's location and drilling history. This submission also contains data from a three-dimensional (3D) multi-component (3C) seismic reflection survey on the Wister Geothermal prospect area in the northern portion of the Imperial Valley, California. The Wister seismic survey area was 13.2 square miles.
(Resistivity image logs (Schlumberger FMI) in 85-20 indicate that maximum horizontal stress (Shmax) is oriented NNE but that open fractures are oriented suboptimally).
Citation Formats
Ormat Nevada Inc. (2010). Wister, CA Downhole and Seismic Data [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1441453.
Akerley, John, and . Wister, CA Downhole and Seismic Data. United States: N.p., 18 Dec, 2010. Web. doi: 10.15121/1441453.
Akerley, John, & . Wister, CA Downhole and Seismic Data. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1441453
Akerley, John, and . 2010. "Wister, CA Downhole and Seismic Data". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1441453. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/904.
@div{oedi_7084, title = {Wister, CA Downhole and Seismic Data}, author = {Akerley, John, and .}, abstractNote = {This submission contains Downhole geophysical logs associated with Wister, CA Wells 12-27 and 85-20. The logs include Spontaneous Potential (SP), HILT Caliper (HCAL), Gamma Ray (GR), Array Induction (AIT), and Neutron Porosity (NPOR) data. Also included are a well log, Injection Test, Pressure Temperature Spinner log, shut in temperature survey, a final well schematic, and files about the well's location and drilling history. This submission also contains data from a three-dimensional (3D) multi-component (3C) seismic reflection survey on the Wister Geothermal prospect area in the northern portion of the Imperial Valley, California. The Wister seismic survey area was 13.2 square miles.
(Resistivity image logs (Schlumberger FMI) in 85-20 indicate that maximum horizontal stress (Shmax) is oriented NNE but that open fractures are oriented suboptimally).}, doi = {10.15121/1441453}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/904}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2010}, month = {12}}
Data from Dec 18, 2010
Last updated Jan 27, 2020
Submitted Feb 3, 2017
Ormat Nevada Inc
John Akerley
Original Source
https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/904Research Areas
geothermal, Wister, California, Drilling, Well Data, Pressure, Temperature, Spinner, PTS, geophysics, downhole, well log, injection test, 12-27, borehole, lithology, mineral composition, mud log, gas analysis, Imperial County, spontaneous potential, SP, gamma ray, GR, neutron porosity, NPOR, Array Induction, AIT, Imperial Valley, resistivity, 85-20, circulation, 3D Seismic, Seismic, geophysical survey, reflection, P-Wave, multi-component, 3C, Kirchhoff Pre Stack, refraction, shear wave, exploration, risk reductionDOE Project Details
Project Name Conducting a 3D Converted Shear Wave Project to Reduce Exploration Risk at Wister, CA
Project Lead Mike Weathers
Project Number EE0002838