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Gravity Survey on the Glass Buttes Geothermal Exploration Project Lake County, Oregon
This report covers data acquisition, instrumentation and processing of a gravity survey performed on the Glass Buttes Geothermal Exploration Project, located in Lake County, Oregon for ORMAT Technologies Inc. The survey was conducted during 21 June 2010 to 26 June 2010. The surve...
Akerley, J. Ormat Nevada Inc
Oct 12, 2011
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2 Resources
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Advanced Direct-Drive Generator for Improved Availability of Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Power Generation Systems: 10hp 30rpm Radial-Flux Magnetically Geared Generator Test Data
Static torque, no load, constant speed, and sinusoidal oscillation test data for a 10hp, 300rpm magnetically-geared generator prototype using either an adjustable load bank for a fixed resistance or an output power converter.
Ouyang, W. and Tchida, C. ABB Inc.
May 02, 2017
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1 Resources
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Advanced Direct-Drive Generator for Improved Availability of Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Power Generation Systems: 1hp 300rpm Axial-Flux Magnetically Geared Generator Test Data
Static torque and no load test data for a 1hp, 300rpm axial-flux magnetically geared generator prototype developed by Texas A&M EMPE Lab.
Toliyat, H. et al ABB Inc.
May 02, 2017
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RM3 Wave Tank Validation Model
An approximately 1/75th scale point absorber wave energy absorber was built to validate the testing systems of a 16k gallon single paddle wave tank. The model was build based on the RM3 design and incorporated a linear position sensor, a force transducer, and wetness detection sen...
Candon, C. and Fao, R. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 31, 2023
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3 Resources
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DEPRECATED Sharing the Sun Community Solar Project Data (June 2019)
This data set is no longer current – The most current data and all historical data sets can be found at
This database represents a list of community solar projects identified through various sources as of June 2019. The list has been rev...
HeeterNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 28, 2019
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1 Resources
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Planning for the evolution of the electric grid with a long-run marginal emission rate data and code
Data and code generated for the paper "Planning for the evolution of the electric grid with a long-run marginal emission rate", Pieter Gagnon and Wesley Cole, 2022.
Gagnon and ColeNational Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Feb 02, 2022
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5 Resources
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Archuleta County CO Lineaments
This layer traces apparent topographic and air-photo lineaments in the area around Pagosa springs in Archuleta County, Colorado. It was made in order to identify possible fault and fracture systems that might be conduits for geothermal fluids.
Geothermal fluids commonly utilize fa...
E., R. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Jan 01, 2012
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1 Resources
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Wave Energy Prize 1/50th Testing AquaHarmonics Point Absorber
This submission of data includes all the 1/50th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for the AquaHarmonics team, and includes:
1/50th test data (raw & processed)
1/50th test data video and pictures
1/50th Test plans and testing documents
SSTF_Submission (summa...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Jan 15, 2016
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9 Resources
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TEAMER: Vertical Axies Hydrokinetic Turbine Data, Emrgy Inc. 2022, Post Access Submission
The data herein contains all data collected and used for the Performance Characterization Testing and Model Calibration of a Vertical Axis Hydrokinetic Turbine. The data includes performance data and durability data for the Hydrokinetic Turbine. The device performance data contain...
Cuthbert, T. Emrgy, Inc.
Apr 06, 2022
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4 Resources
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Industrial Facility Combustion Energy Use
Facility-level industrial combustion energy use is calculated from greenhouse gas emissions data reported by large emitters (>25,000 metric tons CO2e per year) under the U.S. EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP, The calculation applies ...
McMillanNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 19, 2016
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2 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Logs
This dataset contains all well logs from Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32. This includes the mud log, Sanvean Technologies logs, and Schlumberger logs. Please see the file descriptions below for information about each log.
Gilmour, B. et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Mar 08, 2021
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7 Resources
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The Urban Energy-Water Nexus: Utility-Level Water Flows and Embedded Energy
There are limited open source data available for determining water production/treatment and required energy for cities across the United States. This database represents the culmination of a two-year effort to obtain data from cities across the United States via open records reque...
Chini, C. and Stillwell, A. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Feb 20, 2018
114 Resources
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114 Resources
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Feb 02, 2017
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Rooftop Energy Potential of Low Income Communities in America REPLICA
The Rooftop Energy Potential of Low Income Communities in America REPLICA data set provides estimates of residential rooftop solar technical potential at the tract-level with emphasis on estimates for Low and Moderate Income LMI populations. In addition to technical potential REPL...
Mooney and SigrinNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Apr 03, 2018
27 Resources
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27 Resources
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Raw Data from National Wind Technology Center M2 Tower (1996 2001)
This raw data reflects readings from instruments mounted on or near a 82 meter meteorological tower located at the [National Wind Technology Center (NWTC)]( "NWTC website"), approximately 5 miles south of Boulder, CO (specifically: 39.9107 N, 105.2348 W, d...
Hallett, K. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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2 Resources
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Grain-Scale Failure in Thermal Spallation Drilling
Geothermal power promises clean, renewable, reliable and potentially widely-available energy, but is limited by high initial capital costs. New drilling technologies are required to make geothermal power financially competitive with other energy sources. One potential solution is ...
Walsh, S. et al Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jan 01, 2012
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Utah FORGE: Temperature Contours
This submission contains several ArcGIS shapefiles, each with Temperature contour lines at different depths. Subsurface temperature were important for characterizing the geothermal system beneath the FORGE site in Milford, Utah.
Moore, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Mar 09, 2016
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5 Resources
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Geothermal Exploration Raster Files for Utah Play Fairway Analysis
This submission contains raster files associated with several datasets that include earthquake density, Na/K geothermometers, fault density, heat flow, and gravity. Integrated together using spatial modeler tools in ArcGIS, these files can be used for play fairway analysis in rega...
Wannamaker, P. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jun 16, 2017
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5 Resources
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Fallon FORGE: Analogue Outcrop Samples
Compilation of results for mechanical and fluid flow properties of analogue outcrop samples experimental data for compressional and shear wave velocities, tensile strengths, and compressive strengths. Outcrop location and sample orientation data are documented in a separate csv file.
Blankenship, D. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 12, 2018
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2 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Seismic Activity from April, 2019
This dataset contains seismic event detections acquired using the 151 Nodal geophones deployed at the Utah FORGE site in April 2019. Details regarding the publishing are available in the paper linked below (Mesimeri, M. and K. L. Pankow et al. 2020). A frequency-domain-based algor...
Pankow, K. University of Utah Seismograph Stations
May 01, 2019
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2 Resources
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Matlab Scripts and Sample Data Associated with Water Resources Research Article
Scripts and data acquired at the Mirror Lake Research Site, cited by the article submitted to Water Resources Research:
Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) as a Distributed Hydraulic Sensor in Fractured Bedrock
M. W. Becker(1), T. I. Coleman(2), and C. C. Ciervo(1)
1 California St...
Becker, M. and Coleman, T. California State University
Jul 18, 2015
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2 Resources
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Centipod WEC, Advanced Controls, Quarterly Technical Report
Quarterly Technical Report for "Advanced Controls for the Multi-pod Centipod WEC device" describing project parameters, organization, task activities, accomplishments, and conclusions. See other submissions under this DOE project for economic viability, design geometry, and modeli...
McCall, A. Dehlsen Associates, LLC
Feb 15, 2016
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2 Resources
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TriFrame Mount Structural Performance Period A
Long-Term TriFrame Monitoring System (LTTFMS) data collected during Period A (13 days 10/22/20 11/4/20). The central component of the Verdant Power Free Flow System is a three-bladed horizontal-axis turbine. The turbine is equipped with a composite rotor with three fixed-pitch bl...
Colby, J. et al Verdant Power Inc.
Nov 12, 2021
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1 Resources
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TEAMER: Original HANNA Mono-Radial Turbine Post Access Report
Final report on a TEAMER RFTS 2 (request for technical support) study undertaken by Alden Research Laboratory for the Mono-radial turbine invented by John Clark Hanna DBA: Hanna Wave Energy Primary Drives. The study is a predictive numerical and CFD (computational fluid dynamics) ...
Hanna, J. Hanna Wave Energy Primary Drives
Mar 10, 2022
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1 Resources
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PetroQuip Engineering Design and Specification Document for LBP and LP
This document provides the applications, specifications, testing, materials, and running methods for the engineering team at PertoQuip to design the Locking Bridge Plug (LBP) and the Landing Profile (LP). This is the first step in developing a new tool for. The report includes ap...
Coon, R. PetroQuip Energy Services
Feb 09, 2022
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1 Resources
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