CalWave Tank Testing - Lir Deep Ocean Basin
Experimental tank testing report for CalWave's 1:20 & 1:30 scale prototype testing at the Lir National Ocean Test Facility in Ireland. Testing was completed in January 2018. Test report includes description of the scaled prototype, primary testing objectives, instrumentation and basin calibration.
Citation Formats
CalWave Power Technologies Inc.. (2018). CalWave Tank Testing - Lir Deep Ocean Basin [data set]. Retrieved from
Boerner, Thomas, and . CalWave Tank Testing - Lir Deep Ocean Basin. United States: N.p., 15 Jan, 2018. Web.
Boerner, Thomas, & . CalWave Tank Testing - Lir Deep Ocean Basin. United States.
Boerner, Thomas, and . 2018. "CalWave Tank Testing - Lir Deep Ocean Basin". United States.
@div{oedi_7921, title = {CalWave Tank Testing - Lir Deep Ocean Basin}, author = {Boerner, Thomas, and .}, abstractNote = {Experimental tank testing report for CalWave's 1:20 & 1:30 scale prototype testing at the Lir National Ocean Test Facility in Ireland. Testing was completed in January 2018. Test report includes description of the scaled prototype, primary testing objectives, instrumentation and basin calibration.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2018}, month = {01}}
Data from Jan 15, 2018
Last updated Apr 22, 2023
Submitted Mar 9, 2018
CalWave Power Technologies Inc.
Thomas Boerner
Original Source Areas
MHK, Marine, Hydrokinetic, energy, power, CalWave, Wave Energy, PTO, WEC, Submerged Pressure Differntial, System Identification, Pink Noise, DOB, technology, experiment, tank test, flexible body, ocean, Pressure Differential, MPC, Model Predictive Control, MBL, Minimum Breaking Load, Power Take-Off, LiR National Ocean Test Facility, ocean basin, deep ocean basin, absorberDOE Project Details
Project Name CWPT Open Water Demonstration
Project Lead Tim Ramsey
Project Number EE0008097