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Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) delta T (Winter Average)
This shapefile represents seasonal winter average delta T estimates.
ΔT represents the difference in temperature (°C) between the warm and cold water sources used by an OTEC plant at a specific location. Warm water is defined uniformly as water at a depth of 20 m, whi...
ΔT represents the difference in temperature (°C) between the warm and cold water sources used by an OTEC plant at a specific location. Warm water is defined uniformly as water at a depth of 20 m, whi...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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Flow Redirection and Induction in Steady State (FLORIS) Wind Plant Power Production Data Sets
This dataset contains turbine and plant-level power outputs for 252,500 cases of diverse wind plant layouts operating under a wide range of yawing and atmospheric conditions. The power outputs were computed using the Gaussian wake model in NREL's FLOw Redirection and Induction in ...
Ramos, D. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Feb 12, 2021
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5 Resources
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Wind Turbine Water Setbacks: Ordinances (2022) and Extrapolated Trends, 115 Hub Height 170 Rotor Diameter
This dataset represents wind energy setback requirements from water based on existing county ordinances as of April 2022. A setback requirement is a minimum distance from water that an energy project may be developed, and these varied widely across the counties in which they exist...
Geospatial Data Science, N. and Geospatial Data Science, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Jan 01, 2024
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5 Resources
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Environmental Impact Calculations for Geothermal DDU system on WVU Campus
This dataset contains all the inputs used and output produced from Matlab for the environmental analysis of an improved hybrid geothermal district heating and cooling (GDHC) system with a heat pump, without a heat pump, and for a hot water GDHC. Detailed descriptions of the conten...
Garapati, N. et al West Virginia University
Mar 18, 2020
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5 Resources
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Tularosa Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Water Chemistry
This shapefile contains 409 well data points on Tularosa Basin Water Chemistry, each of which have a location (UTM), temperature, quartz and Potassium/Magnesium geothermometer; as well as concentrations of chemicals like Mn, Fe, Ba, Sr, Cs, Rb, As, NH4, HCO3, SO4, F, Cl, B, SiO2, ...
Brandt, A. University of Utah
Dec 15, 2015
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1 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 2: Results of Tracer Tests
Multiple sets of tracer tests were conducted at the EGS Collab Testbed 2 on the 4100 L at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), Lead, SD. The enclosed data package includes: tracer recovery results, water balance calculations and rationales, water flow measurement for ...
Neupane, G. et al Idaho National Laboratory
Jul 26, 2022
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5 Resources
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USDA Census of Irrigation
The 2018 Irrigation and Water Management Survey (formerly called the Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey) is a follow-on to the 2017 Census of Agriculture by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This survey provides the only comprehensive information on irrigation activities an...
Census of Irrigation, U. U.S. Department of Agriculture
Oct 19, 2020
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Powder X-ray Diffraction Data from Well 16A(78)-32 Core
This dataset from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) consists of four raw X-ray diffraction (XRD) scans and preliminary results of quantitative XRD analysis. The scanned samples were prepared from four subcores, which came from various depths of the FORGE well 16A(78)-3...
Kroll, K. et al Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jul 27, 2023
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1 Resources
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RivGen Open Water Installation Report
The purpose of the Open Water Deployment Report is to provide an overview of the installation of the Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC) RivGen 2.0 Power System in Igiugig, AK, in 2019 beginning with the transportation of the system to Igiugig and ending with the deployment of th...
Tyler, R. Igiugig Village Council
Nov 01, 2019
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1 Resources
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Greenbuilt Construction Energy Efficiency Retrofit House Demonstration Sacramento
One of the homes that was part of Sacramento Municipal Utility District's (SMUD) Energy Efficiency Retrofit Demonstration (EERD) project was a 1980's era home in Fair Oaks, California, referred to as the Greenbuilt house, as Greenbuilt Construction completed the retrofit of the h...
Sparn, B. et al Mountain Energy Partnership
Aug 27, 2018
8 Resources
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8 Resources
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Energy Use and Water Consumption at University of Texas at Austin
Provides annual energy usage for years 1989 through 2010 for UT at Austin; specifically, electricity usage (kWh), natural gas usage (Mcf), associated costs. Also provides water consumption for 2005 through 2010.
### License Info
License type unknown. Information presented on U...
Hallett, K. and Management, U. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 29, 2014
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2 Resources
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U.S. Indirect and Direct Potable Water Reuse Systems (2020)
Collection of proposed, operating, demonstration, and pilot study potable reuse systems across the U.S. as of 2020. Information includes project name, location, augmentation type, capacity, year operational, treatment train, and source water type. References are included in this s...
Sim, A. and Mauter, M. NAWI
Jul 01, 2020
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2 Resources
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Transport of CO2 in Stimuli-Responsive Fracking Fluid, StimuFrac
CO2 breakthrough experiments in a column packed with sand and filled with StimuFrac fluid or water to learn about transport of the stimuli (CO2) on environments where either water or the stimuli-responsive polymer aqueous solution (StimuFrac) is present. Results suggest co-injecti...
Fernandez, C. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sep 15, 2016
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1 Resources
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Reference Model 6 Full Scale Geometry (RM6: Oscillating Water Column)
Contains the Reference Model 6 (RM6) full scale geometry files of the Oscillating Water Column, developed by the Reference Model Project (RMP). These full scale geometry files are saved as SolidWorks assembly, IGS, and STEP files, and require a CAD program to view. This data was g...
Neary, V. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Sep 30, 2014
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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CalWave WEC Open Water Demonstration Public Final Test Report
The objective of this project is to advance the Technology Readiness Level of the x1 Wave Energy Converter (WEC) developed by CalWave Power
Technologies Inc. through advanced numerical simulations, dynamic hardware tests, and ultimately a scaled open water demonstration deployment...
Boerner, T. et al CalWave Power Technologies Inc.
Nov 30, 2022
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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WaterTAP3 Model Input Data for NAWI's Eight Source Water Baseline Analyses
This folder contains the input data for the WaterTAP3 model that was used for the eight NAWI (National Alliance for Water Innovation) source water baselines studies published in the Environmental Science and Technology special issue: Technology Baselines and Innovation Priorities ...
Miara, A. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Feb 01, 2022
16 Resources
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16 Resources
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Conway St Apartments Olive Street Development
In Greenfield, Massachusetts, Olive Street Development transformed an old elementary school building into 12 high-end rental apartments. The developer aimed to get as close to net-zero performance as practical, installing: (1) R-30 high-density spray foam against the brick walls (...
Aldrich, R. and Williamson, J. Steven Winter Associates of the Consortium for Advanced Residential Buildings
Apr 27, 2016
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2 Resources
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Two-Phase Flow of Ferrofluids in Porous Media: Plateau-Rayleigh-like Instability and Suppression of Fingering
Includes six mp4 and one PDF files. The mp4 files show the percolation of ferrofluid in porous media under a magnetic field. The names of the authors are available in the PDF file. The data are from an experimental study performed at the Michigan Technological University. The expe...
Askari, R. and Khurana, M. Michigan Tech
Feb 27, 2021
8 Resources
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8 Resources
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Microbial Taxa Distribution Data From 16S rRNA Analysis Of Desalination Operations At Carlsbad, CA And Tampa Bay, FL
This data set list the distribution of microbial taxa from three sets of sampling campaigns from unit operations in two large desalination facilities in the US conducted between March and May 2021. The desalination plants include the Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant ...
Kumar, M. et al University of Texas
Sep 24, 2021
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Cold Water Depth (Annual Average)
This shapefile represents annual average cold water depth recordings.
The cold water is defined by locating the depth that leads to the greatest average annual net power at each location when depth and its corresponding ?T are input into the power equation. This optimization ba...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Cold Water Depth (Summer Average)
This shapefile represents seasonal summer average cold water depth recordings.
The cold water is defined by locating the depth that leads to the greatest average annual net power at each location when depth and its corresponding ΔT are input into the power equation. This optim...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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In curation
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Cold Water Depth (Winter Average)
This shapefile represents seasonal winter average cold water depth recordings.
The cold water is defined by locating the depth that leads to the greatest average annual net power at each location when depth and its corresponding ΔT are input into the power equation. This optim...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Compatibility Study of Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membranes with 1 Cyclohexylpiperidenium Bicarbonate Solutions
The switchable polarity solvent forward osmosis (SPS FO) desalination process requires use of a polishing filtration step to remove trace quantities of draw solution from the product water stream. Selected nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) membranes were tested for thei...
Adhikari, B. et al Idaho National Laboratory
Oct 01, 2015
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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US Potable Water Reuse System Costs
This submission contains a set of U.S.-specific potable reuse capital and operations and maintenance (O&M) cost data ($2020) found in published presentations and reports from engineering consulting firms, utility and water agency press releases or websites, and literature. For any...
Sim, A. and Mauter, M. NAWI
Oct 20, 2020
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Advanced Sorbent Structure Recovery of REEs, Precious Metals and Other Valuable Metals from Geothermal Waters and Its Associated Technoeconomics
This work evaluates, develops and demonstrates flexible, scalable mineral extraction technology for geothermal brines based upon solid phase sorbent materials with a specific focus upon rare earth elements (REEs). The selected organic and inorganic sorbent materials demonstrated h...
Addleman, S. et al Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
May 25, 2017
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3 Resources
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