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Motion Tracking Above and Below Water Dataset

Publicly accessible License 

This data set includes one trial of above and under water motion tracking measurements from a Qualysis motion tracking system. The Qualisys native .qtm file can be opened by the Qualisys Track Manager software. Data from this file has been exported to a tab separated value (.tsv) file which is a generic ASCII file format that can be read by a text editor, MATLAB, Excel, etc... Also exported is a native MATLAB formatted file (.mat) which can be loaded directly into MATLAB. The trial is from a three body wave energy converter device, using the underwater system for the central nacelle data, and above water system for the fore and aft floats.

Citation Formats

Pacific Marine Energy Center (PMEC). (2021). Motion Tracking Above and Below Water Dataset [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1843796.
Export Citation to RIS
Bosma, Bret, and Lomonaco, Pedro. Motion Tracking Above and Below Water Dataset. United States: N.p., 23 Apr, 2021. Web. doi: 10.15473/1843796.
Bosma, Bret, & Lomonaco, Pedro. Motion Tracking Above and Below Water Dataset. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1843796
Bosma, Bret, and Lomonaco, Pedro. 2021. "Motion Tracking Above and Below Water Dataset". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1843796. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/392.
@div{oedi_8018, title = {Motion Tracking Above and Below Water Dataset}, author = {Bosma, Bret, and Lomonaco, Pedro.}, abstractNote = {This data set includes one trial of above and under water motion tracking measurements from a Qualysis motion tracking system. The Qualisys native .qtm file can be opened by the Qualisys Track Manager software. Data from this file has been exported to a tab separated value (.tsv) file which is a generic ASCII file format that can be read by a text editor, MATLAB, Excel, etc... Also exported is a native MATLAB formatted file (.mat) which can be loaded directly into MATLAB. The trial is from a three body wave energy converter device, using the underwater system for the central nacelle data, and above water system for the fore and aft floats.}, doi = {10.15473/1843796}, url = {https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/392}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2021}, month = {04}}


Data from Apr 23, 2021

Last updated Feb 7, 2022

Submitted Jan 31, 2022


Pacific Marine Energy Center (PMEC)


Bret Bosma



Bret Bosma

Pacific Marine Energy Center PMEC

Pedro Lomonaco

Pacific Marine Energy Center PMEC

DOE Project Details

Project Name National Marine Renewable Energy Center Infrastructure Upgrades

Project Lead Carrie Noonan

Project Number EE0008955


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