Transport of CO2 in Stimuli-Responsive Fracking Fluid, StimuFrac
CO2 breakthrough experiments in a column packed with sand and filled with StimuFrac fluid or water to learn about transport of the stimuli (CO2) on environments where either water or the stimuli-responsive polymer aqueous solution (StimuFrac) is present. Results suggest co-injection of StimuFrac and CO2 as the potentially best alternative to deploy this novel fracking fluid.
Citation Formats
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. (2016). Transport of CO2 in Stimuli-Responsive Fracking Fluid, StimuFrac [data set]. Retrieved from
Fernandez, Carlos, and . Transport of CO2 in Stimuli-Responsive Fracking Fluid, StimuFrac. United States: N.p., 15 Sep, 2016. Web.
Fernandez, Carlos, & . Transport of CO2 in Stimuli-Responsive Fracking Fluid, StimuFrac. United States.
Fernandez, Carlos, and . 2016. "Transport of CO2 in Stimuli-Responsive Fracking Fluid, StimuFrac". United States.
@div{oedi_7067, title = {Transport of CO2 in Stimuli-Responsive Fracking Fluid, StimuFrac}, author = {Fernandez, Carlos, and .}, abstractNote = {CO2 breakthrough experiments in a column packed with sand and filled with StimuFrac fluid or water to learn about transport of the stimuli (CO2) on environments where either water or the stimuli-responsive polymer aqueous solution (StimuFrac) is present. Results suggest co-injection of StimuFrac and CO2 as the potentially best alternative to deploy this novel fracking fluid.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {09}}
Data from Sep 15, 2016
Last updated Jun 12, 2018
Submitted Dec 8, 2016
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Carlos Fernandez
Original Source Areas
geothermal, CO2 transport, Stimuli-responsive fluid, EGS, Breakthrough, Stimuli-responsive fracking fluid, co2 diffusion, convection, fractures, hydraulic fracturing, fracking fluid, water, supercritical co2, liquid co2, stimulation, reservoirDOE Project Details
Project Name Reservoir Stimulation with Operational Monitory for Creation of Enhanced Geothermal Systems
Project Lead Sean Porse
Project Number FY16 AOP 1324