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NREL MOIS Data for NWEI Azura January 2016
NREL Modular Ocean Instrumentation System (MOIS) data files for the Azura grid-connected deployment at the 30-meter berth of the US Navy's Wave Energy Test Site (WETS 30m Site) at the Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) on the windward (northeast) coast of the island of Oahu, ...
Nelson, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 27, 2016
16 Resources
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16 Resources
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NREL MOIS Data for NWEI Azura February 2016
NREL Modular Ocean Instrumentation System (MOIS) data files for the Azura grid-connected deployment at the 30-meter berth of the US Navy's Wave Energy Test Site (WETS 30m Site) at the Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) on the windward (northeast) coast of the island of Oahu, ...
Nelson, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 31, 2016
16 Resources
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Publicly accessible
16 Resources
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NREL MOIS Data for NWEI Azura March 2016
NREL Modular Ocean Instrumentation System (MOIS) data files for the Azura grid-connected deployment at the 30-meter berth of the US Navy's Wave Energy Test Site (WETS 30m Site) at the Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) on the windward (northeast) coast of the island of Oahu, ...
Nelson, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 31, 2016
16 Resources
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16 Resources
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NREL MOIS Data for NWEI Azura April 2016
NREL Modular Ocean Instrumentation System (MOIS) data files for the Azura grid-connected deployment at the 30-meter berth of the US Navy's Wave Energy Test Site (WETS 30m Site) at the Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) on the windward (northeast) coast of the island of Oahu, ...
Nelson, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 31, 2016
15 Resources
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15 Resources
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NREL MOIS Data for NWEI Azura August 2016
NREL Modular Ocean Instrumentation System (MOIS) data files for the Azura grid-connected deployment at the 30-meter berth of the US Navys Wave Energy Test Site (WETS 30m Site) at the Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) on the windward (northeast) coast of the island of Oahu, H...
Nelson, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Oct 03, 2016
16 Resources
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Publicly accessible
16 Resources
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NREL MOIS Data for NWEI Azura June 2016
NREL Modular Ocean Instrumentation System (MOIS) data files for the Azura grid-connected deployment at the 30-meter berth of the US Navys Wave Energy Test Site (WETS 30m Site) at the Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) on the windward (northeast) coast of the island of Oahu, H...
Nelson, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 30, 2016
16 Resources
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16 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Energy and Economic Assessment of a Stirling Engine Powered by Solar Energy in Bolivia
The Bolivian governments concerns that are related to reducing the consumption of diesel fuel, which is imported, subsidized, and provided to isolated electric plants in rural communities, have led to the implementation of hybrid power systems. The data in this submissions was cre...
Jimenez, P. San Simon University
Dec 10, 2021
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Most Likely Extreme Response Analysis of an Ellipsoid Float Wave Energy Converter
Input data and heave results (unsteady RANS-VOF overset simulations performed in Star-CCM+) for a float with an ellipsoid geometry. Five extreme sea states were considered, as detailed in the conference paper "Application of the Most Likely Extreme Response Method for Wave Energy ...
Quon, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 17, 2016
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Wave Energy Prize 1/50th Testing Team Flapper/Harvest Oscillating Wave Surge Converter
This submission of data includes all the 1/50th scale testing data completed on the Wave Energy Prize for the Team Flapper/Harvest, and includes:
1/50th test data (raw & processed)
1/50th test data video and pictures
1/50th Test plans and testing documents
SSTF_Submission (sum...
Scharmen, W. Ricardo Detroit Technical Center
Dec 18, 2015
8 Resources
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8 Resources
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TEAMER: Numerical Modeling and Optimization of the iProTech Pitching Inertial Pump (PIP) Wave Energy Converter (WEC)
This project focused on developing an automated workflow to evaluate and optimize the iProTech Pitching Inertial Pump (PIP) wave energy converter (WEC) using open-source Python packages and the MATLAB/Simulink tool, WEC-Sim. The process involved parameterizing key design variables...
Wynn, N. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Apr 11, 2024
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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OC6 Phase Ia Nonlinear hydrodynamic loading validation dataset
Two validation campaigns were examined within the Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration, Continued, with Correlation and unCertainty (OC6) Phase 1 project to examine the modeling tools' underprediction of loads and motion of a floating wind semisubmersible (semi) at...
Robertson, A. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Aug 08, 2021
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Fallon FORGE: Geodetic Data
Fallon FORGE InSAR and geodetic GPS deformation data. InSAR shapefiles are packaged together as .MPK (ArcMap map package, compatible with other GIS platforms), and as .CSV comma-delimited plaintext. GPS data and additional metadata are linked to the Nevada Geodetic Laboratory data...
Blankenship, D. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Feb 01, 2018
8 Resources
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8 Resources
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National Transmission Planning Study Long-Term Modeling Results
The National Transmission Planning Study (NTP Study) analyzed the transformation needed to ensure the U.S. transmission system continues to reliably meet electricity demand as the power sector evolves. The study linked several long and short-term power systems models to test numer...
Brown, P. and Mai, T. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Sep 10, 2023
14 Resources
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14 Resources
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StingRAY Structural Optimization Final Technical Report
The overall project objective is to materially decrease the leveled cost of energy (LCOE) of the Columbia Power (CPower) StingRAY utility-scale wave energy converter (WEC). This will be achieved by reducing structural material and manufacturing costs and increasing energy output. ...
Lenee-Bluhm, P. Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.
Aug 05, 2020
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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H3 StingRAY Final Design and Technical Report
The goal of this Project was to develop a standards-compliant, fabrication-ready design of Columbia Power Technologies' (C-Power) next-generation wave energy converter (WEC), the StingRAY H3. The H3 is a design iteration of C-Power's StingRAY WEC and is intended for electrical pow...
Prudell, J. and Lenee-Bluhm, P. Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.
Sep 15, 2023
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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TEAMER: MADWEC Techno-Economic Analysis
The objective of this project was for the facility to conduct a techno-economic assessment (TEA) of the Maximal Asymmetric Drag Wave Energy Converter (MADWEC), developed by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (UMass Dartmouth). MADWEC is used for powering remote monitoring a...
Ortega, T. and Baca, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Mar 08, 2024
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Gearbox Fault Diagnosis Data
Gearbox Fault Diagnosis Data set include the vibration dataset recorded by using SpectraQuest’s Gearbox Fault Diagnostics Simulator.
Dataset has been recorded with the help of 4 vibration sensors placed in four different direction.
Data set has been recorded under variation of...
Pandya, Y. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 02, 2018
1 Resources
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In curation
1 Resources
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In curation
Description of the NSW Australia Electricity Network
Information about the New South Wales (NSW) electricity network is available. The information was taken from a line diagram of the NSW (Australia) Electricity network circa 2002 containing electrical bus and transmission line properties for use in load flow analysis. The results o...
Neale, D. and Management, M. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jan 01, 2002
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Simplified Space Conditioning in Low-Load Homes
TO3 2.1.6: Simplified Space Conditioning
IBACOS anticipates that houses achieving 50% whole-house source energy savings with respect to the Building America 2010 Benchmark (Hendron and Engebrecht 2010a) will be considered "low load." Low load is defined by IBACOS as a house with ...
Poerschke, A. and Stecher, D. Ibacos Innovation
Apr 27, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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ResStock: Annual Baseline Results with Component Loads
The ResStock Analysis Tool was developed by NREL with support from the U.S. Department of Energy to provide a new approach to large-scale residential analysis by combining large public and private data sources, statistical sampling, detailed sub hourly building simulations, and hi...
Speake, A. et al National Renewable Energy Lab
Mar 03, 2023
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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CalWave xWave Device, Non-Commercially Sensitive Project Report
CalWave has developed a submerged pressure differential type Wave Energy Converter (WEC) architecture called xWave. The single body device oscillates submerged, is positively buoyant, and taut moored to the sea floor and integrates novel features such as absorber submergence depth...
Lehmann, M. and Davidson, R. CalWave Power Technologies Inc.
Feb 29, 2024
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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BuildingsBench: A Large-Scale Dataset of 900K Buildings and Benchmark for Short-Term Load Forecasting
The BuildingsBench datasets consist of:
Buildings-900K: A large-scale dataset of 900K buildings for pretraining models on the task of short-term load forecasting (STLF). Buildings-900K is statistically representative of the entire U.S. building stock.
7 real residential and com...
Emami, P. and Graf, P. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 31, 2018
6 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
6 Resources
1 Stars
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ORNL NILMS Project Yarnell Station Research House
DOE funded research for NILMS and fault detection for small and medium commercial buildings. This contains notes, documentation, and data from testing at the Yarnell Station research house. The data can be used to study non-intrusive load monitoring approaches.
Fugate, D. and Laboratory, O. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mar 22, 2017
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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TEAMER: Initial Testing of Wave Energy-Powered UV-C LED Anti-Biofouling System, Post-Access Report, 3newable LLC
Biofouling severely limits the quality of data coming from buoy-mounted sensors. 3newable is co-developing a unique solution to the biofouling problem together with the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) at WHOI to design and build a buoy-mounted WEC as an integrated power sourc...
Minsky, M. et al 3newable LLC
Sep 20, 2022
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Column Sorption Uptake and Regeneration Study; Rare Earth Element Sorbent Uptake and Sorbent Stripping
Study of rare earth element (REE) uptake from geothermal brine simulant by column loading, metal recovery through stripping, and regeneration of column for re-loading. Simulated brine testing.
Lanyk, T. Tusaar Corp.
Dec 18, 2015
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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