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Demand Response Across the Continental US for 2006

Publicly accessible License 

This project estimates hourly demand response availability across the continental U.S. for the year 2006. The resulting data set is disaggregated by balancing authority area, end use, and grid application. End uses include 14 categories across residential, commercial, industrial and municipal sectors. Grid applications include the 5 bulk power system services of regulation reserve, flexibility (or ramping) reserve, contingency reserve, energy, and capacity. Based on the physical requirements of the various bulk power system services and the estimated end use electric load shapes, potential availability of demand response is calculated and provided as a series of csv files.

Citation Formats

Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. (2016). Demand Response Across the Continental US for 2006 [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.25984/1862680.
Export Citation to RIS
Ma, Seungwook, and . Demand Response Across the Continental US for 2006. United States: N.p., 12 Sep, 2016. Web. doi: 10.25984/1862680.
Ma, Seungwook, & . Demand Response Across the Continental US for 2006. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.25984/1862680
Ma, Seungwook, and . 2016. "Demand Response Across the Continental US for 2006". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.25984/1862680. https://data.openei.org/submissions/180.
@div{oedi_180, title = {Demand Response Across the Continental US for 2006}, author = {Ma, Seungwook, and .}, abstractNote = {This project estimates hourly demand response availability across the continental U.S. for the year 2006. The resulting data set is disaggregated by balancing authority area, end use, and grid application. End uses include 14 categories across residential, commercial, industrial and municipal sectors. Grid applications include the 5 bulk power system services of regulation reserve, flexibility (or ramping) reserve, contingency reserve, energy, and capacity. Based on the physical requirements of the various bulk power system services and the estimated end use electric load shapes, potential availability of demand response is calculated and provided as a series of csv files.}, doi = {10.25984/1862680}, url = {https://data.openei.org/submissions/180}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {09}}


Data from Sep 12, 2016

Last updated Apr 12, 2022

Submitted Sep 12, 2016


Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy


Seungwook Ma


Seungwook Ma

Office of Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy

DOE Project Details

Project Name Demand Response Resource Assessment

Project Number FY16 AOP


Submission Downloads