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State Estimation for advanced control of wave energy converters

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A report on state estimation for advanced control of wave energy converters (WECs), with supporting data models and slides from the overview presentation. The methods discussed are intended for use to enable real-time closed loop control of WECs.

Citation Formats

Sandia National Laboratories. (2017). State Estimation for advanced control of wave energy converters [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1432538.
Export Citation to RIS
Coe, Ryan, and Bacelli, Giorgio. State Estimation for advanced control of wave energy converters. United States: N.p., 25 Apr, 2017. Web. doi: 10.15473/1432538.
Coe, Ryan, & Bacelli, Giorgio. State Estimation for advanced control of wave energy converters. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1432538
Coe, Ryan, and Bacelli, Giorgio. 2017. "State Estimation for advanced control of wave energy converters". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/1432538. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/212.
@div{oedi_7894, title = {State Estimation for advanced control of wave energy converters}, author = {Coe, Ryan, and Bacelli, Giorgio.}, abstractNote = {A report on state estimation for advanced control of wave energy converters (WECs), with supporting data models and slides from the overview presentation. The methods discussed are intended for use to enable real-time closed loop control of WECs.}, doi = {10.15473/1432538}, url = {https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/212}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2017}, month = {04}}


Data from Apr 25, 2017

Last updated Feb 1, 2023

Submitted Apr 25, 2017


Sandia National Laboratories


Ryan Coe


Ryan Coe

Sandia National Laboratories

Giorgio Bacelli

Sandia National Laboratories

DOE Project Details

Project Name Advanced WEC Controls

Project Lead Alison LaBonte

Project Number FY17 AOP 110702


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