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Simulations of Brady's-Type Fault Undergoing CO2 Push-Pull: Pressure-Transient and Sensitivity Analysis
Input and output files used for fault characterization through numerical simulation using iTOUGH2. The synthetic data for the push period are generated by running a forward simulation (input parameters are provided in iTOUGH2 Brady GF6 Input Parameters.txt [InvExt6i.txt]). In gene...
Jung, Y. and Doughty, C. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Mar 09, 2018
11 Resources
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11 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 1: Circulation Testing
These data and test descriptions comprise a chilled circulation test conducted at the 164' fracture in the EGS Collab Experiment 1 testbed on the 4850 ft level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility. Descriptions of the meta data, design drawings for the flow testing system,...
Knox, H. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Apr 01, 2019
11 Resources
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11 Resources
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Long-term electricity and gas consumption for LBNL Building 74
15 minute electricity and 5 minute natural gas consumption data for Building 74 on the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab campus.
Langevin, J. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jul 20, 2015
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 1: Microseismic Monitoring
The U.S. Department of Energy's Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) Collab project aims to improve our understanding of hydraulic stimulations in crystalline rock for enhanced geothermal energy production through execution of intensely monitored meso-scale experiments. The first expe...
Schoenball, M. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jul 29, 2019
46 Resources
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46 Resources
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Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical Modelling of Stockton University Reservoir Cooling System, Large Scale Grid
Mesh, properties, initial conditions, injection/withdrawal rates for modeling thermal, hydrological, and mechanical effects of fluid injection to and withdrawal from ground for Stockton University reservoir cooling system (aquifer storage cooling system), Galloway, New Jersey, on ...
Smith, J. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Feb 26, 2021
15 Resources
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15 Resources
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DCIF Westerly Granite AE Stress Effect Test (Task 3-1)
Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing (DCIF) experiments were conducted on rectangular Westerly granite blocks (width=depth=4.0", height=2.0"). Liquid nitrogen was poured in a small, 1"-diameter copper cup attached to the top of the sample, and the resulting acoustic emissions (A...
Nakagawa, S. and Trzeciak, M. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jul 08, 2021
15 Resources
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15 Resources
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Cranfield Thermosiphon Test DTS Data
Thermal profile data acquired using Silixa Ultima Distributed Temperature Sensor (DTS) at Cranfield, MS field test
Freifeld, B. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jan 19, 2015
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Fracture Sustainability Test, Pre and Post-Test Photomicrographs
The primary objective of this research is to understand how different rock types, mineral and fluid compositions, and fracture surface textures determine the longevity of fracture apertures, so that selection of reservoir rock can be economically optimized to reduce future refract...
Dobson, P. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Sep 26, 2016
9 Resources
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9 Resources
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DCIF (Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing) Westerly Granite AE Borehole Damage Effect Test (Task 3-0)
Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing (DCIF) experiments were conducted on three rectangular Westerly granite blocks (width=depth=4.0", height=2.0") which were preheated to 200, 400, and 600 degree C to induce damage (microcracks) with varying degrees. Liquid nitrogen was poured...
Nakagawa, S. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jan 27, 2022
13 Resources
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13 Resources
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Pressure Data from Cranfield CO2 Thermosiphon Test
Pressure data acquired in well F2 and F3 during the CO2 geothermal thermosiphoning test, Cranfield MS.
Freifeld, B. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jan 21, 2015
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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WISE-CASING: Seismic Experiment at Richmond Field Station, CA
This experiment is testing the tube waves reflected from the bottom of the well. We put six single-channel geophones on the surface and a 24-channel downhole hydrophone into the well. The well is about 30 meters deep. Just a steel casing in the sand formation, no cement.
Wu, Y. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Apr 25, 2018
32 Resources
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32 Resources
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WISE-CASING: Frequency Domain EM Data from Cymric Oil Field, CA
Cymric oil field frequency domain electromagnetic (FEM) data with two parts of data labeled Part 1 and Part 2. Part 1 utilizes an electrical source line parallel to the receiver line, while Part 2 utilizes an electrical source line at a 75 deg angle to the receiver line. Data are ...
Wang, J. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Apr 30, 2019
11 Resources
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11 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 1: Core Logs
Core logs from the EGS Collab project Experiment 1 for the stimulation (Injection) well (E1-I), the Production well (E1-P), and monitoring wells (E1-OT, E1-OB, E1-PST, E1-PSB, E1-PDT, and E1-PDB) on the 4850 Level of SURF (the Sanford Underground Research Facility), single PDF fil...
Dobson, P. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Apr 02, 2019
17 Resources
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17 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 1: Accelerometer orientations
Document describing the methodology used to determine the accelerometers' three-component orientations at the first EGS Collab testbed using Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring (CASSM) data and hodogram analysis.
Original submission:
Hopp, C. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Aug 19, 2020
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Images of Fracture Sustainability Test on Stripa Granite
Images of the Stripa Granite core before and after the fracture sustainability test. Photos of fracture faces of Stripa Granite core.
Kneafsey, T. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
May 11, 2014
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2 Resources
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kISMET Core Photos and Descriptions
These core photos and descriptions were taken from the five boreholes that were drilled as part of the kISMET SubTER project conducted at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, SD. The boreholes are subvertical in orientation, and were drilled on the 4850 level ...
Dobson, P. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Aug 02, 2016
15 Resources
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15 Resources
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Fracture Sustainability Pressure, Temperature, Differential Pressure, and Aperture Closure Data
In these data sets, the experiment time, actual date and time, room temperature, sample temperature, upstream and downstream pressures (measured independently), corrected differential pressure (measured independently and corrected for offset and room temperature) indication of ape...
Kneafsey, T. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Sep 30, 2016
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Helium isotope study of Geothermal Features in Chile with Field and Laboratory Data
Helium isotope and stable isotope data from the El Tatio, Tinginguirica, Chillan, and Tolhuaca geothermal systems, Chile. Data from this submission are discussed in:
Dobson, P.F., Kennedy, B.M., Reich, M., Sanchez, P., and Morata, D. (2013) Effects of volcanism, crustal thickness,...
Dobson, P. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Feb 11, 2013
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2 Resources
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One year occupant behavior/environment data for medium U.S. office
One year of longitudinal data (fifteen minute interval) on local thermal conditions, related behaviors, and comfort of twenty-four occupants of a medium-sized office building in Philadelphia, PA.
Please cite:
Langevin, J., Gurian, P.L., and Wen, J. (2015). Tracking the human...
Langevin, J. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jul 20, 2015
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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In curation
Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing Westerly Granite Test Results
Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing (DCIF) experiments were conducted on a short, cylindrical sample of Westerly granite (diameter = 4 inches, height ~ 2 inches). Liquid nitrogen was poured in a copper cup attached to the top of the sample, and the resulting acoustic emissions ...
Nakagawa, S. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Dec 18, 2020
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Kilauea Magnetotelluric Dataset
In 2002 and 2003 a collaborative effort was undertaken between Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, the USGS Menlo Park, the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, and Electromagnetic Instruments Inc. to study the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii using the mag...
Hoversten, G. and Gasperikova, E. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jun 16, 2022
72 Resources
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72 Resources
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EGS Collab: 3D Geophysical Model Around the Sanford Underground Research Facility
This package contains data associated with a proceedings paper (linked below) submitted to the 44th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. The Geophysical Model text file contains density, P and S-wave seismic speeds on a 3D grid. The file has six columns and provides latit...
Chai, C. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Feb 06, 2019
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Catalyst Design in Nitrate Removal
Based on the volcano plot developed by Dr. Goldsmith group (Report linked in submission), we utilized DFT (density functional theory) calculations to search for bimetallic materials in the application of catalysts in aqueous nitrate removal. The calculations are conducted via the ...
Wang, D. and Jain, A. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Dec 01, 2021
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Surprise Valley Water Geochemical Data
Chemical analyses of thermal and cold ground waters from Surprise Valley, California, compiled from publicly available sources, in collaboration with UC Davis.
Spycher, N. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Apr 13, 2015
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1 Resources
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Shear Induced Permeability Test: Stripa Granite X-Ray CT Files and Explanation
This folder contains X-ray CT images and an explanation related to the shear induced permeability testing of Stripa granite
Kneafsey, T. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jan 21, 2014
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1 Resources
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