Imperial Valley Dark Fiber Project Continuous DAS Data
The Imperial Valley Dark Fiber Project acquired Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) seismic data on a ~28 km segment of dark fiber between the cities of Calipatria and Imperial in the Imperial Valley, Southern California. Dark fiber refers to unused optical fiber cables in telecommunications networks and is repurposed in this project for DAS applications. The objective, which is further detailed in the attached journal article from Ajo-Franklin et al., is to demonstrate dark fiber DAS as a tool for basin-scale geothermal exploration and monitoring. The included DAS data were recorded during two days at the beginning the project. Data is stored in the .h5 (HDF5) file format, readable using various software tools, including the 'h5read' and 'h5info' functions in Matlab. Provided here are examples of methods to read and use the data with the 'h5py' package in Python.
Citation Formats
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. (2020). Imperial Valley Dark Fiber Project Continuous DAS Data [data set]. Retrieved from
Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan, Dobson, Patrick, and Rodriguez Tribaldos, Veronica. Imperial Valley Dark Fiber Project Continuous DAS Data. United States: N.p., 10 Nov, 2020. Web. doi: 10.15121/2281889.
Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan, Dobson, Patrick, & Rodriguez Tribaldos, Veronica. Imperial Valley Dark Fiber Project Continuous DAS Data. United States.
Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan, Dobson, Patrick, and Rodriguez Tribaldos, Veronica. 2020. "Imperial Valley Dark Fiber Project Continuous DAS Data". United States.
@div{oedi_7590, title = {Imperial Valley Dark Fiber Project Continuous DAS Data}, author = {Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan, Dobson, Patrick, and Rodriguez Tribaldos, Veronica.}, abstractNote = {The Imperial Valley Dark Fiber Project acquired Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) seismic data on a ~28 km segment of dark fiber between the cities of Calipatria and Imperial in the Imperial Valley, Southern California. Dark fiber refers to unused optical fiber cables in telecommunications networks and is repurposed in this project for DAS applications. The objective, which is further detailed in the attached journal article from Ajo-Franklin et al., is to demonstrate dark fiber DAS as a tool for basin-scale geothermal exploration and monitoring. The included DAS data were recorded during two days at the beginning the project. Data is stored in the .h5 (HDF5) file format, readable using various software tools, including the 'h5read' and 'h5info' functions in Matlab. Provided here are examples of methods to read and use the data with the 'h5py' package in Python.}, doi = {10.15121/2281889}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2020}, month = {11}}
Data from Nov 10, 2020
Last updated Jan 19, 2024
Submitted Dec 14, 2023
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Avinash Nayak
Original Source Areas
geothermal, energy, distributed acoustic sensing, DAS, imperial valley, brawley, hidden geothermal resources, earthquakes, seismicity, tectonics, southern california, seismic data, strain rate, seismic noise, dark fiber, dark fiber DAS, salton sea, raw data, geothermal exploration, telecommunications fiber, Python, hdf5, Jupyter notebook, geophysics, fiber optic, h5pyDOE Project Details
Project Name Using Dark Fiber and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) to Map and Monitor Geothermal Resources at the Basin Scale
Project Lead Alexandra Prisjatschew
Project Number 35524