WISE-CASING: DC Simulation at Containment and Monitoring Institute (CaMI), Calgary, Canada
For the model calculation we applied EM3D using completion diagram of CaMI site and a background resistivity consistent with the borehole logs. It was also important to use the accurate position of the return electrode. We note that for the data fit the code also incorporated well casings for well INJ and the other observation well, either OB1 or OB2, in the calculation.
In summary, we demonstrate here, for this particular case, that the DC results may be a reasonable approximation to the low frequency EM data collected at CaMI. If this approximation continues to hold, then the extreme computational efficiency offered by the hierarchical modeling used in the DC simulations will permit us to explore far more model complexity, especially the pervasive and troublesome data artifacts that arise when doing EM surveys in mature, culturally developed sites.
In Brief, both the low frequency and DC simulation codes provided very consistent results that match the field data really well, indicating their capability to help monitoring borehole integrity with the low frequency EM method.
Citation Formats
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. (2019). WISE-CASING: DC Simulation at Containment and Monitoring Institute (CaMI), Calgary, Canada [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1560531.
Wang, Jiannan, and Wilt, Michael. WISE-CASING: DC Simulation at Containment and Monitoring Institute (CaMI), Calgary, Canada . United States: N.p., 30 Apr, 2019. Web. doi: 10.15121/1560531.
Wang, Jiannan, & Wilt, Michael. WISE-CASING: DC Simulation at Containment and Monitoring Institute (CaMI), Calgary, Canada . United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1560531
Wang, Jiannan, and Wilt, Michael. 2019. "WISE-CASING: DC Simulation at Containment and Monitoring Institute (CaMI), Calgary, Canada ". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1560531. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1171.
@div{oedi_7307, title = {WISE-CASING: DC Simulation at Containment and Monitoring Institute (CaMI), Calgary, Canada }, author = {Wang, Jiannan, and Wilt, Michael.}, abstractNote = { For the model calculation we applied EM3D using completion diagram of CaMI site and a background resistivity consistent with the borehole logs. It was also important to use the accurate position of the return electrode. We note that for the data fit the code also incorporated well casings for well INJ and the other observation well, either OB1 or OB2, in the calculation.
In summary, we demonstrate here, for this particular case, that the DC results may be a reasonable approximation to the low frequency EM data collected at CaMI. If this approximation continues to hold, then the extreme computational efficiency offered by the hierarchical modeling used in the DC simulations will permit us to explore far more model complexity, especially the pervasive and troublesome data artifacts that arise when doing EM surveys in mature, culturally developed sites.
In Brief, both the low frequency and DC simulation codes provided very consistent results that match the field data really well, indicating their capability to help monitoring borehole integrity with the low frequency EM method.}, doi = {10.15121/1560531}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1171}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2019}, month = {04}}
Data from Apr 30, 2019
Last updated Nov 20, 2019
Submitted Aug 26, 2019
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jiannan Wang
Original Source
https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1171Research Areas
geothermal, energy, EM, EM3D, CaMI, Borehole logs, DC model, Sandia, simulation, field data, electrostatic rsponse, electric fields, hierarchical modeling, low frequency EM method, validation, WISE-CASING, containment and monitoring institute, CMC, numerical, FEM, field, data, FDEM, simulated, modeling, modelling, Canada, low frequency, frequency domain, geophysics, borehole, corrosion, integrity, wellbore, well, potential field, excitation, 5 hz, electromagnetic, casing, electric field, forward, experimentDOE Project Details
Project Name Wellbore Integrity asSEssment with Casing-based Advanced SenSING (WISE-CASING)
Project Lead Mike Weathers
Project Number EE0033208