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Fallon FORGE: GIS and Downhole Well Lithology Data
ArcGIS Map Package with MT Station Locations, 2D Seismic Lines, Well data, Known Regional Hydrothermal Systems, Regional Historic Earthquake Seismicity, Regional Temperature Gradient Data, Regional Heat Flow Data, Regional Radiogenic Heat Production, Local Geology, Land Status, Cu...
Blankenship, D. Sandia National Laboratories
Dec 23, 2015
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2 Resources
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Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of Neal Hot Springs Geothermal Area
Slip and Dilation Tendency in focus areas
Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip (slip tendency; Ts; Morris et al., 1996) or to dilate (dilation tendency...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
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1 Resources
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Nevada Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis Regional Data
This project focused on defining geothermal play fairways and development of a detailed geothermal potential map of a large transect across the Great Basin region (96,000 km2), with the primary objective of facilitating discovery of commercial-grade, blind geothermal fields (i.e. ...
Faulds, J. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Oct 28, 2015
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47 Resources
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3D Model of the Tuscarora Geothermal Area
The Tuscarora geothermal system sits within a ~15 km wide left-step in a major west-dipping range-bounding normal fault system. The step over is defined by the Independence Mountains fault zone and the Bull Runs Mountains fault zone which overlap along strike. Strain is transferre...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
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1 Resources
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Geologic Map and Cross Sections of the McGinness Hills Geothermal Area GIS Data
Geologic map data in shapefile format that includes faults, unit contacts, unit polygons, attitudes of strata and faults, and surficial geothermal features.
5 cross-sections in Adobe Illustrator format.
Comprehensive catalogue of drill-hole data in spreadsheet, shapefile, and Ge...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
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1 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Faults, Fractures, and Lineaments in the Mineral Mountains
This submission includes a shapefile of the Opal Mound Fault, and multiple datasets of lineaments mapped in the Mineral Mountains which overlook the Utah FORGE site, hyperlinked to rose diagrams in a polygon grid shapefile.
Moore, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Mar 09, 2016
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2 Resources
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Utilization Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin (GPFA-AB)
This submission of Utilization Analysis data to the Geothermal Data Repository (GDR) node of the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS) is in support of Phase 1 Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin. The submission includes data pertinent to th...
E., T. Cornell University
Sep 30, 2015
8 Resources
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8 Resources
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Appendices for Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence Report
The Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence looks to use machine learning to spot geothermal identifiers from land maps. This is done to remotely detect geothermal sites for the purpose of energy uses. Such uses include enhanced geothermal system (EGS) applications, especia...
Duzgun, H. et al Colorado School of Mines
Jan 08, 2021
12 Resources
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12 Resources
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Elevation Grid for top Columbia River Basalt (CRBG) in the Portland Basin used in DDU Feasibility Study
The Portland Basin is a prime location to assess the feasibility of DDU-TES because natural geologic conditions provide thermal and hydraulic separation from overlying aquifers that would otherwise sweep away stored heat. Under the Portland Basin, the lower Columbia River Basalt G...
Bershaw, J. and Scanlon, D. Portland State University
Dec 01, 2018
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5 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Updated Phase 2C Well Location Coordinates
Utah FORGE has been established to develop, test, and improve the technologies and techniques required to develop EGS-type geothermal resources. Drilling of the first of two deep deviated wells, 16A(78)-32, will begin in the second half of 2020. This well will serve as the injecti...
Hardwick, C. Utah Geological Survey
Dec 07, 2020
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1 Resources
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Gravity Survey of the Carson Sink Data and Maps
A detailed gravity survey was carried out for the entire Carson Sink in western Nevada (Figure 1) through a subcontract to Zonge Engineering, Inc. The Carson Sink is a large composite basin containing three known, blind high-temperature geothermal systems (Fallon Airbase, Stillwat...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of the Salt Wells Geothermal Area
Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip (slip tendency; Ts; Morris et al., 1996) or to dilate (dilation tendency; Td; Ferrill et al., 1999) provides an in...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
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1 Resources
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McGee Mountain Geoprobe Survey, Humboldt County, Nevada
This shapefile contains location and attribute data for a Geoprobe temperature survey conducted by Geothermal Technical Partners, Inc. during 2010. The purpose of direct push technology (DPT) probe activity at the McGee Mtn. Project, Nevada was to 1) determine bottom hole temperat...
Zehner, R. Geothermal Technical Partners, Inc.
Jun 01, 2010
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2 Resources
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Passive Seismic Emission Tomography Results at San Emidio Nevada
The utility of passive seismic emission tomography for mapping geothermal permeability has been tested at San Emidio in Nevada. The San Emidio study area overlaps a geothermal field in production since 1987 and another resource to the south of the production field. Passive seismic...
Warren, I. et al Ormat Technologies, Inc.
Dec 01, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Fallon FORGE: Geodetic Data
Fallon FORGE InSAR and geodetic GPS deformation data. InSAR shapefiles are packaged together as .MPK (ArcMap map package, compatible with other GIS platforms), and as .CSV comma-delimited plaintext. GPS data and additional metadata are linked to the Nevada Geodetic Laboratory data...
Blankenship, D. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Feb 01, 2018
8 Resources
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8 Resources
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Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of McGinness Hills Geothermal Area
Slip and Dilation Tendency in focus areas
Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip (slip tendency; Ts; Morris et al., 1996) or to dilate (dilation tendency...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
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1 Resources
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Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of the Tuscarora Geothermal Area
Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip (slip tendency; Ts; Morris et al., 1996) or to dilate (dilation tendency; Td; Ferrill et al., 1999) provides an in...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
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Regional Geologic Map
Shaded relief base with Hot Pot project area, generalized geology, selected mines, and major topographic features
Lane, M. Oski Energy LLC
Jun 28, 2013
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2 Resources
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Archuleta County CO Lineaments
This layer traces apparent topographic and air-photo lineaments in the area around Pagosa springs in Archuleta County, Colorado. It was made in order to identify possible fault and fracture systems that might be conduits for geothermal fluids.
Geothermal fluids commonly utilize fa...
E., R. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Jan 01, 2012
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1 Resources
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Seismic Line Location Map File, Hot Pot Project, Humboldt County, Nevada 2010
Location of seismic lines carried out under DOE funded project Advanced Seismic Data Analysis Program (The Hot Pot Project). ArcGIS map package containing topographic base map, Township and Range layer, Oski BLM and private leases at time of survey, and locations, with selected sh...
Lane, M. Oski Energy LLC
Jan 01, 2010
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1 Resources
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Geologic Map, Granite Springs Valley, Nevada Play Fairway Analysis
Geologic map associated with the Nevada Play Fairway project. Includes Sinter and Tufa location, slip and dilation tendency, Quaternary faults, and LiDAR.
Faulds, J. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Sep 14, 2017
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Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Thermal Quality Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA-AB)
This collection of files are part of a larger dataset uploaded in support of Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin (GPFA-AB). Phase 1 of the GPFA-AB project identified potential Geothermal Play Fairways within the Appalachian basin of Pennsylva...
E., T. Cornell University
Nov 15, 2015
50 Resources
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50 Resources
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Colorado Regional Faults
This layer contains the regional faults of Colorado. The geodatabase includes show faults throughout Colorado and can be accessed with a GIS software.
Hussein, K. Flint Geothermal, LLC
Feb 01, 2012
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LiDAR, Granite Springs Valley, Nevada Play Fairway Analysis
This data is associated with the Nevada Play Fairway project and contains the entire package of LiDAR data for Granite Springs Valley.
Faulds, J. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Sep 14, 2017
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2 Resources
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Regional Slip Tendency Analysis of the Great Basin Region
Slip and dilation tendency on the Great Basin fault surfaces (from the USGS Quaternary Fault Database) were calculated using 3DStress (software produced by Southwest Research Institute).
Slip and dilation tendency are both unitless ratios of the resolved stresses applied to the f...
E., J. University of Nevada
Sep 30, 2013
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1 Resources
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