Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Thermal Quality Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA-AB)
This collection of files are part of a larger dataset uploaded in support of Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin (GPFA-AB). Phase 1 of the GPFA-AB project identified potential Geothermal Play Fairways within the Appalachian basin of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and New York. This was accomplished through analysis of 4 key criteria: thermal quality, natural reservoir productivity, risk of seismicity, and heat utilization. Each of these analyses represent a distinct project task, with the fifth task encompassing combination of the 4 risks factors. Supporting data for all five tasks has been uploaded into the Geothermal Data Repository node of the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS).
This submission comprises the data for Thermal Quality Analysis (project task 1) and includes all of the necessary shapefiles, rasters, datasets, code, and references to code repositories that were used to create the thermal resource and risk factor maps as part of the GPFA-AB project. The identified Geothermal Play Fairways are also provided with the larger dataset. Figures (.png) are provided as examples of the shapefiles and rasters. The regional standardized 1 square km grid used in the project is also provided as points (cell centers), polygons, and as a raster. Two ArcGIS toolboxes are available: 1) RegionalGridModels.tbx for creating resource and risk factor maps on the standardized grid, and 2) ThermalRiskFactorModels.tbx for use in making the thermal resource maps and cross sections. These toolboxes contain item description documentation for each model within the toolbox, and for the toolbox itself. This submission also contains three R scripts: 1) AddNewSeisFields.R to add seismic risk data to attribute tables of seismic risk, 2) StratifiedKrigingInterpolation.R for the interpolations used in the thermal resource analysis, and 3) LeaveOneOutCrossValidation.R for the cross validations used in the thermal interpolations.
Some file descriptions make reference to various 'memos'. These are contained within the final report submitted October 16, 2015.
Each zipped file in the submission contains an 'about' document describing the full Thermal Quality Analysis content available, along with key sources, authors, citation, use guidelines, and assumptions, with the specific file(s) contained within the .zip file highlighted.
UPDATE: Newer version of the Thermal Quality Analysis has been added here: (Also linked below)
Newer version of the Combined Risk Factor Analysis has been added here: (Also linked below)
Citation Formats
Cornell University. (2015). Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Thermal Quality Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA-AB) [data set]. Retrieved from
E., Teresa, and . Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Thermal Quality Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA-AB). United States: N.p., 15 Nov, 2015. Web. doi: 10.15121/1261947.
E., Teresa, & . Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Thermal Quality Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA-AB). United States.
E., Teresa, and . 2015. "Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Thermal Quality Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA-AB)". United States.
@div{oedi_6875, title = {Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Thermal Quality Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis (GPFA-AB)}, author = {E., Teresa, and .}, abstractNote = {This collection of files are part of a larger dataset uploaded in support of Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin (GPFA-AB). Phase 1 of the GPFA-AB project identified potential Geothermal Play Fairways within the Appalachian basin of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and New York. This was accomplished through analysis of 4 key criteria: thermal quality, natural reservoir productivity, risk of seismicity, and heat utilization. Each of these analyses represent a distinct project task, with the fifth task encompassing combination of the 4 risks factors. Supporting data for all five tasks has been uploaded into the Geothermal Data Repository node of the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS).
This submission comprises the data for Thermal Quality Analysis (project task 1) and includes all of the necessary shapefiles, rasters, datasets, code, and references to code repositories that were used to create the thermal resource and risk factor maps as part of the GPFA-AB project. The identified Geothermal Play Fairways are also provided with the larger dataset. Figures (.png) are provided as examples of the shapefiles and rasters. The regional standardized 1 square km grid used in the project is also provided as points (cell centers), polygons, and as a raster. Two ArcGIS toolboxes are available: 1) RegionalGridModels.tbx for creating resource and risk factor maps on the standardized grid, and 2) ThermalRiskFactorModels.tbx for use in making the thermal resource maps and cross sections. These toolboxes contain item description documentation for each model within the toolbox, and for the toolbox itself. This submission also contains three R scripts: 1) AddNewSeisFields.R to add seismic risk data to attribute tables of seismic risk, 2) StratifiedKrigingInterpolation.R for the interpolations used in the thermal resource analysis, and 3) LeaveOneOutCrossValidation.R for the cross validations used in the thermal interpolations.
Some file descriptions make reference to various 'memos'. These are contained within the final report submitted October 16, 2015.
Each zipped file in the submission contains an 'about' document describing the full Thermal Quality Analysis content available, along with key sources, authors, citation, use guidelines, and assumptions, with the specific file(s) contained within the .zip file highlighted.
UPDATE: Newer version of the Thermal Quality Analysis has been added here: (Also linked below)
Newer version of the Combined Risk Factor Analysis has been added here: (Also linked below)}, doi = {10.15121/1261947}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2015}, month = {11}}
Data from Nov 15, 2015
Last updated Jul 7, 2021
Submitted Nov 6, 2015
Cornell University
Teresa E. Jordan
Original Source Areas
geothermal, Appalachian basin, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, low-temperature, geothermal play fairway analysis, GPFA-AB, deep direct use, district heating, thermal analysis, resource assessment, heat flow, thermal conductivity, geotherms, shapefile, regional grid, raster, R script, basement, Trenton Black River Project, sediment thickness, BHT correction, Rome Trough, gravity, magnetics, worm based interpolation boundaries, worms, risk of seismicity, outlier, thermal model, thermal field, depth-to-temperature, temperature-at-depth, cross validation, Kriging, favorable counties, ArcGIS, COSUNA, Correlation of Stratigraphic Units of North America, DEM, Digital Elevation Model, low temperature, geospatial data, PFA, play fairway analysis, thermal quality, cross-sectionDOE Project Details
Project Name Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin
Project Lead Holly Thomas
Project Number EE0006726