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Nevada Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis Regional Data

Publicly accessible License 

This project focused on defining geothermal play fairways and development of a detailed geothermal potential map of a large transect across the Great Basin region (96,000 km2), with the primary objective of facilitating discovery of commercial-grade, blind geothermal fields (i.e. systems with no surface hot springs or fumaroles) and thereby accelerating geothermal development in this promising region. Data included in this submission consists of: structural settings (target areas, recency of faulting, slip and dilation potential, slip rates, quality), regional-scale strain rates, earthquake density and magnitude, gravity data, temperature at 3 km depth, permeability models, favorability models, degree of exploration and exploration opportunities, data from springs and wells, transmission lines and wilderness areas, and published maps and theses for the Nevada Play Fairway area.

Citation Formats

Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology. (2015). Nevada Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis Regional Data [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1225261.
Export Citation to RIS
Faulds, James. Nevada Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis Regional Data. United States: N.p., 28 Oct, 2015. Web. doi: 10.15121/1225261.
Faulds, James. Nevada Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis Regional Data. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1225261
Faulds, James. 2015. "Nevada Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis Regional Data". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1225261. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/616.
@div{oedi_6866, title = {Nevada Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis Regional Data}, author = {Faulds, James.}, abstractNote = {This project focused on defining geothermal play fairways and development of a detailed geothermal potential map of a large transect across the Great Basin region (96,000 km2), with the primary objective of facilitating discovery of commercial-grade, blind geothermal fields (i.e. systems with no surface hot springs or fumaroles) and thereby accelerating geothermal development in this promising region. Data included in this submission consists of: structural settings (target areas, recency of faulting, slip and dilation potential, slip rates, quality), regional-scale strain rates, earthquake density and magnitude, gravity data, temperature at 3 km depth, permeability models, favorability models, degree of exploration and exploration opportunities, data from springs and wells, transmission lines and wilderness areas, and published maps and theses for the Nevada Play Fairway area. }, doi = {10.15121/1225261}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/616}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2015}, month = {10}}


Data from Oct 28, 2015

Last updated Jun 18, 2024

Submitted Oct 28, 2015


Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology


James Faulds



James Faulds

Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology

Research Areas

DOE Project Details

Project Name Discovering Blind Geothermal Systems in the Great Basin Region: An Integrated Geologic and Geophysical Approach for Establishing Geothermal Play Fairways

Project Lead Holly Thomas

Project Number EE0006731


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