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Energy Use and Water Consumption at University of Texas at Austin
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Fuel Economy Data
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Altona Well Field 222Rn Data
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Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, Union Status, and Average Number of Employees and Hours
Coal Production Data Files contain information which identify the mining operation (i.e., operation name, mailing address, telephone number, State and county of operation, etc.), annual coal production, and code de...
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Summary World Oil Data (from World on the Edge)
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Better Buildings Neighborhood Program Single-Family Home Upgrade Project Dataset
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Publicly accessible
Form EIA-826 Database Monthly Electric Utility Sales and Revenue Data
EIA previously collected sales and revenue data in a category called "Other." This category was defined as including activities such as public street highway lighting, other sales to public authorities, sales to railroads and railways, and interdepartment...
4 Resources
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NREL GIS Data: Colorado Wind High Resolution
Purpose: Provide information on the wind resource potential for the state of Colorado.
Supplemental_Information: This data ...
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In curation State-by-State Recovery Act Awards and Jobs Created Feb 17, 2009-Mar 31, 2011
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Summary World Geothermal Energy Data (from World on the Edge)
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CHP Units in Washington State
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Alternative Fuels Data Center
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Publicly accessible
Integrated: Geospatial Toolkit GIS data for Oaxaca from NREL
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Integrated: Geospatial Toolkit GIS data for India from NREL
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Integrated: Geospatial Toolkit GIS data for Bhutan from NREL
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Companies in the Biofuels Sector
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Bottom Shear Stress in Lake Erie for Parameterization
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Publicly accessible
USGS US Coal Resources Database (USCOAL), 1975
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Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Renewable Energy Cost Database
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Heating Degree Days, by State (Weighted by Population, per 2000 Census)
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EIA Annual Energy Outlook for 2011: All Tables
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NREL GIS Data: Connecticut Wind High Resolution
Purpose: Provide information on the wind resource development potential within the state of Connecticut.
Supplemental_Information: This...
2 Resources
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NREL Power Technologies Energy Data Book (2006): Technology Profiles
2 Resources
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Residential Energy Consumption Survey Results: Total Energy Consumption, Expenditures, and Intensities (2005)
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EPA: ENERGY STAR Labeled Buildings and Plants (2008)
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