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Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: West Maui Groundwater Flow Model
Groundwater flow model for West Maui. Data is from the following sources:
Whittier, R. and A.I. El-Kadi. 2014. Human and Environmental Risk Ranking of Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems For the Hawaiian Islands of Kauai, Molokai, Maui, and Hawaii Final. Prepared by the University...
Lautze, N. University of Hawaii
Jan 01, 2015
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Drill Cutting and Core Major, Trace and Rare Earth Element Analyses from Wells RN-17B and RN-30, Reykjanes, Iceland
Analytical results for x-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Inductively Couple Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) measurement of major, trace and rare earth elements in drill cuttings from geothermal wells in Reykjanes, Iceland. Total Fe was analyzed as FeO, therefore is not included under...
Fowler, A. and Zierenberg, R. University of California
May 01, 2015
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Transport of CO2 in Stimuli-Responsive Fracking Fluid, StimuFrac
CO2 breakthrough experiments in a column packed with sand and filled with StimuFrac fluid or water to learn about transport of the stimuli (CO2) on environments where either water or the stimuli-responsive polymer aqueous solution (StimuFrac) is present. Results suggest co-injecti...
Fernandez, C. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sep 15, 2016
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Rare Earth Element Concentrations from Wells at the Don A. Campbell Geothermal Plant, Nevada
* Requires permission of originators for use.
Rare earth element concentrations in thermal springs from the wells at the Don A. Campbell geothermal plant, Nevada. Samples taken from geothermal wells 85-11, 65-11, 54-11, and 64-11. Includes pH and concentrations for Cerium, Dyspros...
Fowler, A. and Zierenberg, R. University of California
Dec 09, 2016
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station ANL 10m tower, Goldendale Raw Data
Basic meteorological measurements.
**Data Quality**
The Argonne National Laboratory Surface Meteorology Systems (MET) measurements collected at collocated radar wind profiler sites are visually inspected weekly for data outliers or instrument problems. Of note, the...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 28, 2016
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station ANL 10m tower, Goldendale Reviewed Data
Basic meteorological measurements.
**Data Quality**
The Argonne National Laboratory Surface Meteorology Systems (MET) measurements collected at collocated radar wind profiler sites are visually inspected weekly for data outliers or instrument problems. Of note, the...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 30, 2016
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station ANL 10m tower, Walla Walla Raw Data
Basic meteorological measurements.
**Data Quality**
The Argonne National Laboratory Surface Meteorology Systems (MET) measurements collected at collocated radar wind profiler sites are visually inspected weekly for data outliers or instrument problems. Of note, the...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 28, 2016
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station ANL 10m tower, Walla Walla Reviewed Data
Basic meteorological measurements.
**Data Quality**
The Argonne National Laboratory Surface Meteorology Systems (MET) measurements collected at collocated radar wind profiler sites are visually inspected weekly for data outliers or instrument problems. Of note, the...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 30, 2016
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station ANL 10m tower, Yakima Raw Data
Basic meteorological measurements.
**Data Quality**
The Argonne National Laboratory Surface Meteorology Systems (MET) measurements collected at collocated radar wind profiler sites are visually inspected weekly for data outliers or instrument problems. Of note, the...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 28, 2016
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station ANL 10m tower, Yakima Reviewed Data
Basic meteorological measurements.
**Data Quality**
The Argonne National Laboratory Surface Meteorology Systems (MET) measurements collected at collocated radar wind profiler sites are visually inspected weekly for data outliers or instrument problems. Of note, the...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Mar 30, 2016
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RM3 Wave Tank Validation Model
An approximately 1/75th scale point absorber wave energy absorber was built to validate the testing systems of a 16k gallon single paddle wave tank. The model was build based on the RM3 design and incorporated a linear position sensor, a force transducer, and wetness detection sen...
Candon, C. and Fao, R. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 31, 2023
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3 Resources
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SMART-DS Synthetic Electrical Network Data OpenDSS Models for SFO, GSO, and AUS
The SMART-DS datasets (Synthetic Models for Advanced, Realistic Testing: Distribution systems and Scenarios) are realistic large-scale U.S. electrical distribution models for testing advanced grid algorithms and technology analysis. This document provides a user guide for the data...
Palmintier, B. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Dec 18, 2020
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5 Resources
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SE Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis PFA Models and Probability Map
This submission includes a Na/K geothermometer probability greater than 200 deg C map, as well as two play fairway analysis (PFA) models. The probability map acts as a composite risk segment for the PFA models. The PFA models differ in their application of magnetotelluric conducto...
Brandt, A. University of Utah
Nov 15, 2015
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3 Resources
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A Conceptual Geologic Model for the Newberry Volcano EGS Site in Central Oregon: Constraining Heat Capacity and Permeability through Interpretation of Multicomponent Geosystems Data
Newberry Volcano, a voluminous (500 km3) basaltic/andesitic/rhyolitic shield volcano located near the intersection of the Cascade volcanic arc, the Oregon High Lava Plains and Brothers Fault Zone, and the northern Basin and Range Province, has been the site of geothermal explorati...
Mark-Moser, M. et al National Energy Technology Laboratory
Feb 22, 2016
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1 Resources
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Approaches to 30% Energy Savings at the Community Scale in the Hot-Humid Climate
The Building America Partnership for Improved Residential Construction, formerly the Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership, has worked with several community-scale builders within the hot-humid climate zone to improve performance of production-, or community-scale, h...
Beal, D. et al University of Central Florida Florida Solar Energy Center
Apr 27, 2016
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9 Resources
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NREL Geothermal GIS Data
This dataset is a qualitative assessment of geothermal potential for the U.S. using Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) and based on the levelized cost of electricity with CLASS 1 being most favorable and CLASS 5 being least favorable. This dataset does not include shallow EGS resou...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jan 16, 2015
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Grain-Scale Failure in Thermal Spallation Drilling
Geothermal power promises clean, renewable, reliable and potentially widely-available energy, but is limited by high initial capital costs. New drilling technologies are required to make geothermal power financially competitive with other energy sources. One potential solution is ...
Walsh, S. et al Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jan 01, 2012
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1 Resources
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Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: Hawaii Island Groundwater Flow Model
Groundwater flow model for Hawaii Island. Data is from the following sources:
Whittier, R.B., K. Rotzoll, S. Dhal, A.I. El-Kadi, C. Ray, G. Chen, and D. Chang. 2004. Hawaii Source Water Assessment Program Report Volume II Island of Hawaii Source Water Assessment Program Report. P...
Lautze, N. University of Hawaii
Jan 01, 2015
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StimuFrac Compressibility as a Function of CO2 Molar Fraction
Compressibility values were obtained in a range of pressures at 250degC by employing a fixed volume view cell completely filled with PAA aqueous solution and injecting CO2 at constant flow rate (0.3mL/min). Pressure increase as a function of supercritical CO2 (scCO2) mass fraction...
A., C. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Apr 29, 2016
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Eastern Great Basin Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis Report
This is the final report for the second phase of geological, geophysical, and geochemical data collection and processing for the Eastern Great Basin Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis project.
Wannamaker, P. et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jun 01, 2017
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US Potable Water Reuse System Costs
This submission contains a set of U.S.-specific potable reuse capital and operations and maintenance (O&M) cost data ($2020) found in published presentations and reports from engineering consulting firms, utility and water agency press releases or websites, and literature. For any...
Sim, A. and Mauter, M. NAWI
Oct 20, 2020
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2 Resources
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U.S. Solar Siting Regulation and Zoning Ordinances
A machine readable collection of documented solar siting ordinances at the state and local (e.g., county, township) level throughout the United States. The data were compiled based on a locality-by-locality review zoning ordinances after completing an initial review of scholarly l...
Lopez, A. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 30, 2022
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2 Resources
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Utah FORGE 6-3712: Probabilistic Estimation of Seismic Response Using Physics-Informed Recurrent Neural Networks 2024 Annual Workshop Presentation
This is a presentation on the Probabilistic Estimation of Seismic Response Using Physics-Informed Recurrent Neural Networks by GTC Analytics, presented by Jesse Williams. This video slide presentation discusses the development of machine learning-based predictive tools to estimate...
Williams, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Sep 17, 2024
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Randomized Hourly Load Data for use with Taxonomy Distribution Feeders
This dataset was developed by NREL's distributed energy systems integration group as part of a study on high penetrations of distributed solar PV [1]. It consists of hourly load data in CSV format for use with the PNNL taxonomy of distribution feeders [2]. These feeders were deve...
Hoke, A. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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SMP and Fracture Modeling
The problem of loss circulation in geothermal wells is inherently challenging due to high temperatures, brittle rocks, and presence of abundant fractures. Because of the inherent challenges in geothermal environments, there are limitations in selecting proper lost circulation mate...
Salehi, S. et al University of Oklahoma
Oct 01, 2021
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4 Resources
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