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Altona, NY EGS Field Site Radon Study

Publicly accessible License 

Data include 222Rn activities and complimentary geochemical data for multiple field experiments as part of an EGS project

Citation Formats

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. (2016). Altona, NY EGS Field Site Radon Study [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1495418.
Export Citation to RIS
Brown, Shaun, and Christensen, John. Altona, NY EGS Field Site Radon Study. United States: N.p., 02 Sep, 2016. Web. doi: 10.15121/1495418.
Brown, Shaun, & Christensen, John. Altona, NY EGS Field Site Radon Study. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1495418
Brown, Shaun, and Christensen, John. 2016. "Altona, NY EGS Field Site Radon Study". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15121/1495418. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1118.
@div{oedi_7267, title = {Altona, NY EGS Field Site Radon Study}, author = {Brown, Shaun, and Christensen, John.}, abstractNote = {Data include 222Rn activities and complimentary geochemical data for multiple field experiments as part of an EGS project}, doi = {10.15121/1495418}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1118}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {09}}


Data from Sep 2, 2016

Last updated May 17, 2021

Submitted Feb 4, 2019


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Shaun Brown


Shaun Brown

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

John Christensen

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Research Areas

DOE Project Details

Project Name Radioisotope Tracers and Fracture Attributes for Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Project Lead Elisabet Metcalfe

Project Number FY14 AOP 1161


Submission Downloads