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ORNL NILMS Project Yarnell Station Research House
DOE funded research for NILMS and fault detection for small and medium commercial buildings. This contains notes, documentation, and data from testing at the Yarnell Station research house. The data can be used to study non-intrusive load monitoring approaches.
Fugate, D. and Laboratory, O. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mar 22, 2017
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Soda Lake Well Lithology Data and Geologic Cross-Sections
Comprehensive catalogue of drill-hole data in spreadsheet, shapefile, and Geosoft database formats. Includes XYZ locations of well heads, year drilled, type of well, operator, total depths, well path data (deviations), lithology logs, and temperature data. Plus, 13 cross-sections...
E., J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Benchmark Model for Wastewater Treatment Using an Activated Sludge Process
This is benchmark model for wastewater treatment using an activated sludge process. The activated sludge process is a means of treating both municipal and industrial wastewater. The activated sludge process is a multi-chamber reactor unit that uses highly concentrated microorganis...
Byun, J. and Maravelias, C. Princeton University
Jan 21, 2022
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Tularosa Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Hydrothermal Alteration Map
This is a hydrothermal alteration map of the Tularosa Basin area, New Mexico and Texas that was created using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) multispectral data band ratios based upon diagnostic features of clay, calcite, silica, gypsum, ferr...
Brandt, A. University of Utah
Nov 15, 2015
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Structural Controls of the Tuscarora Geothermal Field, Elko County, Nevada MS Thesis
Detailed geologic mapping, structural analysis, and well data have been integrated to elucidate the stratigraphic framework and structural setting of the Tuscarora geothermal area. Tuscarora is an amagmatic geothermal system that lies in the northern part of the Basin and Range pr...
Dering, G. and Faulds, J. University of Nevada
May 31, 2013
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Confined Brazilian Tests for Rock Failure Envelope and Behavior
Includes test data from Confined Brazilian Tests. The tests were aim at investigating the rock failure envelope of four different lithologies including Indiana limestone, Scioto sandstone, Grey Berea sandstone, and Tennessee sandstone. Tables include the strength data obtained usi...
Ghassemi, A. and Li, Y. University of Oklahoma
Aug 31, 2021
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Tularosa Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Partial Basin and Range Heat and Zones of Critical Stress Maps
Interpolated maps of heat flow, temperature gradient, and quartz geothermometers are included as TIF files. Zones of critical stress map is also included as a TIF file. The zones are given a 5km diameter buffer. The study area is only a part of the Basin and Range, but it does inc...
Brandt, A. University of Utah
Nov 15, 2015
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Oak Ridge National Laboratory NILMS Project FRP #2
DOE funded research for NILMS and Fault Detection for small and medium commercial buildings. This contains notes, documentation, and data from Flexible Research Platform #2. This data can be used to study Non-intrusive Load Monitoring approaches.
The data is 30 second sample p...
Fugate, D. and Laboratory, O. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mar 20, 2017
4 Resources
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In curation
4 Resources
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In curation
Stimulation at Desert Peak Modeling with the Coupled THM Code FEHM
Numerical modeling of the 2011 shear stimulation at the Desert Peak Well 27-15 using a coupled thermal-hydrological-mechanical simulator. This submission contains the finite element heat and mass transfer (FEHM) executable code for a 64-bit PC Windows-7 machine, and the input and ...
Kelkar, S. et al Los Alamos National Laboratory
Apr 30, 2013
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Tularosa Basin Play Fairway Analysis Model
This submission contains several shapefiles used for a deterministic PFA, as well as a heat composite risk segment with union overlay, and training sites used for weights of evidence. More detailed metadata can be found in the specific file.
Brandt, A. University of Utah
Nov 15, 2015
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
PoroTomo: BRAD, BRD1, and BRDY GPS Station RINEX Files October 18, 2016
This dataset provides links to daily RINEX files for three GPS stations at Brady's Hot Springs as of October 18, 2016. The data is formatted as compressed GNSS RINEX observation files, accessible through formatted CSV files, as well as in links to the complete daily time series da...
Kreemer, C. University of Wisconsin
Oct 11, 2016
9 Resources
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Publicly accessible
9 Resources
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Publicly accessible
PoroTomo: BRAD, BRD1, and BRDY GPS Station RINEX Files January 18, 2017
This dataset provides links to daily RINEX files for three GPS stations at Brady's Hot Springs as of January 18, 2017. The data is formatted as compressed GNSS RINEX observation files, accessible through formatted CSV files, as well as in links to the complete daily time series da...
Kreemer, C. University of Wisconsin
Jan 18, 2017
9 Resources
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Publicly accessible
9 Resources
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Publicly accessible
A Class III Cultural Resources Inventory of Proposed Roads and Drill Pads for the McGee Mountain Geothermal Project, Humboldt County, Nevada
From July 20th to July 22nd, 2010, Chambers Group personnel conducted a cultural resources inventory of the project area. The recordation and inventory resulted in the recordation a single newly identified prehistoric site (CrNV-2-9605) and five isolated finds (CrNV-2-1490 to 1494...
Zehner, R. Geothermal Technical Partners, Inc.
Aug 10, 2010
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Experimental Parameters Affecting Stripping of Rare Earth Elements from Loaded Sorptive Media in Simulated Geothermal Brines
Experimental results from several studies exploring the impact of pH and acid volume on the stripping of rare earth elements (REEs) loaded onto ligand-based media via an active column. The REEs in this experiment were loaded onto the media through exposure to a simulated geother...
Stull, D. Tusaar Corp.
May 24, 2016
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: Hydrothermal Friction-Hydraulic Transmissivity Laboratory Experiments
Submission includes data from laboratory slide-hold-slide tests, combined with flow through tests, conducted on Westerly granite with 30 degree sawcut. Tests were conducted with a constant confining pressure of 30 MPa with an average pore pressure of 10 MPa at temperatures of 23 a...
Jeppson, T. and Lockner, D. United States Geological Survey
Feb 24, 2022
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Conductance Steamflow Relationship
These histograms represent our calibration of conductance of a volcanic geothermal field (with a clay cap) and the observed steam flow rates. Darajat is a vapor geothermal field located in West Java, Indonesia. First production from the field was started in 1994 and additional cap...
Trainor-Guitton, W. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Apr 01, 2015
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Fueling Infrastructure Polymer Materials Compatibility to Ethanol-blended Gasoline
These data files contain volume, mass, and hardness changes of elastomers and plastics representative exposed to gasoline containing various levels of ethanol. These materials are representative of those used in gasoline fuel storage and dispensing hardware. All values are compa...
Kass, M. and Laboratory, O. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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In curation
Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: Recharge Data for the Islands of Kauai, Lanai and Molokai, Hawaii
Recharge data for the islands of Kauai, Lanai and Molokai in shapefile format. These data are from the following sources:
Whittier, R.B and A.I. El-Kadi. 2014. Human Health and Environmental Risk Ranking of On-Site Sewage Disposal systems for the Hawaiian Islands of Kauai, Molo...
Lautze, N. University of Hawaii
Jan 01, 2015
12 Resources
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Publicly accessible
12 Resources
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Publicly accessible
ORNL Air Handling Fault Test Data FRP#1
ORNL test data for air handling faults. Data contains electrical measurements and power consumption measurements.
Fugate, D. and Laboratory, O. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mar 22, 2017
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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In curation
Oak Ridge National Laboratory NILMS Project FRP No #1
DOE funded research for NILMS and Fault Detection for small and medium commercial buildings. This contains notes, documentation, and data from Flexible Research Platform #1. This data can be used to study Non-intrusive Load Monitoring approaches.
The data is 30 second sample po...
Fugate, D. and Laboratory, O. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mar 20, 2017
4 Resources
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In curation
4 Resources
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In curation
Column Sorption Uptake and Regeneration Study; Rare Earth Element Sorbent Uptake and Sorbent Stripping
Study of rare earth element (REE) uptake from geothermal brine simulant by column loading, metal recovery through stripping, and regeneration of column for re-loading. Simulated brine testing.
Lanyk, T. Tusaar Corp.
Dec 18, 2015
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
DTS Raw Data Guelph, Ontario Canada
Unprocessed active distributed temperature sensing (DTS) data from 3 boreholes in the Guelph, ON Canada region. Data from borehole 1 was collected during a fluid injection while data from boreholes 2 and 3 were collected under natural gradient conditions in a lined borehole.
Coleman, T. University of Wisconsin
Jul 31, 2013
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Structural Inventory of Great Basin Geothermal Systems and Definition of Favorable Structural Settings
Structural controls of 426 geothermal systems in the Great Basin region including western Nevada, central Nevada, northwestern Nevada, northeastern Nevada, east-central Nevada, eastern California, southern Oregon, and western Utah were analyzed with literature research, air photos...
Faulds, J. University of Nevada
Dec 31, 2013
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Karaha Fluid Inclusion Gas Analysis
Fluid inclusion gas analysis for wells in Karaha Telga Bodegas geothermal reservoir, Indonesia. Analyses used in developing fluid inclusion stratigraphy for wells and defining fluids across the geothermal fields. Each sample has mass spectrum counts for 180 chemical species.
Dilley, L. Hattenburg Dilley and Linnell
Jan 01, 2013
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Stability of Elastomers Subjected to Geothermal Well-Like Conditions
The aim of this study is to understand how commercially available elastomers perform under geothermal well-like conditions and make recommendations to the community based on these results. This poster highlights the mechanical performance of several elastomers (including EPDM, Vit...
Redline, E. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Aug 10, 2014
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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