Baseline System Costs for a 50 MW Enhanced Geothermal System 2012
Substantial unexploited opportunity exists for the US, and the world, in Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). This cost analysis study provides a baseline cost for a 50 MW Geothermal Power Plant in a challenging New England environment. The study then assesses how project costs would change as a function of (1) geothermal working fluid, that is, CO2 vs. water, (2) drilling technology, (3) CO2 generation technology, and (4) other geographic locations.
Citation Formats
Gas Equipment Engineering Corporation. (2012). Baseline System Costs for a 50 MW Enhanced Geothermal System 2012 [data set]. Retrieved from
Selman, Nancy, and . Baseline System Costs for a 50 MW Enhanced Geothermal System 2012. United States: N.p., 30 Apr, 2012. Web.
Selman, Nancy, & . Baseline System Costs for a 50 MW Enhanced Geothermal System 2012. United States.
Selman, Nancy, and . 2012. "Baseline System Costs for a 50 MW Enhanced Geothermal System 2012". United States.
@div{oedi_6493, title = {Baseline System Costs for a 50 MW Enhanced Geothermal System 2012}, author = {Selman, Nancy, and .}, abstractNote = {Substantial unexploited opportunity exists for the US, and the world, in Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). This cost analysis study provides a baseline cost for a 50 MW Geothermal Power Plant in a challenging New England environment. The study then assesses how project costs would change as a function of (1) geothermal working fluid, that is, CO2 vs. water, (2) drilling technology, (3) CO2 generation technology, and (4) other geographic locations.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2012}, month = {04}}
Data from Apr 30, 2012
Last updated May 16, 2017
Submitted May 29, 2012
Gas Equipment Engineering Corporation
Nancy Selman
Original Source Areas
egs, geothermal, working fluid, drilling, cost analysis, western massachusetts, reservoir modeling, mountain home id, china lake, ca, enhanced geothermal systemsDOE Project Details
Project Name Recovery Act: Baseline System Costs for 50.0 MW Enhanced Geothermal System -- A Function of: Working Fluid, Technology, and Location, Location, Location
Project Lead Arlene Anderson
Project Number EE0002742