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City and County Vehicle Inventories
This light-duty vehicle inventory dataset provides information on vehicle registrations by vehicle type (car vs. truck), fuel type, and model year showing the changes in adoption trends over time and average fuel economies.
This data is part of a suite of state and local energy ...
Day, M. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 21, 2019
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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United States County-Level Industrial Energy Use
Estimated industrial manufacturing agriculture construction and mining energy estimated by North American Industrial Classification System NAICS code county and fuel type for 2014. Additional disaggregation by end use e.g. machine drive process heating facility lighting is provide...
McMillan and NarwadeNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 27, 2018
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Reservoir Productivity Uncertainty Analysis for the Tuscarora Sandstone, Morgantown, WV
This dataset contains figures that summarize the Tuscarora Sandstone core permeability data collected from the Preston 119 well in Preston County, WV, and summary results of a stochastic analysis that was used to estimate reservoir productivity for the currently unexplored Tuscaro...
Smith, J. West Virginia University
Dec 19, 2019
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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OC6 Phase Ia Nonlinear hydrodynamic loading validation dataset
Two validation campaigns were examined within the Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration, Continued, with Correlation and unCertainty (OC6) Phase 1 project to examine the modeling tools' underprediction of loads and motion of a floating wind semisubmersible (semi) at...
Robertson, A. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Aug 08, 2021
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station BAO West of Tower, Surface Processed Data
Proving basic surface meteorology, soil hydrology and temperature, and fluxes of energy (radiation and turbulent fluxes) and water (precipitation, evaporation, and soil moisture).
**Data Details**
Contact **David Noone**.
**Data Quality**
This dataset is prelimi...
Noone, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Feb 28, 2015
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Additional Data Focused on Phase 1 Geared Toward Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) validation
A new validation campaign was developed within the Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration, Continued, with Correlation and unCertainty (OC6) to better understand the complex interactions between components of a floating wind system (e.g., columns, pontoons, etc.) in ...
Robertson, A. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Apr 08, 2021
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Ceilometer ND Ceilometer, Wasco Airport Raw Data
Measurements of cloud base height and vertical visibility using pulsed infrared (910 nm) diode laser LIDAR technology. The instrument can detect up to three cloud layers simultaneously.
**Data Details**
Measurements taken in the standard measuring mode, where the C...
Fernando, J. et al Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jan 14, 2015
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Numerical Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis using iTOUGH2 for West Virginia University
To reduce the geothermal exploration risk, a feasibility study is performed for a deep direct-use system proposed at the West Virginia University (WVU) Morgantown campus. This study applies numerical simulations to investigate reservoir impedance and thermal production. Because of...
Garapati, N. et al West Virginia University
Dec 20, 2019
13 Resources
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Publicly accessible
13 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE 2-2446: Characterizing Stress Roughness Through Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Growth
This dataset covers work that investigated the apparent toughness anisotropy at Utah FORGE by comparing microseismic data with stress profiles from field measurements. The study analyzes the hydraulic fracture growth of Stage 3 at Well 16A(78)-32 using MEQ data, calibrating a nume...
Cusini, M. and Fei, F. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jan 30, 2025
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Risk Factor Analysis in Low-Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin (GPFA-AB)
This submission contains information used to compute the risk factors for the GPFA-AB project. The risk factors are natural reservoir quality, thermal resource quality, potential for induced seismicity, and utilization. The methods used to combine the risk factors included taking ...
E., T. Cornell University
Sep 30, 2015
191 Resources
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191 Resources
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WHOLESCALE: Microseismic Event Catalog for San Emidio, Nevada 2022
This submission includes a high-precision seismic event catalog estimated from seismic data collected at San Emidio, Nevada from April to May 2022. The catalog lists the precise time, location, and magnitude of microseismic events recorded during this period. Both the seismic dat...
Guo, H. et al University of Wisconsin Madison
Apr 20, 2024
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Texas Tech Building Wake Field Experiment, Reese Technology Center / Averaged Data
This dataset contains sonic anemometer measurements around a building the size of a typical suburb home located at Texas Tech's Reese Technology Center. These data are intended to validate computer models.
**Data Details**
Stations 1-22 are sonic anemometers at a h...
Nelson, M. and Pol, S. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
May 06, 2021
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Industrial Facility Combustion Energy Use
Facility-level industrial combustion energy use is calculated from greenhouse gas emissions data reported by large emitters (>25,000 metric tons CO2e per year) under the U.S. EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP, The calculation applies ...
McMillanNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jul 19, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station ANL 50m, Sonic, Physics site-12 Raw Data
Measurements of surface sensible heat flux, momentum flux, wind components, and virtual temperature.
**Data Details**
* X (column 1) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward north.
* Y (column 2) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward east.
* Z (column 3) is...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 14, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Surface Meteorological Station ANL 50m, Sonic, Physics site-12 Raw Data
Measurements of surface sensible heat flux, momentum flux, wind components, and virtual temperature.
**Data Details**
* X (column 1) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward north.
* Y (column 2) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward east.
* Z (column 3) is...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 14, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Surface Meteorological Station ANL 80m, Sonic, Physics site-12 Raw Data
Measurements of surface sensible heat flux, momentum flux, wind components, and virtual temperature.
**Data Details**
* X (column 1) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward north.
* Y (column 2) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward east.
* Z (column 3) is...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 14, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Surface Meteorological Station ANL 80m, Sonic, Physics site-12 Raw Data
Measurements of surface sensible heat flux, momentum flux, wind components, and virtual temperature.
**Data Details**
* X (column 1) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward north.
* Y (column 2) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward east.
* Z (column 3) is...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 14, 2016
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Direct-Drive Electrical Generator and PTO System for Flap-type Wave Energy Converters
Project and generator specifications and initial prototype test data for flap-type wave energy converters (WEC)
Englebretson, S. ABB Inc.
Mar 20, 2015
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station ANL 50m, Sonic, Physics site-12 Reviewed Data
Measurements of surface sensible heat flux, momentum flux, wind components, and virtual temperature.
**Data Details**
* X (column 1) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward north.
* Y (column 2) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward east.
* Z (column 3) is...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 14, 2016
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Surface Meteorological Station ANL 50m, Sonic, Physics site-12 Reviewed Data
Measurements of surface sensible heat flux, momentum flux, wind components, and virtual temperature.
**Data Details**
* X (column 1) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward north.
* Y (column 2) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward east.
* Z (column 3) is...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 14, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Surface Meteorological Station ANL 80m, Sonic, Physics site-12 Reviewed Data
Measurements of surface sensible heat flux, momentum flux, wind components, and virtual temperature.
**Data Details**
* X (column 1) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward north.
* Y (column 2) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward east.
* Z (column 3) is...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 14, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Surface Meteorological Station ANL 80m, Sonic, Physics site-12 Reviewed Data
Measurements of surface sensible heat flux, momentum flux, wind components, and virtual temperature.
**Data Details**
* X (column 1) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward north.
* Y (column 2) is a component of wind cm/s plus toward east.
* Z (column 3) is...
Cook, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 14, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Research Report of Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian Basin
This is a final report summarizing a one-year (2014-15) DOE funded Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis of the Low-Temperature resources of the Appalachian Basin of New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Collaborators included Cornell University, Southern Methodist University, and...
Jordan, T. et al Cornell University
Sep 30, 2015
22 Resources
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Publicly accessible
22 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Block Scale Rooftop Solar Technical Potential for the City of Orlando
The html maps are provided as supplementary information for the publication titled Parcel Scale Assessment of Rooftop Solar Technical Potential (NREL/PR-7A40-80780). The maps contain information on rooftop solar technical potential at the block scale for the city of Orlando in Flo...
Prasanna. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 24, 2021
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Surface Meteorological Station UND 10m, (2) Sonics 3m 10m, (2) T/RH 3m 10m, Physics site-11 Raw Data
The data included features wind, temperature, and turbulence measurements.
**Data Details**
Each met station (met.z18, met.z19, met.z21, and met.z23) consists of multiple levels of three-dimensional ultrasonic anemometers, RM Young 81000 (sampling frequency = 20 ...
Fernando, J. et al Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Feb 14, 2016
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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