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RivGen Deployment Control System Specifications and Models, Igiugig, AK
Control System simulation models, case studies, and processing codes for analyzing field data. Raw data files included from VFD and SCADA.
MatLab and Simulink are required to open some data files and all model files.
Forbush, D. et al Ocean Renewable Power Company
Mar 21, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Coordinated Control of Tidal Cross-flow Turbines
Initial laboratory experiments with coordinated phase control of cross-flow turbines in a dense array.
Polagye, B. University of Washington
Dec 06, 2016
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
State Estimation for advanced control of wave energy converters
A report on state estimation for advanced control of wave energy converters (WECs), with supporting data models and slides from the overview presentation. The methods discussed are intended for use to enable real-time closed loop control of WECs.
Coe, R. and Bacelli, G. Sandia National Laboratories
Apr 25, 2017
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Appalachian Basin Temperature-Depth Maps and Structured Data in support of Feasibility Study of Direct District Heating for the Cornell Campus Utilizing Deep Geothermal Energy
This dataset contains shapefiles and rasters that summarize the results of a stochastic analysis of temperatures at depth in the Appalachian Basin states of New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. This analysis provides an update to the temperature-at-depth maps provided in the...
Smith, J. Cornell University
Oct 29, 2019
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: Milford Site Location, Seismometer Locations, Basin Depth Models, and Potentiometric Contours
This submission includes the geographic extent shapefile of the Milford FORGE site located in Utah, along with a shapefile of seismometer positions throughout the area, and models of basin depth and potentiometric contours.
Moore, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Mar 09, 2016
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
4 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Holistic Control Embedded PTO Development Target Performance Metrics Definitions
Collection of Power Take-Off (PTO), Power Conversion Chain (PCC), and relevant device metrics to be used for performance assessment of the Control co-designed PTO including brief summary of literature, baseline, and target metrics values.
Boerner, T. et al CalWave Power Technologies Inc.
Jul 30, 2019
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Geothermal Electricity Technology Evaluation Model (GETEM) Individual Case Files and Summary Spreadsheet (GETEM version Spring 2013)
This group of files includes 10 GETEM individual scenario files and 1 summary spreadsheet. Each spreadsheet contains final data (following the revisions made between summer of 2011 and spring of 2013).
Entingh, D. et al Idaho National Laboratory
Mar 07, 2013
11 Resources
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Publicly accessible
11 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Control Strategies to Reduce the Energy Consumption of Central Domestic Hot Water Systems
Domestic hot water (DHW) is the second-largest energy end use in U.S. buildings; it is exceeded only by space conditioning. In this study, the U.S. Department of Energy's Building America research team Advanced Research Integrated Energy Solutions installed and tested two types o...
Dentz, J. et al The Levy Partnership, Inc Systems Building Research Alliance
Apr 27, 2016
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Advanced WEC Dynamics and Controls, Test 1
Numerous studies have shown that advanced control of a wave energy converter's (WEC's) power take off (PTO) can provide significant increases (on the order of 200-300%) in WEC energy absorption. Transitioning these control approaches from simplified paper studies to application in...
Coe, R. Sandia National Laboratories
Feb 26, 2016
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Optimization of Marine Energy Conversion Systems Through Modeling, Optimization, and CHIL Validation
The work aims to achieve optimal tidal energy conversion through a comprehensive approach of modeling, optimization, and control hardware-in-the-loop (CHIL) validation. By developing accurate models and employing optimization techniques, it seeks to identify efficient system confi...
Luo, F. et al Stony Brook University
Jul 17, 2023
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
6 Resources
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Publicly accessible
AASG Wells Data for the EGS Test Site Planning and Analysis Task
AASG Wells Data for the EGS Test Site Planning and Analysis Task
Temperature measurement data obtained from boreholes for the Association of American State Geologists (AASG) geothermal data project. Typically bottomhole temperatures are recorded from log headers, and this informat...
Augustine, C. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Oct 09, 2013
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: Temperature Contours
This submission contains several ArcGIS shapefiles, each with Temperature contour lines at different depths. Subsurface temperature were important for characterizing the geothermal system beneath the FORGE site in Milford, Utah.
Moore, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Mar 09, 2016
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: Temperature Contours at 200 m
The individual shapefiles in this dataset delineate estimated temperature contours (20, 40, 60, and 80 deg C) at a depth of 200 m in the Milford, Utah FORGE area. Contours were derived from 86 geothermal, gradient, and other wells drilled in the area since the mid-1970s with dept...
Moore, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Feb 01, 2016
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Gravity, Granite Springs Valley, Nevada Play Fairway Analysis
All raw data for new data acquired, key grids such as CBA and horizontal derivative, acquisition report, and depth models. This gravity data is associated with the Nevada Play Fairway project.
Faulds, J. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Sep 14, 2017
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
NAWI Seedling Project: Foundational Control Methods for Water Treatment Systems Online Actuator and Sensor Data
This repository contains online actuator and sensor data and associated meta-data collected during the NAWI-funded seedling project with title: Foundational Control Methods for Water Treatment Systems. For detailed information on each dataset, please check the README included there.
Villez, K. et al Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jan 01, 2020
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
7 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Cold Water Depth (Annual Average)
This shapefile represents annual average cold water depth recordings.
The cold water is defined by locating the depth that leads to the greatest average annual net power at each location when depth and its corresponding ?T are input into the power equation. This optimization ba...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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In curation
2 Resources
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In curation
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Cold Water Depth (Winter Average)
This shapefile represents seasonal winter average cold water depth recordings.
The cold water is defined by locating the depth that leads to the greatest average annual net power at each location when depth and its corresponding ΔT are input into the power equation. This optim...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
0 Stars
In curation
2 Resources
0 Stars
In curation
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Cold Water Depth (Summer Average)
This shapefile represents seasonal summer average cold water depth recordings.
The cold water is defined by locating the depth that leads to the greatest average annual net power at each location when depth and its corresponding ΔT are input into the power equation. This optim...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
2 Resources
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In curation
2 Resources
0 Stars
In curation
EGS Collab: 3D Geophysical Model Around the Sanford Underground Research Facility
This package contains data associated with a proceedings paper (linked below) submitted to the 44th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. The Geophysical Model text file contains density, P and S-wave seismic speeds on a 3D grid. The file has six columns and provides latit...
Chai, C. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Feb 06, 2019
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Model and experimental validation of ocean kite dynamics and controls
This submission includes two peer-reviewed papers from researchers at North Carolina State University presenting the modeling and lab-scale experimentation of the dynamics and control of a tethered tidal ocean kite. Below are the abstracts of each file included in the submission.
Vermillion, C. et al North Carolina State University
Mar 01, 2020
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Drilling Data
This dataset includes survey data, drilling data, daily reports, summaries of daily operations, and rig photos from the drilling of Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32, which is a highly deviated deep well. It was completed 60 days ahead of schedule.
Rig move in began 10/22/2020 and dril...
McLennan, J. et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Jan 08, 2021
15 Resources
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Publicly accessible
15 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Wave Tank Testing Report for Controls Validation of a Heaving Point Absorber
The core objectives of this project is to improve the power capture of three different wave energy
conversion (WEC) devices by more than 50% using an advanced control system and validate the
attained improvements using wave tank and full scale testing. In parallel, we will bring a...
Previsic, M. et al Re Vision Consulting
Aug 26, 2020
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
LCOE Analysis of Surge-Mode WEC
Spreadsheet which provides estimates of reductions in Levelized Cost of Energy for a surge-mode wave energy converter (WEC). This is made available via adoption of the advanced control strategies developed during this research effort.
Staby, B. Resolute Marine Energy, Inc.
Mar 07, 2017
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
The measurement of depth of water in oceans, seas, or lakes GEBCO bathymetry gridded data for North Sea / Baltic Sea Derived Data
This dataset contains global bathymetry, or water depth, measurements from the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), converted into the format needed for WRF's Pre-processing System (WPS). The data are read in for the use of a depth-dependent water surface...
Hawbecker, P. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Dec 31, 2019
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Utah FORGE: Updated FMI Fracture Log from Well 16A(78)-32
This dataset consists of an Excel spreadsheet detailing the fracture picks from a reinterpretation of the formation micro-imaging (FMI) log from Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32. The provided information details fracture location, geometry, and type. Also included here is a link to the...
Handwerger, D. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Apr 17, 2024
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
3 Resources
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Publicly accessible