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Raw Data from National Wind Technology Center M2 Tower (1996 2001)
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U.S. Solar Siting Regulation and Zoning Ordinances
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Wind Turbine Gearbox Condition Monitoring Vibration Analysis Benchmarking Datasets
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Public Housing: A Tailored Approach to Energy Retrofits Raleigh
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Raw Data from National Wind Technology Center M2 Tower (2001 2011)
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Wind Resources by Class and Country At 50m
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NorthernStar Zero Energy Ready Homes
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High-Resolution Floating Solar PV Data
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Form EIA-906, EIA-920, and EIA-923 Databases
The EIA-906, EIA-920, EIA-923 and predecessor forms provide monthly and annual data on generation and fuel consumption at the power plant and prime mover level. A subset of plants, steam-electric plants 10 MW and above, also provides boiler level and ge...
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NREL GIS Data: Continental United States Global Horizontal Solar Resource 10km Resolution (1998 2005)
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NREL GIS Data: Hawaii Photovoltaic (Tilt = Latitude) 10km Resolution (1998 2005)
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Innovative Technologies to Overcome Interface Challenges for Wall Retrofit Systems
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Ridgelines: Department of Interior Definition
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Evaluation of the U.S. Department of Energy Challenge Home Program Certification of Production Builders Chicago, IL and Devens, MA
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Commercial and Residential Hourly Load Profiles for all TMY3 Locations in the United States
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Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Mapping Data
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Conway St Apartments Olive Street Development
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BUTTER Empirical Deep Learning Dataset
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U.S. Wind Siting Regulation and Zoning Ordinances
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Simplified Space Conditioning in Low-Load Homes
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Dynamically Downscaled Hourly Future Weather Data with 12-km Resolution Covering Most of North America
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AlphaBuilding Synthetic Buildings Operation Dataset
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ARPA-E Grid Optimization (GO) Competition Challenge 1
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Form EIA-411, “Coordinated Bulk Power Supply Program Report,”
The Form EIA-411, “Coordinated Bulk Power Supply Program Report,” collects information from the Nation’s power system planners about the electricity supply, both capacity and energy, that is needed to serve current demand and for future growth.
...6 Resources
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Hydrogen Compatibility of Materials
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