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Dataset and SUTRA model used to evaluate Reservoirs for Thermal Energy Storage in the Portland Basin, Oregon.
This is a link to the open access, published dataset and modeling that supports a feasibility study of Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage (RTES) in the Portland Basin, Oregon, USA.
Burns, E.R., 2020, SUTRA model used to evaluate Saline or Brackish Aquifers as Reservoirs f...
Bershaw, J. et al Portland State University
Jun 29, 2020
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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GEO3D Three-Dimensional Computer Model of a Ground Source Heat Pump System
This file is the setup file for GEO3D, a computer program written by Jim Menart to simulate vertical wells in conjunction with a heat pump for ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems. This is a very detailed three-dimensional computer model. This program produces detailed heat tran...
Menart, J. Wright State University
Jun 07, 2013
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Tularosa Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Groundwater, Heat Flow, Relief Map
In this submission is the groundwater composite risk segment (CRS) used for play fairway analysis. Also included is a heat flow probability map, and a shaded relief map of the Tularosa Basin, NM.
Brandt, A. University of Utah
Nov 15, 2015
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5 Resources
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Hawaii Play Fairway: Preliminary Core Box Photos, Lanai Island, Hawaii
Photos of core samples from Lanai Island. During the third phase of the Hawaii Play Fairway project, further exploration involved drilling a groundwater well in Lanai's Palawai Basin and performing more geophysical surveys. The project deepened an existing water well on Lanai. Dri...
Lautze, N. et al University of Hawaii
Jul 01, 2019
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Publicly accessible
INGENIOUS Great Basin Regional Dataset Compilation
This is the regional dataset compilation for the INnovative Geothermal Exploration through Novel Investigations Of Undiscovered Systems (INGENIOUS) project. The primary goal of this project is to accelerate discoveries of new, commercially viable hidden geothermal systems while re...
Ayling, B. et al GBCGE, NBMG, UNR
Jun 30, 2022
17 Resources
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17 Resources
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Testing LCM on a Large Scale for Geothermal Drilling Applications Using a Novel Experimental Setup
Rheology data obtained from flow loop tests, performed using different lost circulation materials (LCM) to study their effect on fluid rheology and wellbore hydraulics. The sealing performance of different LCM was tested using different fracture sizes. Five academic papers / repor...
Mohamed, A. et al University of Oklahoma
Apr 22, 2022
10 Resources
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10 Resources
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Desert Peak Geodatabase for Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence
These files contain the geodatabases related to the Desert Peak Geothermal Field. It includes all input and output files used in the project. The files include data categories of raw data, pre-processed data, and analysis (post-processed data). In each of these categories there ar...
Moraga, J. et al Colorado School of Mines
Apr 27, 2021
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Brady Geodatabase for Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence
These files contain the geodatabases related to Brady's Geothermal Field. It includes all input and output files for the Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence. Input and output files are sorted into three categories: raw data, pre-processed data, and analysis (post-proces...
Moraga, J. et al Colorado School of Mines
Apr 27, 2021
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 2: Shear Stimulation ERT Monitoring Data
This repository contains the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) monitoring data that was collected before, during, and after shear stimulation attempts were conducted at EGS Collab. These tests were carried out on the SURF 4100 level during Experiment 2 in March, 2022. Flow a...
Johnson, T. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mar 06, 2023
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Newberry EGS Demonstration: Initial Project Report and Induced Seismicity Mitigation Plan, 2011
This is the first project report and induced seismicity mitigation plan for the Newberry Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Demonstration project. The primary objectives of this first phase were to obtain necessary permits and comply with all regulations, including NEPA, communica...
Cladouhos, T. et al AltaRock Energy Inc
May 05, 2024
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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EGS Collab Experiment 3: 4100 Tensile Stimulation and Thermal Circulation Testing
These data and test descriptions are from a set of primarily tensile hydraulic-fracture stimulations in wells E2-TC and E2-TU and a subsequent chilled water circulation test conducted by injecting in well E2-TU on the 4100 level of the Sandford Underground Research Facility (SURF)...
Vermeul, V. et al Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Aug 26, 2022
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Low-Income Energy Affordability Data LEAD Tool 2018 Update
The Low-Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) Tool was created by the Better Building's Clean Energy for Low Income Communities Accelerator (CELICA) to help state and local partners understand housing and energy characteristics for the low and moderate-income (LMI) communities t...
Ma, O. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Jul 01, 2020
57 Resources
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57 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Stimulation DFN Fracture Plane Evaluation and Data
This dataset includes files used to fit planar fractures through the preliminary earthquake catalogs of the three stages of the April 2022 well 16A(78)-32 stimulation which is linked bellow. These planar features have been used to update the FORGE reference Discrete Fracture Netwo...
Finnila, A. WSP Golder
Oct 27, 2022
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Salton Sea Geodatabase for Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence
These files contain the geodatabases related to Salton Sea Geothermal Field. It includes all input and output files used with the Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence. Input and output files are sorted into three categories: raw data, pre-processed data, and analysis (po...
Moraga, J. et al Colorado School of Mines
Apr 27, 2021
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Revised 2016 Combined Risk Factor Analysis
This submission contains information used to compute the combined risk factors for deep geothermal energy opportunities in the Appalachian Basin, in the context of a the Play Fairway Analysis project. The risk factors are sedimentary rock reservoir quality, thermal resource qualit...
E., T. Cornell University
Nov 15, 2016
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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A Hydrogeochemical Analysis of Geothermal Resources in the State of Hawaii
The University of Hawaii at Manoa conducted a Play Fairway Analysis of the state of geothermal potential for the islands. Phase I included the aggregation of all existing geologic, geophysical and geochemical data available. A probability model incorporating heat, fluid, and perme...
Tachera, D. University of Hawaii
May 01, 2018
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Practices Maintain Straight Hole in Crooked Hole Conditions, While Also Enabling Significant Gains in Drill Rate
Bottom hole assembly (BHA) designs were assessed in field trials for their ability to achieve critical low inclination requirements, while simultaneously enabling high drill rates. Because angle has historically been controlled by reducing weight on bit (WOB), these are often com...
Knudsen, S. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Apr 30, 2014
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Utah FORGE 6-3712: Report on a Data Foundation for Real-Time Identification of Microseismic Events
This submission is a technical report for the Probabilistic Estimation of Seismic Response Using Physics Informed Recurrent Neural Networks project. The report describes the process of extracting events from the borehole seismic sensors. To be effective once deployed, the process ...
Williams, J. et al Global Technology Connection, Inc.
Jan 21, 2025
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock
The United States is embarking on an ambitious transition to a 100% clean energy economy by 2050, which will require improving the flexibility of electric grids. One way to achieve grid flexibility is to shed or shift demand to align with changing grid needs. To facilitate this, i...
Wilson, E. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Oct 14, 2021
8 Resources
2 Stars
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8 Resources
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National Brackish Groundwater Assessment 2017
Brackish groundwater (BGW), defined for this assessment as having a dissolved-solids concentration between 1,000 and 10,000 milligrams per liter, is an unconventional source of water that may offer a partial solution to current (2016) and future water challenges. In support of the...
Qi, S. and Harris, A. United States Geological Survey
Apr 05, 2017
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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Utah FORGE 3-2535: Building a 3D Resistivity Model for Simulation and Survey Design of EM Measurements
The included report outlines the creation of three 3D resistivity models that will be used to determine the sensitivity of EM measurements for the hypothetical stimulated reservoir at FORGE as well as for EM survey design. FORGE project 3-2535 is planning on using a casing source ...
Alumbaugh, D. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Dec 01, 2022
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Subsurface Temperature Profile
High resolution fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing logs from the Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP) in Decatur, IL were used to model the thermal profile in the Illinois Basin.
Lin, Y. et al University of Illinois
Jun 13, 2018
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Long-run Marginal CO2 Emission Rates Workbooks for 2020 Standard Scenarios Cambium Data
This dataset has been superseded by a new set of workbooks that can be found here: These workbooks contain modeled estimates of long-run marginal CO2 emission rates (LRMER) for the contiguous United States. The LRMER is an estimate of the...
Gagnon, . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Aug 12, 2021
12 Resources
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12 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Low-Income Energy Affordability Data LEAD Tool 2022 Update
The Low-Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) Tool was created by the Better Building's Clean Energy for Low Income Communities Accelerator (CELICA) to help state and local partners understand housing and energy characteristics for the low and moderate-income (LMI) communities t...
Ma, O. and Vimont, A. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Aug 01, 2024
63 Resources
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63 Resources
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Nevada Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis Regional Data
This project focused on defining geothermal play fairways and development of a detailed geothermal potential map of a large transect across the Great Basin region (96,000 km2), with the primary objective of facilitating discovery of commercial-grade, blind geothermal fields (i.e. ...
Faulds, J. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Oct 28, 2015
47 Resources
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47 Resources
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