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Thermostatic Radiator Valve Evaluation and Demonstration
A large stock of multifamily buildings in the Northeast and Midwest uses hot water or steam for space heating. Typically, residents do not pay for heat directly (i.e., heating fuel serves a central plant and use is not submetered). Losses from these systems are typically high, and...
Dentz, J. and Ansanelli, E. The Levy Partnership, Inc Systems Building Research Alliance
Apr 27, 2016
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2 Resources
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Snake River Plain Play Fairway Analysis: Phase 2 Report and Phase 3 Proposal
This report presents the results of Phase 2 of the Snake River Plain Play Fairway Analysis project, and a summary of proposed work for Phase 3. Phase 2 focused on new data collection in specific areas of interest identified in Phase 1. These data include new magnetotelluric, seism...
Shervais, J. et al Utah State University
Sep 05, 2017
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1 Resources
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Simplified Space Conditioning in Low-Load Homes
TO3 2.1.6: Simplified Space Conditioning
IBACOS anticipates that houses achieving 50% whole-house source energy savings with respect to the Building America 2010 Benchmark (Hendron and Engebrecht 2010a) will be considered "low load." Low load is defined by IBACOS as a house with ...
Poerschke, A. and Stecher, D. Ibacos Innovation
Apr 27, 2016
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2 Resources
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Alum Innovative Exploration Project (Ram Power Inc.)
Data generated from the Alum Innovative Exploration Project, one of several promising geothermal properties located in the middle to upper Miocene (~11-5 Ma, or million years BP) Silver Peak-Lone Mountain metamorphic core complex (SPCC) of the Walker Lane structural belt in Esmera...
Miller, C. Ram Power, Inc.
Jan 01, 2010
14 Resources
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14 Resources
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Appalachian Basin Temperature-Depth Maps and Structured Data in support of Feasibility Study of Direct District Heating for the Cornell Campus Utilizing Deep Geothermal Energy
This dataset contains shapefiles and rasters that summarize the results of a stochastic analysis of temperatures at depth in the Appalachian Basin states of New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. This analysis provides an update to the temperature-at-depth maps provided in the...
Smith, J. Cornell University
Oct 29, 2019
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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Illinois High Resolution Wind Resource
Annual average wind resource potential of Illinois at a 50 meter height.
This data set was produced and validated by NREL using their WRAM model. This shapefile was generated from a raster dataset with a 1000 m resolution, in a Transverse Mercator projection with the following ...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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ALFA Biological Monitoring Density Values South Energy Test Site, Newport, Oregon
Density values from active acoustic measurements at South Energy Test Site. This data correspond to a bottom mounted upward-looking WBAT, deployed from April 19th to September 30th. Samples (175 pings) were collected hourly at 1Hz.
Horne, J. Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Apr 11, 2017
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2 Resources
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Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical Modelling of Stockton University Reservoir Cooling System, Large Scale Grid
Mesh, properties, initial conditions, injection/withdrawal rates for modeling thermal, hydrological, and mechanical effects of fluid injection to and withdrawal from ground for Stockton University reservoir cooling system (aquifer storage cooling system), Galloway, New Jersey, on ...
Smith, J. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Feb 26, 2021
15 Resources
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15 Resources
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Utah FORGE: 2019 ARMA Overview Slide Presentation
This is an overview presentation of the Utah FORGE project given by Joseph Moore, Ph.D., at the 2019 American Rock Mechanics Associate meeting. It details the state of the Utah FORGE project at on 8/17/2019.
Moore, J. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Aug 17, 2019
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1 Resources
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2D Seismic Profiles, Nevada Play Fairway Granite Springs Valley
This data is associated with the Nevada Play Fairway project and contains 2D seismic profile data in cropped jpegs and tiffs, both interpreted and uninterpreted. Seismic data owned or controlled by Seismic Exchange, Inc.; interpretation is that of the University of Nevada, Reno.
Faulds, J. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Sep 14, 2017
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2 Resources
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Resource Analysis for Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study in East Texas, Part 2
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Southern Methodist University Geothermal Laboratory, Eastman Chemical, Turbine Air Systems, and the Electric Power Research Institute are evaluating the feasibility of using geothermal heat to improve the efficiency of natural gas power pl...
Richards, M. et al Southern Methodist University
Mar 01, 2019
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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Data from USGS World Petroleum Assessment (2000)
This is the supporting data for the USGS World Petroleum Assessment, published in 2000. The assessment is the result of a five year effort to estimate the quantities of conventional oil, gas, and natural gas liquids outside the US that have the potential to be added to the reserve...
Hallett, K. and USGS, . National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 30, 2000
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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JodiOil World Database (Jan 2002 Jan 2011)
The JodiOil World Database is freely available from the [Joint Organisations Data Initiative (JODI)]( "JODI website") and is updated on or around the 20th of each month. The database consists of: _Seven product categories_ (crude oil, LPG, gasoline, kerosen...
Hallett, K. and JODI, . National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2004
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical Modelling of Stockton University Reservoir Cooling System, Fine Scale Stress Test Modelling
Mesh, properties, initial conditions, injection/withdrawal rates for modelling thermal, hydrological, and mechanical effects of fluid injection to and withdrawal from ground for Stockton University reservoir cooling system (aquifer storage cooling system), Galloway, New Jersey, fo...
Smith, J. et al Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Feb 22, 2021
14 Resources
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14 Resources
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Multi-Sensor Object Detection Data from Infrastructure Sensors Deployed at Traffic Intersections in the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
The dataset provided here was collected as a part of the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) project, where the City of Colorado Springs (Colorado, USA) and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) collaborat...
Sandhu. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Mar 11, 2025
6 Resources
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6 Resources
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United States High Resolution Biomass (2008)
Biomass resource potential for the lower 48 states of the United States of America.
Estimated technical biomass resources available in the United States by county. The following feedstock categories are considered for this study: crop residues, methane emissions from manure man...
Langle, N. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
3 Resources
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3 Resources
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CalWave Device Behavior in Different Sea States from Scaled Tank Testing
This submission contains a summary of tank test derived WEC device behavior in different irregular sea states.
CalWave sought to conduct experimental tank testing of scaled prototype units early on in the design process to obtain a first estimation of device performance for sea ...
Boerner, T. and Murray, B. CalWave Power Technologies Inc.
Mar 30, 2018
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1 Resources
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Admiralty Inlet Hub-Height Turbulence Measurements from June 2012
This data is from measurements at Admiralty Head, in Admiralty Inlet. The measurements were made using an IMU equipped ADV mounted on a mooring, the 'Tidal Turbulence Mooring' or 'TTM'. The inertial measurements from the IMU allows for removal of mooring motion in post processing....
Kilcher, L. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 18, 2012
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Efficiency and Demand Flexibility in Large Office Buildings
Data is associated with Report "Efficiency and Demand Flexibility in Large Office Buildings" by Joyce McLaren, Thomas Bowen, and Chioke Harris ( Results are created from repos GEB_ECM_Impact_Estimator (
McLaren. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jan 13, 2023
51 Resources
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51 Resources
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Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Computed Tomography (CT)-scanned data Analysis for the Tuscarora Sandstone at the National Energy Technology Laboratory
The computed tomography (CT) facilities at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Morgantown, West Virginia site were used to characterize core of the Tuscarora Sandstone from a vertical well in Preston County WV, the Preston-119 from a depth of 7,165 to 7,438 ft. The pr...
Brown, S. et al West Virginia University
Jan 10, 2020
11 Resources
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11 Resources
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Exploration Gap Assessment (FY13 Update)
This submission contains an update to the previous Exploration Gap Assessment funded in 2012, which identify high potential hydrothermal areas where critical data are needed (gap analysis on exploration data).
The uploaded data are contained in two data files for each data catego...
Esposito, A. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sep 30, 2013
36 Resources
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36 Resources
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Structural Controls of the Neal Hot Springs Geothermal System, Eastern Oregon
Detailed geologic mapping (1:24,000 scale), structural and geochemical analyses, and integration of available geophysical and well-field data were utilized to assess the structural controls of the Neal Hot Springs geothermal field in eastern Oregon. The geothermal field lies withi...
Edwards, J. and Faulds, J. University of Nevada
May 31, 2013
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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Fallon FORGE: Distinct Element Reservoir Modeling
Archive containing input/output data for distinct element reservoir modeling for Fallon FORGE. Models created using 3DEC, InSite, and in-house Python algorithms (ITASCA). List of archived files follows; please see 'Modeling Metadata.pdf' (included as a resource below) for addition...
Blankenship, D. et al Sandia National Laboratories
Mar 12, 2018
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Modeling and Performance Data for Heaving Buoy Wave Energy Converter with a Compressible Degree of Freedom (CDOF)
Modeling and performance data in Matlab data file (.mat) containing 3 structures (WEC model, simRes_sr and simRes_fix), and a pdf document describing the model, the simulations, and the analysis that has been carried out.
Bacelli, G. Sandia National Laboratories
Sep 28, 2016
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2 Resources
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ALFA MHK Biological Monitoring Stationary Deployment South Energy Test Site, Newport, Oregon
Acoustic backscatter data from a WBAT operating at 70kHz deployed at PMEC-SETS from April to September of 2016. 180 pings were collected at 1Hz every two hours, as part of the Advanced Laboratory and Field Arrays (ALFA) for Marine Energy project.
Data was subject to preliminary pr...
Horne, J. Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Oct 01, 2016
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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