Utah FORGE: 2019 ARMA Overview Slide Presentation
This is an overview presentation of the Utah FORGE project given by Joseph Moore, Ph.D., at the 2019 American Rock Mechanics Associate meeting. It details the state of the Utah FORGE project at on 8/17/2019.
Citation Formats
Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah. (2019). Utah FORGE: 2019 ARMA Overview Slide Presentation [data set]. Retrieved from https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1209.
Moore, Joseph, and . Utah FORGE: 2019 ARMA Overview Slide Presentation . United States: N.p., 17 Aug, 2019. Web. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1209.
Moore, Joseph, & . Utah FORGE: 2019 ARMA Overview Slide Presentation . United States. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1209
Moore, Joseph, and . 2019. "Utah FORGE: 2019 ARMA Overview Slide Presentation ". United States. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1209.
@div{oedi_7341, title = {Utah FORGE: 2019 ARMA Overview Slide Presentation }, author = {Moore, Joseph, and .}, abstractNote = {This is an overview presentation of the Utah FORGE project given by Joseph Moore, Ph.D., at the 2019 American Rock Mechanics Associate meeting. It details the state of the Utah FORGE project at on 8/17/2019.}, doi = {}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1209}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2019}, month = {08}}
Data from Aug 17, 2019
Last updated Apr 13, 2021
Submitted Mar 24, 2020
Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Gosia Skowron
Original Source
https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1209Research Areas
geothermal, energy, Utah FORGE, FORGE, AMRA slides, Utah FORGE presentation, 2019 AMRA presentation, EGS, project overview, overview, characteristics, criteria, geology, geologic overview, well 58-32, stratigraphy, lithology, fractures, FMI log, stress, injection, stimulation, monitoring, instrumentation, equipment, failure, activitiesDOE Project Details
Project Name Utah FORGE
Project Lead Lauren Boyd
Project Number EE0007080