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Pacific Marine Energy Center, OR South Energy Test Site, Wave Measurements
TRIAXYS data from the NNMREC-SETS, for Nov. 2014 Jan. 2015, and May 2015 Dec. 2015. The data consists of: Date, Time, significant wave height (1 hour average), significant wave period (1 hour average).
Von, A. Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Jun 06, 2016
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LCOE Analysis of Surge-Mode WEC
Spreadsheet which provides estimates of reductions in Levelized Cost of Energy for a surge-mode wave energy converter (WEC). This is made available via adoption of the advanced control strategies developed during this research effort.
Staby, B. Resolute Marine Energy, Inc.
Mar 07, 2017
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1 Resources
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TEAMER AquaHarmonics High Fidelity WEC Sim PTO and Control Model Validation, Test Logs and Results
Collaborative effort between AquaHarmonics, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to revise and validate Aquaharmonics' full wave to wire model, allowing for reduced uncertainty and increased understanding of design requirements of...
Hagmuller, A. et al AquaHarmonics, Inc.
Dec 16, 2021
9 Resources
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9 Resources
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Heavy-Duty Electric Fleet Depot Charging Load Profiles & Substation Load Integration Assessment Results
This data set includes the 24-hour fleet depot charging load profiles (15-min. average demand) and substation load integration assessment results produced for the study, "Heavy-Duty Truck Electrification and the Impacts of Depot Charging on Electricity Distribution Systems", publi...
Borlaug, . et al Center for Integrated Mobility Sciences
Apr 20, 2021
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4 Resources
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Regional Geologic Map
Shaded relief base with Hot Pot project area, generalized geology, selected mines, and major topographic features
Lane, M. Oski Energy LLC
Jun 28, 2013
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2 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Earthquake Catalog
This is the set of earthquake catalogs developed for the Utah FORGE project covering December of 2016 through March of 2018. These are discussed in the "Utah FORGE Phase 2B Final Topical Report," which can be found on GDR under id: 1038 (See link 'Final Topical Report' in resource...
Pankow, K. Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Mar 21, 2018
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Geocellular Modeling
This submission includes 3-D geocellular model files with formation top and formation thickness data for the St. Peter and Mt. Simon Sandstones in University of Illinois Deep Direct-Use project area. An input parameters file is also included for the St. Peter Sandstone.
Damico, J. University of Illinois
May 07, 2018
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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WHOLESCALE: Coordinates of wells at San Emidio, Nevada
This dataset includes position coordinates and elevation information for wells at the WHOLESCALE San Emidio project location. Well positions in the attached file are characterized by UTM coordinates (Easting, Northing) in meters, and WHOLESCALE coordinates (Easting, Northing) rel...
Cardiff, M. et al University of Wisconsin Madison
Sep 25, 2023
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1 Resources
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Smart Grid Data from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Projects
The data provided in this Excel spreadsheet is the final data that was collected through the Smart Grid Data Hub and provided by the individual Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG) project recipients. The project recipients represent utilities from across the country who received f...
Brodt-Giles, D. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 02, 2015
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2 Resources
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Sharing the Sun Community Solar Project Data
This database represents a list of community solar projects, as well as the low-income (LI) and low and moderate-income (LMI) provisions for both complete and pending projects identified through various sources. The dataset is updated multiple times per year. The current version i...
Xu, . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Aug 30, 2024
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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Anemometer Data (Wind Speed, Direction) for Beloit, Kansas (2003 2004)
Wind data collected from Beloit, Kansas from a 20-meter anemometer as part of the Western Area Power Administration anemometer loan program. Ten-minute average wind speed and direction is available for 2003 and 2004. The data was originally made available by Wind Powering America,...
Hallett, K. and (EERE), O. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Renewable Energy Cost Database
The database is a compilation of existing cost data for wind, solar photovoltaic (solar PV), solar thermal (CSP), and geothermal energy technologies, including historical costs and projected costs for each. The data sources and references used to compile this information are inclu...
Hill, G. and Agency, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 31, 2009
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2 Resources
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ALFA Biological Monitoring Density Values South Energy Test Site, Newport, Oregon
Density values from active acoustic measurements at South Energy Test Site. This data correspond to a bottom mounted upward-looking WBAT, deployed from April 19th to September 30th. Samples (175 pings) were collected hourly at 1Hz.
Horne, J. Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Apr 11, 2017
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2 Resources
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LCOE Baseline for Wave Carpet WEC Device
This is an LCOE (levelized cost of energy) baseline assessment for the Wave Carpet.
Previsic, M. et al Re Vision Consulting
Jul 26, 2017
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2 Resources
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MHK Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) Guidance and Techo Economic Analysis Materials
Useful information and tools for calculating the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) and MHK Cost Breakdown Structure. Includes a structure for calculating the capital expenditures and operating costs of a marine energy technology or device, reference resource data for both wave and ...
Jenne, S. and Baca, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 08, 2019
7 Resources
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7 Resources
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Utah FORGE Project 5-2615: Laboratory Data for Insights on Hydraulic Fracture Closure and Stress Measurement
This dataset includes data from injection/fall-off experiments conducted in controlled laboratory settings. The aim is to investigate the physics governing fracture closure and the associated stress measurements during hydraulic fracturing. These time series data include flow rat...
Ye, Z. and Ghassemi, A. The University of Oklahoma
Jun 12, 2024
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5 Resources
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Newberry EGS Demonstration: Well 55-29 Stimulation Data 2014
The Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration in central Oregon, a 5 year project begun in 2010, tests recent technological advances designed to reduce the cost of power generated by EGS in a hot, dry well (NWG 55-29) drilled in 2008. First, the stimulation pumps used were designed to ru...
Cladhouhos, T. et al AltaRock Energy Inc
Sep 03, 2015
54 Resources
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54 Resources
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StingRAY Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis: WEC Risk Registers
Analysis method to systematically identify all potential failure modes and their effects on the Stingray WEC system. This analysis is incorporated early in the development cycle such that the mitigation of the identified failure modes can be achieved cost effectively and efficient...
Rhinefrank, K. Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.
Jul 25, 2016
18 Resources
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18 Resources
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Fluid Geochemistry, Granite Springs Valley, Nevada Play Fairway Analysis
This data set is associated with the Nevada Play Fairway project. Excel file 5-Area Chem contains all the major chemistry for the areas sampled in the project. New analyses are in lines 2-30, while older analyses appear below that. Field Data excel file contains both field notes a...
Faulds, J. Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Sep 14, 2017
5 Resources
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5 Resources
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Operational water consumption and withdrawal factors for electricity generating technologies
This dataset is from the report _Operational water consumption and withdrawal factors for electricity generating technologies: a review of existing literature_ (J. Macknick, R. Newmark, G. Heath and K.C. Hallett) and provides estimates of operational water withdrawal and water con...
Hill, G. and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
4 Resources
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4 Resources
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Summary World Solar Energy Data (from World on the Edge)
This dataset presents summary information related to world solar energy. It is part of a supporting dataset for the book World On the Edge: How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse by Lester R. Brown, available from the [Earth Policy Institute](
Hallett, K. and Institute, E. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jan 11, 2011
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2 Resources
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Simbol Materials Lithium Extraction Operating Data From Elmore and Featherstone Geothermal Plants
The data provided in this upload is summary data from its Demonstration Plant operation at the geothermal power production plants in the Imperial Valley. The data provided is averaged data for the Elmore Plant and the Featherstone Plant. See average brine composition tab for submi...
Harrison, S. Simbol, Inc
Jul 01, 2015
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1 Resources
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Wave Classification Statistical Data for US Waters
Wave statistics computed using output from the NOAA WWIII hindcast simulations, spanning thirty years from 1980 to 2009. The statistics are computed based on frequency-directional variance density spectra every three hours for 1951 locations in US waters.
Haas, K. Georgia Tech Research Corporation
Sep 21, 2016
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1 Resources
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Coordinated Control of Tidal Cross-flow Turbines
Initial laboratory experiments with coordinated phase control of cross-flow turbines in a dense array.
Polagye, B. University of Washington
Dec 06, 2016
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5 Resources
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Techno-Economic Optimization of the SurgeWEC Device
This is the post-access report for a Teamer-funded effort to optimize the SurgeWEC device, a near-shore pivoting flap wave energy conversion device used to desalinate water. Parametrically driven cost and performance models enabled an integrated optimization approach at the farm s...
Previsic, M. Re Vision Consulting
Feb 20, 2022
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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