Simbol Materials Lithium Extraction Operating Data From Elmore and Featherstone Geothermal Plants
The data provided in this upload is summary data from its Demonstration Plant operation at the geothermal power production plants in the Imperial Valley. The data provided is averaged data for the Elmore Plant and the Featherstone Plant. See average brine composition tab for submitted compositional data. Included is both temperature and analytical data (ICP_OES). Provided is the feed to the Simbol Process, post brine treatment and post lithium extraction.
Citation Formats
Simbol, Inc. (2015). Simbol Materials Lithium Extraction Operating Data From Elmore and Featherstone Geothermal Plants [data set]. Retrieved from
Harrison, Stephen, and . Simbol Materials Lithium Extraction Operating Data From Elmore and Featherstone Geothermal Plants. United States: N.p., 01 Jul, 2015. Web. doi: 10.15121/1196287.
Harrison, Stephen, & . Simbol Materials Lithium Extraction Operating Data From Elmore and Featherstone Geothermal Plants. United States.
Harrison, Stephen, and . 2015. "Simbol Materials Lithium Extraction Operating Data From Elmore and Featherstone Geothermal Plants". United States.
@div{oedi_6802, title = {Simbol Materials Lithium Extraction Operating Data From Elmore and Featherstone Geothermal Plants}, author = {Harrison, Stephen, and .}, abstractNote = {The data provided in this upload is summary data from its Demonstration Plant operation at the geothermal power production plants in the Imperial Valley. The data provided is averaged data for the Elmore Plant and the Featherstone Plant. See average brine composition tab for submitted compositional data. Included is both temperature and analytical data (ICP_OES). Provided is the feed to the Simbol Process, post brine treatment and post lithium extraction. }, doi = {10.15121/1196287}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2015}, month = {07}}
Data from Jul 1, 2015
Last updated Jul 10, 2017
Submitted Jul 8, 2015
Simbol, Inc
Stephen Harrison
Original Source Areas
geothermal, Salton Sea, Elmore, Featherstone, Lithium, Mineral Extraction, ICP-OES, Brine treatment, Fetherstone, Simbol Materials, extraction, imperial valley, brine, brine composition, demonstration, chemistry, water chemistry, geochemistryDOE Project Details
Project Name Technologies for Extracting Valuable Metals and Compounds from Geothermal Fluids
Project Lead Mike Weathers
Project Number EE0002790