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Penn State Lab Testing Fluid-Rock Interaction in Geothermal Reservoirs
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Brady's Geothermal Field DAS and DTS Surface and Borehole Array Metadata
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University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study Preliminary Geothermal Reservoir Model
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Renewable Electricity Procurement Options Data
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Transparent Cost Database: Generation, BioFuels, Vehicle Levelized Costs
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Appalachian Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Natural Sedimentary Reservoirs Data 2016 Revision
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Projecting California Light-Duty Vehicle Attributes (2019-2035): Appendix B
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Development of Integrated Screening, Cultivar Optimization, and Verification Research (DISCOVR)
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Subsurface Geological Information and Models in support of Feasibility Study of Direct District Heating for the Cornell Campus Utilizing Deep Geothermal Energy
27 Resources
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Geothermal Reservoir Simulation Results in support of Feasibility Study of Direct District Heating for the Cornell Campus Utilizing Deep Geothermal Energy
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Summer and Winter Precipitation in England and Wales: 1874 2009
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Solar Row Zero Energy Townhomes Boulder, CO
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Compiled Groundwater Chemistry Data and Identified Mineralogy for the Portland Basin CRBG Aquifer System as part of DDU Feasibility Study
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Estimated Proved and Unproved Oil and Gas Reserves, Gulf of Mexico: 2006
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Form EIA-411, “Coordinated Bulk Power Supply Program Report,”
The Form EIA-411, “Coordinated Bulk Power Supply Program Report,” collects information from the Nation’s power system planners about the electricity supply, both capacity and energy, that is needed to serve current demand and for future growth.
...6 Resources
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Advancing Replicable Solutions for High-Performance Homes in the Southeast JMC Patrick Square
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Artificial Intelligence for Robust Integration of AMI and Synchrophasor Data to Significantly Boost Solar Adoption
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Operational water consumption and withdrawal factors for electricity generating technologies
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Rare Earth Element Geochemistry for Produced Waters, WY
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MHK Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) Guidance and Techno-Economic Analysis Materials
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Snake River Plain Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis Project Active Source Seismic Data
21 Resources
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Geothermal Development and the Use of Categorical Exclusions Under NEPA
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SunShot Catalyst Datasets and Resources
7 Resources
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U.S. Wind Siting Regulation and Zoning Ordinances
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2021 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) Cost and Performance Data for Electricity Generation Technologies
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