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NREL 25-cm2 High-Pressure Low-Temperature Electrolysis Cell Hardware (Open Source)
This data resource describes an open-source cell hardware that enables low temperature electrolysis (LTE) testing at elevated pressures. Existing commercial options have several downsides when it comes to R&D testing. They are often not designed for repeated reassembly, may not be...
Wrubel, . et al Chemistry & Nanoscience Center
Nov 14, 2023
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WISE-CASING: DC Simulation at Containment and Monitoring Institute (CaMI), Calgary, Canada
For the model calculation we applied EM3D using completion diagram of CaMI site and a background resistivity consistent with the borehole logs. It was also important to use the accurate position of the return electrode. We note that for the data fit the code also incorporated we...
Wang, J. and Wilt, M. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Apr 30, 2019
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7 Resources
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Simplified Space Conditioning in Low-Load Homes
TO3 2.1.6: Simplified Space Conditioning
IBACOS anticipates that houses achieving 50% whole-house source energy savings with respect to the Building America 2010 Benchmark (Hendron and Engebrecht 2010a) will be considered "low load." Low load is defined by IBACOS as a house with ...
Poerschke, A. and Stecher, D. Ibacos Innovation
Apr 27, 2016
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Technoeconomics of Transported Geothermal Energy
This data set was used to calculate the technical potential and economic feasibility of transported geothermal energy, according to the methodology outlined in the final report included below.
Liu, X. et al Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Aug 10, 2016
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2 Resources
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September 2014 Dixie Valley DOE Production Report
DOE summary report of data, operations, outages, and curtailments in order to support the techno-economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at the Dixie Valley Geotherma...
Brown, D. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Sep 30, 2014
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1 Resources
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August 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Costs
Binary Costs and man-hour data supporting the technical and economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at the Dixie Valley Geothermal Power Plant.
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Aug 31, 2014
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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September 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Costs
Binary costs and man-hour data supporting the technical and economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at the Dixie Valley Geothermal Power Plant.
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Sep 30, 2014
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1 Resources
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December 2013 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Production Data Report
Summary report of data, operations, outages, and curtailments in order to support the techno-economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at the Dixie Valley Geothermal Po...
Brown, D. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Jan 10, 2014
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1 Resources
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February 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Production Data Report
Formal Report: Dixie Valley Binary DOE Report February 2014. Includes summary of data, operations, outages, and curtailments in order to support the techno-economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant f...
Brown, D. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Mar 11, 2014
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1 Resources
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March 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Production Data Report
Dixie Valley production data from March, 2014 Summary report of data, operations, outages, and curtailments in order to support the techno-economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-tempe...
Brown, D. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Mar 31, 2014
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1 Resources
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April 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Production Data Report
DOE Report for binary unit. Includes summary of data, operations, outages, and curtailments in order to support the techno-economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at ...
Brown, D. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
May 08, 2014
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1 Resources
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July 2014 Dixie Valley DOE Report
DOE Report Dixie Valley Binary project. Includes summary of data, operations, outages, and curtailments in order to support the techno-economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperatu...
Brown, D. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Jul 31, 2014
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1 Resources
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January-December 2013 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Production Data
Sensor data proving the technical and economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at the Dixie Valley Geothermal Power Plant.
Monthly data for 2013
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Jan 01, 2013
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1 Resources
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December 2013 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Cost Data
Cost and man-hour data supporting the technical and economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at the Dixie Valley Geothermal Power Plant.
Data for December 2013
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Dec 01, 2013
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1 Resources
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February 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Cost Data
Dixie Valley Binary Plant Monthly Costs from February, 2014. Includes cost and man-hour data demonstrating the technical and economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine a...
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Mar 10, 2014
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1 Resources
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March 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Monthly Cost Data
Services associated with Binary Unit. Costs have been stripped. Demonstrates the technical and economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at the Dixie Valley Geothermal ...
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Mar 31, 2014
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1 Resources
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July 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Costs
Dixie Valley Binary Costs reports. Includes cost and man-hour data supporting the technical and economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at the Dixie Valley Geothermal...
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Jul 31, 2014
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1 Resources
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2013 YTD Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Production Data
Sensor data proving the technical and economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at the Dixie Valley Geothermal Power Plant.
Monthly data for Jan 2013 October 7 2013
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Aug 07, 2013
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2 Resources
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January 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Production Data Report
DOE Report of the binary cycle production data from Dixie Valley for January, 2014. Includes summarized data, operations, outages, and curtailments in order to support the techno-economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from...
Brown, D. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Feb 05, 2014
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1 Resources
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August 2014 Dixie Valley Report Binary Cycle Production Data Report
Generation data from August associated with the binary unit at Dixie Valley. Includes summary of data, operations, outages, and curtailments in order to support the techno-economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a bin...
Brown, D. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Sep 10, 2014
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1 Resources
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March 2014 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Cost Data
Orders associated with binary unit. Includes cost and man-hour data supporting the technical and economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at the Dixie Valley Geotherma...
Lee, V. Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Apr 30, 2014
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Electrification Futures Study Flexible Load Profiles
This data set includes hourly profiles for flexible load developed for the Electrification Futures Study (EFS). The load profiles represent projected end-use electricity demand that is assumed to be flexible (i.e., can be shifted throughout a day) for various scenarios of flexibil...
Jadun, . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Feb 04, 2020
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3 Resources
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Updated U.S. Low-Temperature Heating and Cooling Demand by County and Sector
This dataset includes U.S. low-temperature heating and cooling demand at the county level in major end-use sectors: residential, commercial, manufacturing, agricultural, and data centers. Census division-level end-use energy consumption, expenditure, and commissioned power databas...
Oh, H. and Beckers, K. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dec 31, 2022
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6 Resources
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Utah FORGE: Phase 2C Topical Report
This is the topical report that wraps up the work and results achieved during Utah FORGE Phase 2C. The zip file includes several folders containing (1) an overview; (2) the results; (3) the lessons learned; and (4) the conclusions. It also contains a folder containing appendices i...
Moore, J. et al Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
Dec 11, 2019
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2 Resources
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Great Salt Lake Composition and Rare Earth Speciation Analysis
We have conducted aqueous speciation analyses of the Great Salt Lake (GSL) brine sample (Table 1) and a mock geo sample (Table 2) spiked with 1 ppb Tb and 100 ppb Tb. The GSL speciation (Figure 1) aligns with our basic speciation expectations that strong carbonate complexes would ...
Jiao, Y. et al Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Apr 19, 2017
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1 Resources
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