December 2013 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Cost Data
Cost and man-hour data supporting the technical and economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at the Dixie Valley Geothermal Power Plant.
Data for December 2013
Citation Formats
Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC. (2013). December 2013 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Cost Data [data set]. Retrieved from
Lee, Vitaly, and . December 2013 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Cost Data. United States: N.p., 01 Dec, 2013. Web. doi: 10.15121/1148788.
Lee, Vitaly, & . December 2013 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Cost Data. United States.
Lee, Vitaly, and . 2013. "December 2013 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Cost Data". United States.
@div{oedi_6616, title = {December 2013 Dixie Valley Binary Cycle Cost Data}, author = {Lee, Vitaly, and .}, abstractNote = {Cost and man-hour data supporting the technical and economic feasibility of utilizing the available unused heat to generate additional electric power from a binary power plant from the low-temperature brine at the Dixie Valley Geothermal Power Plant.
Data for December 2013}, doi = {10.15121/1148788}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2013}, month = {12}}
Data from Dec 1, 2013
Last updated May 30, 2017
Submitted Jan 15, 2014
Terra-Gen Sierra Holdings, LLC
Vitaly Lee
Original Source Areas
geothermal, binary, dixie valley, cost report, cost data, binary power plant, low temperature, brine, bottoming, supercritical cycle, binary cycle, costs, nevadaDOE Project Details
Project Name Recovery Act: Topic Area 2A: Geothermal Energy Production from Low-Temperature Resources - Dixie Valley Bottoming Binary Project
Project Lead Tim Reinhardt
Project Number EE0002860