CalWave Open Water Demonstration - PTO Belt Assessment & Test Report - Public
PTO (Power Take-Off) belt test and analysis report conducted under CalWave's Open Water Demonstration Award - EE0008097 - Belt Tradeoffs for Winch PTO. The report tests two types of belts: a high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) woven fiber belt and a steel cable polyurethane belt. The goal of the tests was to determine if belts could be used as an alternative to synthetic rope due to synthetic rope having poor cyclic bend over sheave (CBOS) performance. Both types of belts were mechanically tested to simulate the cycles PTO would undergo due to wave motion. The report includes the results of both tests as well as analysis of the two tests.
Citation Formats
CalWave Power Technologies Inc.. (2021). CalWave Open Water Demonstration - PTO Belt Assessment & Test Report - Public [data set]. Retrieved from
Kojimoto, Nigel, and Boerner, Thomas. CalWave Open Water Demonstration - PTO Belt Assessment & Test Report - Public . United States: N.p., 28 May, 2021. Web.
Kojimoto, Nigel, & Boerner, Thomas. CalWave Open Water Demonstration - PTO Belt Assessment & Test Report - Public . United States.
Kojimoto, Nigel, and Boerner, Thomas. 2021. "CalWave Open Water Demonstration - PTO Belt Assessment & Test Report - Public ". United States.
@div{oedi_8008, title = {CalWave Open Water Demonstration - PTO Belt Assessment & Test Report - Public }, author = {Kojimoto, Nigel, and Boerner, Thomas.}, abstractNote = {PTO (Power Take-Off) belt test and analysis report conducted under CalWave's Open Water Demonstration Award - EE0008097 - Belt Tradeoffs for Winch PTO. The report tests two types of belts: a high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) woven fiber belt and a steel cable polyurethane belt. The goal of the tests was to determine if belts could be used as an alternative to synthetic rope due to synthetic rope having poor cyclic bend over sheave (CBOS) performance. Both types of belts were mechanically tested to simulate the cycles PTO would undergo due to wave motion. The report includes the results of both tests as well as analysis of the two tests.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2021}, month = {05}}
Data from May 28, 2021
Last updated Jun 7, 2021
Submitted May 29, 2021
CalWave Power Technologies Inc.
Nigel Kojimoto
Original Source Areas
MHK, Marine, Hydrokinetic, energy, power, PTO, Belt, WEC, CalWave, Winch, CBOS, wave energy converters, Power Take Off, sheave, cyclic bend over sheave, HMPE, high modulus polyethylene, steel cable polyurethane, technology, material testing, material endurance testing, material, endurance, endurance testing, bend cycles, bending load, rotary power take off, woven fiberDOE Project Details
Project Name CalWave Design for PacWave
Project Lead Yana Shininger
Project Number EE0008097