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PetroQuip - Engineering Design and Specification Document for LBP and LP

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This document provides the applications, specifications, testing, materials, and running methods for the engineering team at PertoQuip to design the Locking Bridge Plug (LBP) and the Landing Profile (LP). This is the first step in developing a new tool for. The report includes application, operation, and specifications for the Locking Bridge Plug and Landing Profile developed by PetroQuip. Develop a Locking Bridge Plug (LBP) that isolates different internal sections (stages) of the casing by locating and sealing in a Landing Profile (LP) installed on and run with the casing. The LP can also be run as part of a full completion system with additional tools as needed (e.g. liner hanger, flow initiation toe sub). The system will be utilized in both the Cased and the Open-Hole applications.

Citation Formats

PetroQuip Energy Services. (2022). PetroQuip - Engineering Design and Specification Document for LBP and LP [data set]. Retrieved from https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1403.
Export Citation to RIS
Coon, Robert, and . PetroQuip - Engineering Design and Specification Document for LBP and LP. United States: N.p., 09 Feb, 2022. Web. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1403.
Coon, Robert, & . PetroQuip - Engineering Design and Specification Document for LBP and LP. United States. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1403
Coon, Robert, and . 2022. "PetroQuip - Engineering Design and Specification Document for LBP and LP". United States. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1403.
@div{oedi_7513, title = {PetroQuip - Engineering Design and Specification Document for LBP and LP}, author = {Coon, Robert, and .}, abstractNote = {This document provides the applications, specifications, testing, materials, and running methods for the engineering team at PertoQuip to design the Locking Bridge Plug (LBP) and the Landing Profile (LP). This is the first step in developing a new tool for. The report includes application, operation, and specifications for the Locking Bridge Plug and Landing Profile developed by PetroQuip. Develop a Locking Bridge Plug (LBP) that isolates different internal sections (stages) of the casing by locating and sealing in a Landing Profile (LP) installed on and run with the casing. The LP can also be run as part of a full completion system with additional tools as needed (e.g. liner hanger, flow initiation toe sub). The system will be utilized in both the Cased and the Open-Hole applications. }, doi = {}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1403}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2022}, month = {02}}


Data from Feb 9, 2022

Last updated Aug 3, 2022

Submitted Aug 2, 2022


PetroQuip Energy Services


Robert Coon



Robert Coon

PetroQuip Energy Services

Research Areas

DOE Project Details

Project Name Zonal Isolation Solution for Geothermal Wells

Project Lead William Vandermeer

Project Number 12409


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