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University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study - Design of Injection Well #1 (CCS1)

Publicly accessible License 

Includes specification sheet, wellbore geometry, and drilling fluids at section target depth associated with the design of Injection Well #1 (CCS1) for the Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP).

Citation Formats

University of Illinois. (2018). University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study - Design of Injection Well #1 (CCS1) [data set]. Retrieved from https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1062.
Export Citation to RIS
Greenberg, Sallie, and . University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study - Design of Injection Well #1 (CCS1). United States: N.p., 30 Mar, 2018. Web. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1062.
Greenberg, Sallie, & . University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study - Design of Injection Well #1 (CCS1). United States. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1062
Greenberg, Sallie, and . 2018. "University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study - Design of Injection Well #1 (CCS1)". United States. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1062.
@div{oedi_7216, title = {University of Illinois Campus Deep Direct-Use Feasibility Study - Design of Injection Well #1 (CCS1)}, author = {Greenberg, Sallie, and .}, abstractNote = {Includes specification sheet, wellbore geometry, and drilling fluids at section target depth associated with the design of Injection Well #1 (CCS1) for the Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP).}, doi = {}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/1062}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2018}, month = {03}}


Data from Mar 30, 2018

Last updated Jun 20, 2018

Submitted Apr 20, 2018


University of Illinois


Yu-Feng Lin



Sallie Greenberg

University of Illinois

Research Areas

DOE Project Details

Project Name Geothermal Heat Recovery Complex: Large-scale, Deep Direct-Use System in a Low-Temperature Sedimentary Basin

Project Lead Arlene Anderson

Project Number EE0008106


Submission Downloads