Chlorite Dissolution Kinetics at Variable pH and Temperatures up to 275C
FY13 annual report describing the calculations and results associated with the data and dissolution rate contained in "Chlorite Kinetic Dissolution Data and Rate" (linked below).
Citation Formats
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. (2013). Chlorite Dissolution Kinetics at Variable pH and Temperatures up to 275C [data set]. Retrieved from
Carroll, Susan A., and Smith, M. Chlorite Dissolution Kinetics at Variable pH and Temperatures up to 275C. United States: N.p., 01 Oct, 2013. Web.
Carroll, Susan A., & Smith, M. Chlorite Dissolution Kinetics at Variable pH and Temperatures up to 275C. United States.
Carroll, Susan A., and Smith, M. 2013. "Chlorite Dissolution Kinetics at Variable pH and Temperatures up to 275C". United States.
@div{oedi_6591, title = {Chlorite Dissolution Kinetics at Variable pH and Temperatures up to 275C}, author = {Carroll, Susan A., and Smith, M.}, abstractNote = {FY13 annual report describing the calculations and results associated with the data and dissolution rate contained in "Chlorite Kinetic Dissolution Data and Rate" (linked below). }, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2013}, month = {10}}
Data from Oct 1, 2013
Last updated Jul 6, 2021
Submitted Oct 1, 2013
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Susan Carroll
Original Source Areas
geothermal, chlorite, dissolution, kinetics, geochemistry, dissolution rate, report, chemical alteration, EGSDOE Project Details
Project Lead Greg Stillman
Project Number FY13 AOP 25727