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An Assessment of the Economic Potential of Offshore Wind in the United States from 2015 to 2030
Output data from an NREL report entitled "An Assessment of the Economic Potential of Offshore Wind in the United States from 2015 to 2030" (NREL/TP-6A20-67675), which analyzes the spatial variation of levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and levelized avoided cost of energy (LACE) to ...
Beiter. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 17, 2017
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Wind Energy Resource Data
NREL's Geographic Information System (GIS) team offers both a national wind resource assessment of the United States and high-resolution wind data. The national wind resource assessment was created for the U.S. Department of Energy in 1986 by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory and i...
Webmaster, . and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
1 Resources
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1 Resources
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California Quality-controlled Reanalysis and Observational Data for Buoy (120), Humboldt / Derived Data
This collection provides spatiotemporally paired reanalysis and satellite data to supplement the lidar buoy observations during the California deployments. Point time series of observed and reanalysis data are provided, using inverse distance weighting to geolocate ...
Sheridan, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Sep 30, 2020
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1 Resources
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California Quality-Controlled Reanalysis and Observational Data for Buoy (130), Morro Bay / Derived Data
This collection provides spatiotemporally paired reanalysis and satellite data to supplement the lidar buoy observations during the California deployments. Point time series of observed and reanalysis data are provided, using inverse distance weighting to geolocate ...
Sheridan, L. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Sep 30, 2020
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Surface Meteorological Station Astoria, OR (AST) Reviewed Data
A variety of instruments are used to measure various quantities related to meteorology, precipitation, and radiation near the Earth’s surface. Typically, a standard suite of instruments is deployed to monitor meteorological state variables.
**Data Details**
Gottas, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Oct 27, 2015
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station Forks, WA (FKS) Reviewed Data
A variety of instruments are used to measure various quantities related to meteorology, precipitation, and radiation near the Earth’s surface. Typically, a standard suite of instruments is deployed to monitor meteorological state variables.
**Data Details**
Gottas, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Oct 27, 2015
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station North Bend, OR (OTH) Raw Data
A variety of instruments are used to measure various quantities related to meteorology, precipitation, and radiation near the Earth’s surface. Typically, a standard suite of instruments is deployed to monitor meteorological state variables.
**Data Details**
Gottas, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Oct 03, 2016
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station North Bend, OR (OTH) Reviewed Data
A variety of instruments are used to measure various quantities related to meteorology, precipitation, and radiation near the Earth’s surface. Typically, a standard suite of instruments is deployed to monitor meteorological state variables.
**Data Details**
Gottas, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Oct 27, 2015
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station Astoria, OR (AST) Raw Data
A variety of instruments are used to measure various quantities related to meteorology, precipitation, and radiation near the Earth’s surface. Typically, a standard suite of instruments is deployed to monitor meteorological state variables.
**Data Details**
Gottas, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Oct 03, 2016
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1 Resources
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Surface Meteorological Station Forks, WA (FKS) Raw Data
A variety of instruments are used to measure various quantities related to meteorology, precipitation, and radiation near the Earth’s surface. Typically, a standard suite of instruments is deployed to monitor meteorological state variables.
**Data Details**
Gottas, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Oct 03, 2016
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1 Resources
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Simulated wind speed and initial conditions over the WFIP2 region: Cold-front (D01)
The purpose of this work is to assess the sensitivity of the forecast for turbine height wind speed to initial condition (IC) uncertainties over the Columbia River Gorge and Columbia River Basin for two typical weather phenomena: a local thermal gradient induced by a...
Liu, Y. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Aug 19, 2016
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Simulated wind speed and initial conditions over the WFIP2 region: Cold-front (D02)
The purpose of this work is to assess the sensitivity of the forecast for turbine height wind speed to initial condition (IC) uncertainties over the Columbia River Gorge and Columbia River Basin for two typical weather phenomena: a local thermal gradient induced by a...
Liu, Y. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Aug 19, 2016
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1 Resources
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Simulated wind speed and initial conditions over the WFIP2 region: Sea-breeze (D01)
The purpose of this work is to assess the sensitivity of the forecast for turbine height wind speed to initial condition (IC) uncertainties over the Columbia River Gorge and Columbia River Basin for two typical weather phenomena: a local thermal gradient induced by a...
Liu, Y. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Aug 15, 2016
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1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Simulated wind speed and initial conditions over the WFIP2 region: Sea-breeze (D02)
The purpose of this work is to assess the sensitivity of the forecast for turbine height wind speed to initial condition (IC) uncertainties over the Columbia River Gorge and Columbia River Basin for two typical weather phenomena: a local thermal gradient induced by a...
Liu, Y. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Aug 15, 2016
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1 Resources
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Radar 449MHz Astoria, OR (AST) Raw Data
A radar wind profiler measures the Doppler shift of electromagnetic energy scattered back from atmospheric turbulence and hydrometeors along 3-5 vertical and off-vertical point beam directions. Back-scattered signal strength and radial-component velocities...
Gottas, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Sep 02, 2015
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1 Resources
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Radar 449MHz Forks, WA (FKS) Raw Data
A radar wind profiler measures the Doppler shift of electromagnetic energy scattered back from atmospheric turbulence and hydrometeors along 3-5 vertical and off-vertical point beam directions. Back-scattered signal strength and radial-component velocities...
Gottas, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 22, 2015
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1 Resources
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Radar 449MHz North Bend, OR (OTH) Reviewed Data
A radar wind profiler measures the Doppler shift of electromagnetic energy scattered back from atmospheric turbulence and hydrometeors along 3-5 vertical and off-vertical point beam directions. Back-scattered signal strength and radial-component velocities...
Gottas, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Oct 14, 2015
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Radar 449MHz Astoria, OR (AST) Reviewed Data
A radar wind profiler measures the Doppler shift of electromagnetic energy scattered back from atmospheric turbulence and hydrometeors along 3-5 vertical and off-vertical point beam directions. Back-scattered signal strength and radial-component velocities...
Gottas, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Sep 02, 2015
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Publicly accessible
1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Radar 449MHz Forks, WA (FKS) Reviewed Data
A radar wind profiler measures the Doppler shift of electromagnetic energy scattered back from atmospheric turbulence and hydrometeors along 3-5 vertical and off-vertical point beam directions. Back-scattered signal strength and radial-component velocities...
Gottas, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Jul 23, 2015
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1 Resources
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Publicly accessible
Radar 449MHz North Bend, OR (OTH) Raw Data
A radar wind profiler measures the Doppler shift of electromagnetic energy scattered back from atmospheric turbulence and hydrometeors along 3-5 vertical and off-vertical point beam directions. Back-scattered signal strength and radial-component velocities...
Gottas, D. Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO)
Oct 14, 2015
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1 Resources
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NREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (SRRL): Baseline Measurement System (BMS), Golden, Colorado
The Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (SRRL) was established at the Solar Energy Research Institute (now NREL) in 1981 to provide continuous measurements of the solar resources, outdoor calibrations of pyranometers and pyrheliometers, and to characterize commercially available i...
Stoffel and AndreasNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
May 04, 2015
2 Resources
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2 Resources
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National Hydropower Asset Assessment Program
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) National Hydropower Asset Assessment Program (NHAAP) is an integrated energy, water, and ecosystem research and geospatial data integration effort for efficient,
Webmaster, . and Laboratory, O. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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Wind Turbine Gearbox Condition Monitoring Vibration Analysis Benchmarking Datasets
Wind turbine condition monitoring (CM) can potentially help the wind industry reduce turbine downtime and operation and maintenance (O&M) cost. NREL CM research has investigated various condition-monitoring techniques such as acoustic emission (AE specifically stress wave), vibrat...
Sheng, S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Mar 28, 2014
5 Resources
2 Stars
Publicly accessible
5 Resources
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Publicly accessible
2018 Annual Technology Baseline ATB Cost and Performance Data for Electricity Generation Technologies Interim Data Without Geothermal Updates
Each year since 2015 NREL has presented Annual Technology Baseline ATB in a workbook that contains detailed cost and performance data both current and projected for renewable and conventional technologies. The workbook includes a spreadsheet for each technology. This workbook prov...
Augustine. . et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jun 29, 2018
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1 Resources
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Energy Innovation Portal
About the Energy Innovation Portal. The Energy Innovation Portal is a one-stop resource for Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) technologies. This application enables users to locate technologies developed with DOE funding and available for lic...
Webmaster, . and Laboratory, N. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nov 25, 2014
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1 Resources
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