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In-Situ Process for Sorption and Stripping of Rare Earth Elements from Simulated Geothermal Brine
Description of a conceptual commercial process to remove rare earth elements (REEs) from geothermal brine, based on a small-scale laboratory experiment to load, strip, and regenerate a ligand-based media used to adsorb REEs from a simulated brine doped with known mineral concentra...
Stull, D. Tusaar Corp.
May 24, 2016
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REE Sorption Study of Seived 50 +100 Mesh Fraction of Media 1 in Brine 1 at Different Concentrations of REE at 70C
This dataset shows the sorption capacities of smaller grain size (-50 +100 mesh) of media #1 in brine #1 at different starting concentrations of REE's at elevated temperature of 70C. The experimental conditions are 2g of 50 +100 mesh media #1 to 150mL of REE solution at concentrat...
Garland, G. Tusaar Corp.
Jun 29, 2015
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Experimental Parameters Affecting Stripping of Rare Earth Elements from Loaded Sorptive Media in Simulated Geothermal Brines
Experimental results from several studies exploring the impact of pH and acid volume on the stripping of rare earth elements (REEs) loaded onto ligand-based media via an active column. The REEs in this experiment were loaded onto the media through exposure to a simulated geother...
Stull, D. Tusaar Corp.
May 24, 2016
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Shaker Test Results Comparing Rare Earth Element Sorption Between Natural and Doped Simulated Geothermal Brine
Shaker test data comparing rare earth element (REE) sorption onto Tusaar media between one natural geothermal brine and two simulated brines doped with known mineral concentrations.
Stull, D. Tusaar Corp.
May 24, 2016
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Comparison of Rare Earth Element Sorption Between Fresh and Partially Loaded Media Using Simulated Geothermal Brine
A study comparing the REE sorption characteristics of fresh ligand-based sorption media and media partially loaded with REEs when exposed to a simulated geothermal brine with known mineral concentrations, REE7. Sorption rates were tested using microcosm shaker tests. Results sugg...
Stull, D. Tusaar Corp.
May 24, 2016
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Method to Recover Media Ligand Losses During Sorption of Rare Earth Elements from Simulated Geothermal Brines
This document describes the method and results of an in-situ experiment used to confirm that ligand bleed from a sorptive media can be contained. The experiment focused on maintaining the media's sorption of rare earth elements (REE) obtained from a simulated geothermal brine dop...
Stull, D. Tusaar Corp.
May 24, 2016
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2 Resources
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